
Reaching you

Christian sits up gawking at the wall in a daze, he stumbles forward wobbling back and forth pushing his eye patch over his other eye after gathering it from the floor, "Where am I?"

"You are in Alex's room..." Trinity answers, "Is everything okay?"

Leaning his head against the bed he rubs his temples closing his eyes, "My head is rushing..."

"You were brainwashed and attacking us, James here canceled it through your marking."

"The woman, where she is Lady Trinity?"

Trinity looks down forlornly, "You mean the feeder that had been brought in?"

"Yes, please tell me, please tell me..."

"I am so sorry Christian..."

Getting off the bed she swaddles him with the warmth of her hug, he bows over to cry into his hands, she rubs his back as he cries harder out of guilt.

"Gavyn why did you do to this me?"

"He saw you can carry his will, you shouldn't be ashamed little one..." Trinity replies gently lifting his head, he grieves her loss suddenly remembering Alex.

Crawling to the bed he grabs Alex's hand, "He hasn't woken yet Lady Trinity?"

"No...I fear we may lose him soon..."

"Alex, don't give up in there please!" Christian cries out through his own despairs, he shakes his body.

"How dare you do this to me man, you can't leave us like this!"

"Stop Christian, being upset won't wake him!" Trinity scolds him, clutching him by his wrist.

Without warning Alex's fingers start to twitch slightly, "Christian...did you see that?"

"His fingers...he hears us!" Christian says excitedly, "Hey Alex, wake up already!"

James perks up realizing Alex is communicating, "Lady Trinity, use your motherly nature on him again!"

Her face reddens, she gets comfortable on the bed to hold him in her arms, she takes the blanket bundling him up, "James...he is still cold..." She says rubbing his fingers, massaging his palm.

"Sing to him, talk to him...it might be a false reaction," James responds watching them curiously, Christian jumps on the bed to sit beside Trinity trying her best to warm Alex up.

"Christian, don't jump on the bed!" She shouts, "You are hardly a child anymore!"

"Sorry about that Lady Trinity."He laughs, Trinity begins to stroke his arms and back, James crosses his arms joining them to get a better look.

Alex's fingers trembled as they curled around Trinity's, "Alex..." Trinity replies placing her hand to her face in tears, Christian slaps his hand on top of both of theirs.

He beams a big smile, "You can do it, Alex!"

"Christian, don't get so excited, it's amazing he can move anything with such a spell..." Trinity chides again, trying to stimulate his joints warming him up.

"A little more Lady Trinity please, if you can make a connection I can reach him!" James presses Trinity, she begins to hum softly laying her head down on his embracing Alex.

His head tilts into her chest, he coughs out; Trinity caresses his cheeks surprised.

"James, he has warmth now!" Trinity yells, "He has a chance to break the spell!"

"Keep him warm and safe, I think I can reach him...I feel something!" James says going back into his trance on the floor, Christian pats Alex bringing out another cover from the drawer to stick over top.

"Christian, is it possible to bring me some hot water for him?"

"Won't I be suspected...hmm I can try!"Christian replies snickering, "Time to pull the wool over on him."

Christian bolts out the door, Alex continues to choke out; he attempts to lift his arm in response dropping mid-way, "Fight please fight Alex..."

James's true form is able to walk freely inside his mental state, he has jet-black hair, long fluffy bangs that cover his ears, sort of built, his eyes an inky-charcoal all the way through.

He darts around pitch-dark surroundings following his senses to where Alex is located avoiding any passers with ease, reaching a spot slightly lit up with a dim glow.

Alex is covered in cobwebs standing on his knees, the silk webs covering almost the entirety of his body, his eyes closed where his head is hanging low touching his chin.

"Alex, I come to get you on behalf of your friends," James shouts grabbing hold of the sticky stuff gradually pulling everything down, he falls to the ground on his face.

"I heard them...calling me..." Alex said weakly, "How do you plan to get us out of here?"

Lifting Alex up on James's back, he starts to drag them both out shuffling along slowly, "Well.."


"I am not sure completely..."

"You came here without a plan to get out?"