
Chapter 31 Drunk

'Can you take me to him?" Sandra asked cautiously.

Jimmy turned his head to her with the frowned eyebrows, 'But you will have surgery tomorrow!"

'Yes, I know, but I want to see him." Her eyes were begging.

Jimmy scratched his hair, angry and at the same time feeling sorry for her. 'Can we go after the surgery?"

Sandra shook her head, with a determined look of not having surgery if she couldn't see him. She was extremely wayward.

Jimmy snatched the cushion from the couch and threw it heavily onto the floor. Sandra was shocked, and the atmosphere was stagnant with a war.

Looking at his back while he was walking out, Sandra knew she hurt him again.

'Don't you come along?" he stopped and turned back suddenly to look at her sitting still in the couch.

She was in a daze, but got up immediately to follow him.

Jimmy took her to the bar gate and then turned into a small lane.