
Echoes of Ascension: God's Gambit

"In a world fueled by magic, where individuals possess elemental affinities towards fire, air, earth, water, lightning, light, darkness, and space, ancient gods select champions from diverse backgrounds. These chosen players are to engage in a game that will test their skills, alliances, and wit, all for the entertainment of the gods. As the players navigate a world where magic and physical prowess coexist, they must unravel the mysteries of their gifts, creatures, and unique affinities. With the line between magic and might blurred, friendships form, rivalries ignite, and unlikely alliances are forged. Amidst battles, challenges, and unexpected twists, these champions must decide their fate in a game where the gods themselves are the ultimate observers inspired by :Re-birth of the genius creator and destroyer Follow my insta for updates '_.heart.2to2_.heart'

Boredape4 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Elian Woodburn.

In a chemical warehouse somewhere, an intense fight seemed to be underway between an army and a group of terrorists attacking a man. The group of terrorists appeared to be transporting a barrel of some sort.

"Alpha, go stealth," a squad leader ordered. "Delta, push in," he added.

"Delta here, Roger that," replied the leader of Delta. He gave hand signals to his subordinates, and they crouched their way into the interior of the warehouse. The terrorist group began shooting at them while taking cover. The Delta group fired back.

"Alpha, pin them from behind," commanded the Alpha group. They attacked the terrorists from behind, forcing them to come out of their cover.

"The snakes are out, I repeat, the snakes are out. Release the eagle."

"Eagle, start aiming. Shoot on command."

The Eagles, a group of snipers, readied their firearms and began targeting the terrorists.

"Shoot," the commander ordered. The smell of gunpowder filled the air as the terrorists fell like flies.

The terrorist leader looked at the barrel and aimed his gun, shooting the barrel. The commander was flabbergasted at the leader's action.

"Fluid X has been breached. I repeat, Fluid X has been breached," the commander announced. "Release the mongoose."

The mongoose was a single-man team, not because the member was strong, but because he didn't engage in combat. He was chosen for his knowledge in chemistry.

He ran towards the barrel containing Fluid X. Fluid X was an extremely corrosive substance constantly undergoing redox reactions. It was developed for chemical warfare

The mongoose started the procedure to neutralize Fluid X.

Suddenly, they heard a loud missile sound heading towards them.

"Men, fall back," the commander ordered. The soldiers started running back. The mongoose was already busy with the procedure.

When he saw the missile, he was already too late, and he was hit by the impact of the missile at point-blank range.

"No, this is how I was supposed to die. I should have studied for a PhD in crystallography or something, gotten married, had two children, and died of old age. Why did I join the stupid military?" the mongoose said to himself.

"Do you want a second choice?" an almost ethereal voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere.

"i would love to have a second chance," half of his face was already blown to smithereens, and he held onto his life with sheer willpower.

A sort of energy engulfed his body, and he seemed to be taken to a white room.

"All you have to do for my gift is one thing," the voice continued.

"What is that?"

"Become the strongest "

"Who are you?"

"Huehuecóyotl, the Aztec god of balance."

In a distant place,

Inside a luxurious meeting room,

There were 13 people, each different from the other, exuding an air of arrogance and confidence.

"I can't believe three representatives were chosen from that backward region " a tall man with muscular physique and long hair, dressed in a flowing robe, said.

"Any god can pick their representative from any world as long as they are of the mortal realm," a one-handed man said, wearing armor.

"Enough chit-chat, Zeus," a man with four hands and blue skin, wearing an animal skin that covered only his torso, interrupted.

"Tyr and Heimdall will make sure all rules are held." he added

The one-handed god, Tyr, nodded.

"You're no fun, Shiva," Zeus retorted.

The one-handed god, Tyr, nodded.

"Here is the list of representatives," Heimdall announced.

"Tyr, one of the overseers, represented by Prakantaka Chola."

"A Chola, a devotee of Shiva, I believe. Aren't you worried he will hinder us if he realizes he may be against Shiva?" Zeus said sarcastically.

"Prakantaka Chola killed his own son due to his sense of justice. I know my player well, Zeus," Tyr replied.

"Heimdall, one of the overseers, represented by Marcus Aurelius."

"Huehuecóyotl, the Aztec god of balance, represented by Elian Woodburn."


A few minutes earlier, in the white room,

"You will be in a new world in a few seconds. Do not go by the rules of your old..."

"What new world? What?" Elian said.

"Now the gods aren't cold-hearted. This is my gift to you."

A whip of energy hit his face.

He started to lose his consciousness.

"And remember, defeat all others."

After a few seconds, his consciousness started coming back.

He heard loud cheering: "Kill, Kill, Kill..."

When he opened his eyes, he saw a large burly man holding a sword.

"Come at me, you punk!" the man yelled.

A blue screen appeared before him


Emergency mission:

Survive the opponent.

Reward: Memories of the current host.

Punishment: Death.


Eli himself was holding a sword. He was in a large coliseum-like structure.

The burly man ran towards Elian, swinging his sword. Elian dodged it by going towards the side. The man swung his fist towards him. Elian ducked, rolled, and swung his sword at the backside of the kneecap, making the man fall. The man grunted and forced himself to stand up by putting his weight on one leg. He continued to swing his sword, accidentally falling towards Elian. Elian held his sword while the man fell on him.

The warm blood covered him