
Chapter 6 Don't Divorce Me

Sandra and Jessi reached a deadlock. Jessi's eyes were fierce, and she deliberately stretched out a foot to stumble her.

Jessi chased Sandra out of the house like a winner. Sandra got up from the floor immediately to hold the door to prevent Jessi from closing it.

"Sandra, you are a whore. Get out, didn't you hear me? " Jessi's eyes turned red with anger. She stared at Sandra furiously and started to call her names.

Although Sandra looked weak superficially, no one can persuade her if only she was determined. Just like Clinton.

"This is my home, and I'm not leaving!"

"Your home? How dare you say it! Sandra, Clinton said that he would divorce you in a couple of days. If you still have any dignity, get out of here now and never come back! " Jessi was different from Sandra, as she wouldn't know what it meant to be merciful.