
The Devil's Assistant Curse

Doctor Carol takes Christian laying him gently on a pile of blankets, placing the pillows behind his head, "Is he going to be okay?" Alex inquires watching him be wrapped and bundled in blankets.

"Let's get home fast as possible, I can't tell here." Doctor Carol explains, it's almost dawn Doctor Carol drives like a madman back to Steel's home.

Outside is a very modern structure outside, very spacious and large inside where multiple hallways lead to different rooms, small rooms, large rooms all full of vampires basking in each other's presence all chattering and conversing.

Doctor Carol races into the medical bay which is sealed off with a gate in front; Clarence sprints in to quickly open it.

"You can't go past the gate till Carol says so guys, I am sorry." Steel clarifies putting her arm out.

"No I understand I hope everything turns well…" Alex speaks disheartened standing at the gate; Alice pats him on the back.

"But I can take you to rest in the library, you must be tired." Steel states happily, "Follow me!"

She takes them to the space behind the bookcases, she goes to retrieve bedding.

"Alex...please tell me you trust me?" Alice confides in him sadly.

"You feel so familiar to me of course I trust you, have I done something wrong?" Alex asks wistfully taking her hand in his.

"I am just scared is all…"

"Were all scared, you and Christian mean the world to me, Alice." Alex forlornly smiled back at her, Steel comes in with a pull trolley loaded with bedding, and she helps them spread out the blankets and pillows.

Clarence knocks on the double door outside as they begin to lie down, "Oh Steel you are here."

"Any word on what's going on?"

"Of course they are guests after all."

"I would like to talk to Master Alex in private please," Clarence explains outstretching his hand for him to come; Alex gets up scurrying to reach the door.

"Why in private? What happened to Christian?"

He takes Alex beyond the gate locking it behind them he follows him back to one of the doors in the back where Christian is lying down on the bed heavily sedated, "Hello Alex, about Christian…"

Clarence shows Alex where to sit; Doctor Carol crosses his leg tipping forward-looking him in the eyes, "Y-y-yes?"

"You could have warned us that he had an attachment symbol, Alex."

"You never asked about him, you kind of just dashed off."

"Well his attachment decides to activate and almost whooped our ass…" Doctor Carol expresses irritated sifting through a small box on his desk pulling out a black medical eye patch setting it around his face.

"What are you doing?" Alex questions. "Attachment, what happened?"

"By turning him…his body is accepting the cursed mark as Devil Assistant." Doctor Carol states pointing at Clarence who gives him a bothered look back.

"I am simply a butler; I am not a Devil's Assistant like Christian," Clarence argues.

"Devils Assistant…this is going to take over his mind right?" Alex tries to probe for an answer.

"We may have him in a separate room for a short time…" Doctor Carol voices unpleasantly.

"I want to stay with him for now if possible, what is happening to him is my fault." Alex requests.

"Only if you can confidently work with him, Alex…" Clarence replies.

"Let me take him to the safe room, we can get cozy there." Doctor Carol declares lifting Christian up from the stretcher, Alex trails behind to a small room where Clarence hands him a key.

"We will tell your friend where you are in case she wishes to join." Doctor Carol gives his rundown letting Christian rest; Alex pulls a seat up letting his head set.

"If you need our help please tell us..." Clarence says calmly. They both leave Alex in the room alone with Christian whose eye is covered in an eye patch unsure of his fate.

Minutes later there is a knock on the door, "Alex…it's me." Alice tells, Alex opens the door, there is no one there, and he looks side to side closing the door behind locking the room for safety placing the key in his pocket.

He opens the library; Alice and Steel are sleeping soundly together. "Then…who was it?"

Alex closes the doors slowly turning his back against the door; he peaks around the corners and above unsure of what has happened.

He decides to walk back to the room sleeping on the chair beside Christian who wakes him up, Clarence opens the door checking on them, "Oh he is conscious all of sudden?"

"Am I not supposed to be?" Christian confusedly asks touching the eye patch on his face.

"Do not remove that, your other eye has been marked." Clarence states, "You attacked us."

"Attacked you?"

"I am afraid your curse has activated on your hand."

"Curse, what curse?