
First day

Christian's first day was eventful as Dominique said it would be, one of the last visitors he would acquire would be a lady dressed in a red blouse and leather pants, her brown hair in a messy bun.

She yawns. Christian blushes staring at her long fangs protruding from her lips, she laughs realizing how intimidating she was being, "Hey are you scared?"She asks to chuckle.

He looks away embarrassed for a moment, she gently lays her hand on his lap, "It's just..."

"It's okay to be scared you know, you are brave for attempting to help a clan."

"This is bravery?"

"I mean why should it not be considered such a way?"

Tears leak down the side of his face, she cups his face with her hand wiping them away with her hand.

"Just take please..."

She almost did not how to react to Christian openly weeping in front of her, she had a deep sense of disturbance as though he did not truly wish to be here.

"Just relax please, my name is Janai please trust me..."

"Please spare me, it's okay I had signed for this after all Janai."

Christian shields his eyes with his hand offering his other palm to her, she smiles penetrating into his arm with her fangs.

Blood rushes down his arm by the time she was done with taking from him, she notices his face is pale, "Hey, are you okay?"

"I...am...just...fine!" Christian says less than confident, he bows forward into her bosom, she starts to freak out.

"I will get Chara, please don't go anywhere!"

Moving away from the bed she sprints to the door, Christian falls to the bed planting face-first into the blankets drifting off to sleep, the door opens to Chara and Janai who stood there panicking in the corridor.

Chara moves quickly to pull a passed-out Christian up to view his wound of congealed blood, she brings out a wrap bandage slowly binding his hand, "He is not used to this, he just started...give him time."

"So he is fine then?"

"You may leave if you wish, he is okay Janai."

Dominique slips past the door being wide open, he knocks on the side curiously in observation of Chara swaddling Christian's wrist, "Chara, is everything okay?"

"It's okay, Janai freaked out I think...it's like she forgot how to be human."

Christian gently comes to see Dominique in the room, "Welcome back to consciousness." Dominique crows in glee.

"You have two more visitors today Christian, please take it easy." Chara scolds.

"You must get used to this..." Dominique requests, Christian leans back against the frame of the bed pouting.

"Easy for you two to say!"Christian says defending himself, another knock scares them all.

Another tall member from the group stands towering at the door, Christian does not feel happy about this, "Welcome, do you need a drink?" He says in a cheerful tone of voice.

"Yes, I was scheduled in for today."

Chara and Dominique shuffle out the door quickly shutting it behind them while the new face he hasn't met yet sits beside him on the bed, he pushes him down gripping his shoulders, digging his nails deep into his skin.

He cries out repelled by how rough he is being suddenly treated, the man parts his collar burrowing his fangs into his neck, Christian wants to fight back but knows he clearly will not be helped.

They scold him for him not being used to it after only a day, the light of the moon glares at them from the open window curtain; the man finally withdraws helping Christian sit up.

"I am so sorry, I really had been too tired to hunt today..."

"It's okay after all I volunteered for this!" Christian spouted in laughter, "I am sure it's important!"

"I am working on finally becoming higher in the clan, but it requires a lot of knowledge."

"There are rankings systems in clans?"

"Most have one...but they require dedication like any church or mage guild."

"Mage guild? There is magick?"

"Of course there is, Chara is still magick gifted."

"Chara is gifted? Wait can I ask you a question?" Christian asks curiously, Alex ironically is strolling down the hall where Christians's door is.

He can hear Christian talking to someone, he places his ear against the door out of curiosity not sure what to expect.

"Sure what is it that you want to know?"

"What do you think of Alex as your new clan master soon?"

"He is too shy, he has never been on the same level as the rest of us."

"You do not find him on the same area of confidence as say, Dominique?"

"I am not really arguing about it since Alex was here longer than I was."

"So you don't hate him?"

"He is not a mischief-maker, but others in the group do dislike him...anyways..."


"I will see you later, please take care!"The man says pleasantly turning to leave, Alex tries to leap away before being seen, but he is caught eye to eye with this person.

His face reddens on impact, "Hello, I was coming for my scheduled taking!"He shouts nervously.

"So was you snooping on us or am I just imagining things?" The gentlemen snap grabbing him up by his turtle neck, Christian races to the door plunging to the floor instead.

"Christian!"Alex yells smacking the man's hands away, swiftly bolting over to his side.

"I am fine...I am just lightheaded."Christian responds, "Just help me get to bed please."

He swings his arm around Alex's shoulder using all his strength to amble to the bed, the man is shocked at how close they are already acting.

"Master Alex, are you acquainted already?"

"I met him before..."

"I see...I did not know you took relationships with humans Alex, how intriguing you are."

Alex's face twinges pink not once thinking about it, "I feel like you are insulting me."

"Excuse me, Christian needs to eat...good day Master Alex," Chara says with a grin on her face.

"Good day Lady Chara."The fellow replies leaving, Christian sits at the end of the bed with Alex; Chara hands him his meal and bottled water.

Looking at the meal sitting on his lap he sighs, he grabs the utensils gradually eating.

"Do you need help?" Chara asks.

"No...I am okay really." He answers dazed forlornly, Alex gets up proceeding to depart.

Christian clutches the bottom of his shirt, "I need to go..."

"I know...but if I am truly your future assistant at least let me be your friend first!"

"Christian, this can wait another day please..."

"One day you schedule to feed with me then!" Christian insists, "You owe me that!"

"Of all the people in the world, I would never feed on you."Alex puts bluntly leaving him silent.

Christian let's go, to set the meal on the nightstand, "Fine...then be my friend at the very least..."

"Master Alex he is your future assistant,"Chara argues.

"Fine, give me time to think it over please!"Alex yells, "I can't think with you two!"

Alex strolls to the door to exit abruptly immediately upon taking off he meets Dominique, the two are startled, "Of course you would learn about the new guy, you remember him right?"

"I would be blind to not recall him..."

"Now he is serving the clan only the best way a human can!" Dominique adds snatching Christian by the face squeezing his cheeks tightly between his fingers.

"Stop showing off and take what you need!" Alex roars, Dominique drops the act softly releasing his grip, but bitterly.

"Then I shall...I am the last one after all." Dominique announces furiously whipping the chains from the back of the bed, he instantly places the first restraint around Christians's neck, Alex becomes enraged watching as he places the next ones around his wrists.

"You are being unnecessary aren't you?" He growls after stating the fact. "Christian you need to speak up, please!

"Is little Alex intimidated by the fact I am using the chains?"Dominique counters plucking at the chains, Christian continues to say nothing somewhat frightened by how he will be handled if he tries to assert himself.

Chara tugs on Alex who is struggling against her, "Christian..."

"We must leave Master Alex..."

She pulls him out of the room involuntarily letting him go as soon as they reach outside of the door, he takes his arm back from her tight embrace, "I really hate that guy..."

"There is nothing we can do master Alex, please..."

"One day I am going to clobber him, he knows what is going on."

"For now we can only wait, you must be patient for Christian."