
Christian's reality

Christian is a small boy going shopping with his mother, "Christian be a good boy and tell me what would you like to eat today?"

He is excitedly jumping up and down, "I want pizza Mamma!" Christian shouts pulling on her skirt.

She dunks down to pat him on the head, "Alright let Mamma finish up shopping for the week."

"Okay, Mamma!" He proceeds to let go of her hand zooming to the next aisle where he catches sight of a man dressed in black, his blonde hair pinned into a man bun.

Something attracts Christian to trail behind him, the man only smiles lightly, "Well hello little one."

"Your aura is like a prism-like when I look into clear crystals it reflects rainbows."

For a moment he is astonished before grinning again, "If I trust you with something can you keep a secret?"

"You bet I can!"

He hunches down touching Christian's hands closing his eyes concentrating only on the child at hand.

Christian cries out as an indentation of an ankh burned into his palm, "You have been the only one."

"What is this?"

"You are only human now, but I have branded you with my protection…"

"So this is good luck?"

"Yes it is good luck and one day you will pay that luck back."

"Christian where are you, sweetie?" A voice calls out, "Christian!"

"Looks like your mother needs you, remember never talk about this good luck…" The man discloses with a wink, Christian turns to sprint after his Mom.

He looks back noting he is no longer there, he stares at his hand smirking at the mark.

Christian awakens gawking at his palm, "Christian, are you okay?" Alex quizzes, reaching for his hand, but Christian retracts trying to sit up.

"I met a vampire with the aura of a prism as a child…" Christian replies showing his hand.


"I only woke because I could feel them burning through my veins."

"That man was Gavyn I bet, but I never knew an assistant chose their next…"

"So that was the man's name, all I know is he was kind, but a child is never great at determining a person if a stranger is trustworthy or not."

Christian props himself up against the bed, Alex sets his meal on his lap with utensils.

"I beg you please tell me who hurt you?"

He begins to eat slowly despite how exhausted he feels, "I don't know Alex, he came in only wishing to bite from my palm, next I know it I am being flipped on the ground and beaten."

"What was he wearing?"

"He was cloaked most of the time, he wore a golden mask…I wasn't afraid till I had to clutch the bed, he was trying to drag me out of the window, but I passed out."

"I see…I will send that information out later."

"For now I will be here with you till you heal in any case."

Christian finishes placing the plate with the lid back on to set it on the night table grabbing the water to chug it down quickly.

"Alex…I have to admit."

"Admit what Christian?"

"I was too scared to look at the details on the contract..."

"Why did you not read it?"

"I was scared and even now I am scared." Christian answers softly gazing up at the ceiling slightly rocking back and both, Alex gets up staring at the door.

He flicks his hand out in a defensive stance, placing one hand on the floor focusing on the door.

"Shhh Christian…"

The footsteps shuffle past the door, Alex stands back relaxing again looking back at Christian sighing in relief. He smiles back feeling comforted seeing him grin back, "What was that?"

"I am not sure, but I am not going to let them take you…"

Christian holds the palm of his hand all of a sudden, "Alex…"

"Are you okay Christian?" Alex asks to watch as flames shoot from his palm engulfing Christian, he howls arching back on his knees in pain, and Alex leaps on the bed fanning the flames out with the blanket on the bed trying to smother the blaze but ends up burning brighter.

The flames burst the color white before radiating the prism of a rainbow where a figure catches Christian weakly looking at Alex, "Do you still deny my sacrifice, Alex?"

"So it is you…"

"Do not give me that tone; if you do not do something you will put your aid in danger!"

"Why I of all people Gavyn?"

"Silence, you need to claim his life before Dominique takes yours you fool!"

"Claim his life?"

Christian is cradled in the essence of a passionate blaze stuck surrounding his body, his eyes burn fractals like that of a kaleidoscope, the spectrum beams above him, "You have to take your power back!"

"But you are asking me to take a human life!"

"He has been destined by this mark alone; his life has changed by my making."

"What will happen if I refuse?"

"You dare make him suffer more than he has…coward…"

The flames dissolve dropping Christian to the bed, his eyes fluctuate back to normal, he squeezes his palm, "Alex…"

"Do not say it!" Alex stomps, "Don't you dare say it!"

"Alex, this is no time to be selfish anymore!" Christian yells, "

Alex looks at Christian like a deer caught in headlights for a couple of seconds, turning to the door enraged, "You don't know what you are talking about…you are…"

"So this will be the rest of my life, Alex…?"

"I...I…I don't know Christian."

Christian stumbles off the bed falling to the ground in an attempt to reach out; he pushes himself up from the ground using the bed as support, "Why did I come then?"

"That's your problem Christian…" Alex responds exiting, Chara and Dominique pass Alex in the hallway; their heads are hunched down cautiously as he passes through angrily.

Dominique wanders to the room speechless, "Christian, are you okay?"

He looks down at the bed not in the mood to talk, "I need help going to the bathroom…please."

"Of course, I will sit with you with you today then."

"You don't need to...I just need to use the bathroom is all unless you need blood…"

"If you are well enough and will allow it."

Christian's face reddens offering his hand up, "Take as much as you need…take all of it."

He bows down to allow Christian to swing his arm over Dominique's shoulder, they limp down the hall to the bathroom, he assists him sit down on the seat shutting the door behind him.

"So you and Alex had a fight?"

Christian doesn't answer at first giving a long pause, "It was nothing…"