
Awakening in the Unknown

After Demian's exhilarating victory in the world fencing tournament, he stood atop the podium, basking in the applause and the joy of his hard-earned triumph. The grand arena seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly light, as if holding its breath for a moment of revelation.

And then it happened. Right before his eyes, an ethereal message materialized in front of him, its words glowing with an eerie luminance. The crowd fell silent, their cheers fading into stunned whispers. Demian read the message, his heart pounding:

"The System is coming to your world. Prepare for Ascension. You are to be teleported to the Tutorial."

" the what is coming?"

Before Demian could fully comprehend the gravity of these words, an irresistible force engulfed him. He raised his hand in a futile attempt to resist, but in an instant, he was torn from the podium, from the world of cheers and flashing cameras, and found himself on an isolated island, surrounded by the vast, untamed wilderness.

His senses reeled as he tried to make sense of this sudden and disorienting teleportation. The cheers of the crowd, the thrill of victory, all vanished.

As Demian stood on the flat expanse of the island, he surveyed his surroundings. The island was a mere 40 meters long and 30 meters wide, surrounded by a yawning abyss that seemed to devour all light. Below, there was nothing but darkness, an inky void that left him with a feeling of foreboding.

Above, the clear blue sky stretched endlessly, basking in the warmth of a brilliant sun. Its reassuring presence offered a stark contrast to the abyss that encircled the island. Demian couldn't help but wonder if this surreal landscape was even real.

As he looked around, he noticed other islands, similar to the one he stood on, scattered in the distance. The gap between them was significant, perhaps around 100 meters or more. These islands, like his own, were empty except for one detail: there were other people on them and even some had animals. They stood there, just as bewildered and lost as he was.

Demian's thoughts raced, and an inner monologue played in his mind:

"What is this place? How did I get here? The message... 'Prepare for Ascension.' Ascension to what? And where exactly am I? Are these people here part of this too? I must find answers, make sense of this. I have to understand what's happening and how to survive in this bewildering realm."

With resolve burning in his eyes, Demian began to approach the edge of the island, gazing into the infinite darkness below. He knew that whatever lay ahead, he would need to summon his courage and determination to navigate this strange place.