
Echoes Of A Scarlet Hope

They say a red string of fate connects soulmates together But why didn't it happen earlier? Why now?

Kou_Supremacy · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

How it happened

Miya Atsumu, the guy on the other side of the court, and the guy Sakusa locked eyes a few times during their matches, but nothing significant transpired. Despite their encounters, they managed to secure a hard-fought victory. "Sakusa?" Atsumu called out, catching Sakusa's attention.

Sakusa turned his head to face the persistent setter, his curiosity piqued. "What do you want?" Sakusa asked, stepping closer to Atsumu, his gaze steady. Atsumu, still sweating, replied defiantly, "I'm gonna beat ya next time, just watch." And with that declaration, Atsumu stormed off, leaving Sakusa with a mixture of irritation and intrigue.

Little did they know, it wouldn't be the last time their paths crossed.

During their second year of high school, Sakusa encountered Atsumu once again at a training camp. However, Atsumu had transformed in more ways than one. His physique had grown more defined, with accentuated muscles and a powerful presence. As their eyes locked once more, a connection began to form, an unspoken understanding that words couldn't fully capture. "Kiyoomi... Kiyo... Omi?" Atsumu squinted his eyes at Sakusa, observing him closely.

Sakusa, attempting to maintain distance, took a few steps away as Atsumu moved a few steps closer. "Omi-Omi," Atsumu said with a grin, provoking a firm response from Sakusa. "Don't call me that," Sakusa stated firmly before turning away. However, the echo of Atsumu's voice lingered, haunting Sakusa's thoughts.

And from that day forward, Atsumu continued to call him that exasperating nickname, solidifying Sakusa's growing disdain for him.

As the training camp concluded, Sakusa resolved never to set foot on the same court as Atsumu again, regardless of his skill and reputation as one of the country's best setters. But fate had other plans, as they crossed paths once more during their third year of high school. In the end, Sakusa chose to pursue a college education, intending to play college league volleyball before turning professional. As expected, his dream materialized, but an unexpected twist awaited him—Miya Atsumu resurfaced in his life. "Omi-Omi?" Atsumu's voice rang out, accompanied by a smile that carried no ill intentions this time.

An inexplicable flutter stirred in Sakusa's stomach, a sensation he refused to acknowledge even under duress. "I told you to stop calling me that, Miya," Sakusa asserted, walking towards a wall, his thoughts consumed by his recent signing with the MBSY Jackals. Despite his aversion towards Atsumu, Sakusa acknowledged his prowess as a skilled setter.

"You joined the team, Omi-Omi?" Atsumu inquired, making his way towards Sakusa. Donned in the team's jerseys, Atsumu's choice of attire couldn't help but draw Sakusa's attention, including the rather short length of Atsumu's shorts. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that," Sakusa narrowed his eyes in annoyance, the majority of his face concealed behind a black mask

"Never said I'd follow what you say, though," Atsumu grinned, strolling towards the rest of their teammates.


To his surprise, Miya Atsumu wasn't even the main problem. It was Hinata and Bokuto who proved to be the real troublemakers. Hinata and Bokuto had been acquainted since their high school days, instantly clicking with each other. After playing with this team for about eight months now, Sakusa found himself taken aback by the fact that he was a part of a group that included Hinata, Bokuto, and Atsumu.

He couldn't deny his dislike for all of them, yet for some inexplicable reason, he couldn't bring himself to leave the group. As they planned to go out for lunch, Sakusa prepared himself for the meticulous routine of wiping down tables before and after eating, dousing his hands in copious amounts of sanitizer. However, this time when he reached into his pockets to pull out his trusty antibacterial wipes, he discovered that they were empty. Panic immediately coursed through him.

With 147 germs for every square centimeter, there was no way he was going to touch anything without proper protection

"Hey Omi-Omi," Sakusa heard Atsumu's voice, causing him to turn his head and face the irritating setter. "What now, Miya?" Sakusa scowled, his annoyance already at its peak, and Atsumu's presence only exacerbated it further."Calm down, Omi. I got some wipes if ya want," Atsumu offered, extending his hand with a pack of antibacterial wipes.

Sakusa's initial reaction was to reject the gesture, but when he glanced over and noticed that it was exactly the same brand he used and untouched, his curiosity was piqued. "Why?" Sakusa questioned, accepting the pack from Atsumu and proceeding to wipe down the table and chair. "What's the reason behind you specifically havin' XY brand wipes? I know you're not the cleanest person, so why carry a pack?"

Atsumu, taking a seat next to Hinata, grinned mischievously. "What, ya curious, Omi? Ain't everythin' about me a mystery? Keeps things interestin'." Sakusa couldn't help but roll his eyes at Atsumu's response, yet a small flicker of appreciation for the considerate gesture burned within him.

Although he would never admit it, Atsumu's attention to detail, even in the smallest matters, didn't go unnoticed. As they settled down for lunch, Sakusa couldn't help but acknowledge that despite his annoyance, Atsumu's unexpected act of kindness had momentarily softened his hard exterior.

A tenuous thread of connection began to form amidst their differences, one that would unravel in the days to come, revealing unforeseen depths beneath the surface.


As the lunchtime conversation continued, Sakusa couldn't help but notice Atsumu's persistent attempts to talk to him, despite his initial resistance. The setter's accent, now more apparent than ever, added a certain charm to his words that managed to break through Sakusa's icy demeanor. They discussed volleyball strategies, shared playful banter, and even found common ground in their love for certain foods.

Although Sakusa still maintained his guard, he couldn't deny the growing familiarity and ease that developed between them. Atsumu's genuine interest and consideration began to chip away at Sakusa's walls, revealing glimpses of the person beneath the competitive facade.

Over time, Sakusa begrudgingly found himself growing accustomed to Atsumu's presence, and even, dare he admit it, looking forward to their interactions. He discovered that Atsumu's seemingly carefree and whimsical nature hid a fierce determination and an unwavering passion for the sport they both loved. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a shared language that transcended words. But it wasn't just their shared experiences on the court that brought them closer.

Atsumu's thoughtfulness extended beyond the volleyball court and into their daily lives. Sakusa would often catch glimpses of Atsumu carrying spare antibacterial wipes, masks, and hand sanitizer, always prepared for any situation. It was a silent acknowledgment of Sakusa's own meticulous habits, a way of showing that he cared, even in the smallest details.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Sakusa couldn't help but question his own feelings. The initial disdain he felt towards Atsumu slowly morphed into something more complex, something that he couldn't easily categorize. It was a mix of admiration for his skills, frustration at his relentless persistence, and an undeniable attraction to the genuine person Atsumu revealed beneath his playful exterior.

However, Sakusa's guarded nature prevented him from fully embracing these emotions.He couldn't let himself be vulnerable, not when the past had taught him the potential consequences of opening his heart. So he maintained a delicate balance, simultaneously drawn to Atsumu and hesitant to let him in completely.

Yet, despite Sakusa's reservations, a bond had formed between them, an invisible thread that linked their lives together. And as they navigated the ups and downs of their volleyball careers. But for now, Sakusa allowed himself to be swept along by the currents of uncertainty, his heart inexplicably drawn to the enigmatic presence of Miya Atsumu.

As the days went by, Sakusa found himself unable to push away the growing feelings inside him. Atsumu's persistence and genuine care had managed to penetrate the walls he had meticulously built around his heart. It was both infuriating and exhilarating, a conflicting mix of emotions that he couldn't ignore any longer. One evening, after a particularly intense practice session, Sakusa's frustration reached its boiling point.

Unable to contain his emotions any longer, he snapped at Atsumu, his voice laced with irritation and vulnerability. "Miya how much more are you going to keep doing this" Sakusa's voice rang out, cutting through the tension in the air. Atsumu, taken aback by the sudden outburst, stared at Sakusa with wide eyes. It was clear that Sakusa's patience had finally worn thin.

"I can't take it anymore," Sakusa continued, his voice trembling with a mix of frustration and hesitation. "You're always there, always pushing, always getting under my skin, always chasing me around waiting for some kind of reaction out of me, it's tiring... And.. for some reason, for some really weird reason, I can't ignore you, I can't ignore your voice when you call me out and it's confusing, one day you'll act as if I'm the only person there, and the next you'll ignore me, and it's even more tiring because I got used to wanting you by my side, I got used to talking to you after practice and walking home together. Miya, I care about you and that's the most tiring part of it all.."The confession hung in the air, Sakusa's breaths coming in ragged bursts. Atsumu, his eyes searching Sakusa's face for any sign of deception, took a step forward.

"You... care about me? You want me by your side?" Atsumu's voice held a hint of disbelief, tinged with hope. Sakusa nodded, his gaze still locked with Atsumu's. "Yes, I care about you, yes I want you, Miya. It's annoying and it goes against everything I've tried to convince myself of, but there's something about you that makes me feel... alive." A flicker of realization crossed Atsumu's features, followed by a warm smile that reached his eyes. His accent added a touch of familiarity and comfort to his words.

"Well, ain't that somethin', Omi-Omi? I've been waitin' for ya to admit it. I care about you too, more than ya might think." At that moment, the tension between them eased, replaced by a fragile understanding and acceptance.

Sakusa's confession had exposed his vulnerability, a side of himself he rarely showed. Atsumu's persistence had paid off, breaking through Sakusa's defenses and leaving him unable to deny his true feelings.

With their hearts now intertwined, they started a new chapter. Together. Their connection deepening into a profound and unspoken love. Their days were filled with stolen glances, subtle touches, and moments of silent understanding. The bond they had formed on the court now extended beyond volleyball, intertwining their lives in a way that felt both terrifying and exhilarating.

As they officially became a couple, Sakusa and Atsumu navigated the uncharted waters of their relationship, each step tentative yet filled with a quiet determination. They cherished the moments shared in stolen glances and private whispers, finding solace and strength in the subtle gestures that spoke volumes.

While Sakusa might not openly express his love for Atsumu, his actions spoke louder than words. He would show his affection through small, meaningful acts of care and consideration. Atsumu, ever perceptive, would understand the depths of Sakusa's emotions without needing explicit declarations, and because of that Sakusa ended up falling deeper for his Yellow-headed teammate.


Even as their love blossomed, Sakusa couldn't escape the burden of perfection that weighed heavily upon him. With their stable relationship, the expectations placed upon him only seemed to grow more demanding and unrealistic. It was the practice week at MBSY, and the team was expected to be in top shape after their week off. Bokuto, known for his occasional emo modes, seemed more vibrant lately, which everyone attributed to his visits to his boyfriend, Akaashi Keiji.

Even Hinata radiated a newfound joy, their relationship with Kageyama no longer a secret, as their social media posts revealed their shared adventures. The whole world of volleyball seemed to know about their engagement, except for Atsum, who had remained oblivious. "Oh yeah, did you guys know Kageyama proposed?" Hinata casually mentioned, as if it were a trivial detail. Atsumu, stepping closer to Sakusa, expressed his surprise. "You didn't notice, 'Tsumu? He practically flaunted his ring all day today." Sakusa sighed, exasperated by Atsumu's occasional denseness.

"What? Omi-Omi, you didn't tell me! I can't believe this," Atsumu turned his head away, feigning disappointment. "I thought you had figured it out," Sakusa retorted, walking towards the locker rooms with Atsumu trailing closely behind. "Omi, are you and Tsum-Tsum dating?" Bokuto chimed in, joining the conversation. Atsumu proceeded to share the story of their journey to becoming a couple, leaving no embarrassing detail untold. "Whoa, I had no idea Omi had it in him to confess to our Tsum-Tsum like that," Bokuto exclaimed with a smile, patting Atsumu's back. "Go get him, Tsum-Tsum!" he cheered, earning a smile from Atsumu in return.

Sakusa, eager to escape the commotion, announced his intention to practice more. Atsumu quickly offered to join him, apologizing to Bokuto and Hinata for leaving their dinner plans for another day. "You are? Okay, I'll join. Sorry, Bokuto. Maybe we can have dinner with Shouyo tomorrow?" Sakusa walked away from the locker rooms, with Atsumu bowing to Bokuto before hurrying to catch up with Sakusa.

As they made their way to the practice court, Sakusa couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Atsumu's unwavering support. In his own peculiar way, Atsumu had become a stabilizing force in Sakusa's life, easing the burden of perfection and reminding him that he didn't have to face the expectations alone.

Together, they immersed themselves in practice, finding solace and familiarity in the rhythm of the game. With each touch of the ball, each synchronized movement, Sakusa and Atsumu forged a deeper connection. The court became their sanctuary, a place where they could let go of the outside world and simply be themselves.As they honed their skills side by side, their unspoken understanding continued to grow. Their camaraderie and shared determination created an unbreakable bond, allowing them to push each other to new heights. At that moment, as they prepared for another grueling practice session, Sakusa felt a flicker of hope.

Maybe, just maybe, he could find a balance between his pursuit of perfection and the acceptance of imperfections that came with love. With Atsumu by his side, supporting him through both triumphs and setbacks, Sakusa knew he had a fighting chance to find harmony in the echoes of hope.

As the days passed, Sakusa's relentless pursuit of perfection began to take a toll on his body. Exhaustion settled deep within his bones, leaving him drained and weary. But in his pursuit of greatness, he dismissed these signs as mere consequences of pushing himself to the limit.

During a grueling practice session, Sakusa felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, a jolt of discomfort that pierced through his determination. He gritted his teeth and soldiered on, ignoring the persistent ache that gnawed at his core. He couldn't afford to show any signs of weakness, not when the expectations placed upon him were so high.

But his body had reached its breaking point.

In the midst of a demanding drill, Sakusa's legs gave way beneath him, and he crumpled to the ground, gasping for air. Panic and concern swept through the gym, his teammates rushing to his side, their voices a chorus of worry. Atsumu, his usual exuberance overshadowed by fear, knelt beside Sakusa, his voice trembling with concern.

"Omi, are ya alright? What's happenin'?" Sakusa, struggling to catch his breath, forced a weak smile, masking the turmoil within. "I'm... I'm fine. Just... exhaustion," he managed to say, his words barely audible. The weight of his condition remained unknown to Sakusa. Unbeknownst to him, his body was faltering under the pressure he placed upon himself, and the symptoms he experienced were the manifestations of a deeper illness.

But the relentless pursuit of perfection had blinded him to the reality of his own fragility.

Days turned into nights as Sakusa battled against the persistent exhaustion, his determination unwavering. Atsumu remained a constant presence by his side, offering unwavering support and concern, his Kansai accent laced with a touch of desperation. Despite the outpouring of care and love, Sakusa couldn't escape the truth that his body was failing him.

The weight of perfection had become an overwhelming burden, his pursuit of excellence extracting a steep price. The echoes of scarlet hope dimmed as the reality of his limitations became more apparent. In the depths of his struggle, Sakusa yearned for an answer, for a way to reclaim the strength he once possessed. Unbeknownst to him, the key to his recovery lay in acknowledging the limitations he had long denied.

It was a battle against not only the physical way but also the mental and emotional barriers he had erected.

One fateful day, during an intense practice session, Sakusa's body finally gave in to the relentless strain he had placed upon it. The pain in his abdomen surged to new heights, radiating through his entire being like a searing flame. He stumbled, his legs giving way beneath him, and he collapsed onto the gym floor in agony.

His teammates gasped in shock, their eyes wide with concern and disbelief. Atsumu, who had been closely watching Sakusa's every move, rushed to his side, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.

"Omi!" Atsumu's voice trembled as he knelt beside Sakusa, his eyes filled with worry. "What's happenin'? Why didn't ya say anythin'? Are ya okay?" Sakusa's face contorted with pain, his breaths shallow and labored. He had always prided himself on his ability to endure, to push through any obstacle that stood in his way.

But now, as his body rebelled against him, he found himself confronted with the harsh reality of his own limitations.

"I... I don't know," Sakusa managed to gasp out, his voice strained and weak. "It hurts...". Tears welled up in Atsumu's eyes as he reached out to hold Sakusa's trembling hand. "We need to get you help, Omi. Please, let us take care of you." Reluctantly, Sakusa nodded, his body trembling with a mixture of pain and vulnerability.

His teammates quickly rallied, ensuring that medical assistance was summoned immediately. As they waited for help to arrive, Atsumu held Sakusa close, offering what little comfort he could amidst the overwhelming uncertainty. The journey from the gym to the hospital felt like an eternity. Sakusa was admitted, and subjected to a battery of tests and examinations as the medical professionals worked to uncover the cause of his suffering.

Time stood still as Atsumu anxiously paced the hospital corridors, his mind consumed with worry and fear for Sakusa's well-being.

"'Tsumu, it's okay," sakusa whispered, his voice barely audible above the hum of the hospital room. "I'm sure it's just because I wasn't taking care of myself properly, not eating or sleeping enough." Atsumu's worry-filled eyes searched mine, his grip tightening around sakusa's hand. "Omi, you have to be careful. The doctors said not to get up," he pleaded, guiding him gently back to the bed. Sakusa sighed, feeling the weight of his concern mingling with his own doubts.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt," Iwaizumi's voice cut through the air as he entered the room. His eyes narrowed as he noticed the intertwined hands, his disapproval clear. "I see I walked in on something. I'll just...". But Atsumu swiftly stepped forward, blocking Iwaizumi's path. "Iwaizumi, no, it's not what you think. We were just..." Atsumu's words trailed off, unsure how to explain the relationship. His toothy smile replaced his uncertainty. "It's fine, we won't let it affect the team or our practices," he assured, though the tension in the room remained palpable.

Sakusa attempted to rise once again, hoping to greet Iwaizumi properly, but Atsumu hurried to his side, his voice filled with concern. "What are you doing, Omi-Omi? Please, stop," he pleaded, guiding him back to the bed with a gentle yet firm touch.

Iwaizumi sighed heavily, his disappointment evident. "I came to check on your condition, Sakusa-san, considering the upcoming national practice sessions. But it seems playing volleyball will have to wait, given your current state." Realization dawned upon him—he would be forced to put my dreams on hold.

"I forgot about the national practice," he murmured, disappointment coloring his voice. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it, 'Tsumu. I know how excited you were...", Atsumu interrupted his self-blame, his voice filled with reassurance. "Omi, your health is far more important than anything else. Don't worry, we can play together next time," he said, planting a tender kiss on Sakusa's forehead before resuming his restless pacing.

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the entrance of a doctor. The room grew still as the doctor's words hung in the air. "Sakusa Kiyoomi?" he called, and Sakusa responded with a nod. He handed him a black clipboard, his expression grave. "I'm sorry to inform you that we have diagnosed you with a potentially life-threatening illness. It's called Wilson's Disease." The doctor's words hung heavy in the air, and Sakusa could feel a chill run down his spine.

But in that moment, one thought consumed him—could he still play?

He looked up at the doctor, his gaze filled with desperation. "Can I still play?" he asked, his voice trembling with a mix of hope and fear. "It's possible," the doctor responded, his voice tinged with caution. "But given the stage of the disease, it will be a long and challenging road to recovery." Sakusa turned to Atsumu, seeking solace in his eyes.

His expression was a mask of disbelief, the weight of their dreams crashing down upon him.

"Hey, you were Shiratorizawa's setter, right? Shirabu-san?" Atsumu suddenly asked, his eyes widening with recognition. Surprised by the sudden turn of conversation, Shirabu nodded. "Yes, that's correct." His smile grew, an unexpected connection forming. "I'm surprised you remember, my skills weren't really to your level. Well, here's a list of possible treatments and recommendations. But remember, it's essential to take time to heal properly." Yet, amidst the doctor's words and Atsumu's unwavering support.

A profound sense of despair settled within Sakusa.

How would he explain this to my fans, his supporters who looked up to him? How could he improve when he was confined to a bed, unable to do what he loved most?