
Chapter One, We Drop A Teacher


In the year 1978, Sally Jackson was born, and soon raised to be Echo's first and best friend. After 22 years, she meets Poseidon, and has a son, named Perseus. Sally, knowing of Echo's speciality, asks him to take care of Percy. And that is where they end up, today.


"Jackson! Listen, you and goat-boy here need to act some-what normal. Meening, no more mess ups. Not shooting a bus. Not dropping the class off of a catwalk. Nothing." Echo explains.

"Yes Echo. You are coming on this trip, right?" Percy asks.

"Yup, just gotta run it past Mr. Brunner again." Echo sighs.

"Be nice to him! He a nice guy." Percy complains.

"If only you knew." Echo chuckles under his breath. "I'mma go talk to him."

Echo walks to the man who's obviously the teacher. "Heya horse-man."

"Echo, quit with that. Grover complains about your name for him as well, just so you know. But what?" He asks.

"Just letting you know, I'm coming with." Echo states, his attitude saying no arguments.

Mr. Brunner snaps and says something about Echo having to fill out paperwork, but he shoots back, "Nice try Chiron. The Mist don't work on me. Did Zeus never tell you about the baby who landed on Poseidon's lap back in '75?"

"Well then. Come along then. Why must you though, don't you have a class to teach?" Chiron asks.

"Sorry old horse, but I used the Mist to get another teacher to cover me." Echo chuckles.

"Still, why must you come?" Chiron asks.

"A fury." Echo calmly states.

"Who?" Chiron asks.

"Dodds." He says.

"Really? How do you know that?" Chiron asks.

"She keeps talking about her master. And I've payed attention to you and the Satyr." He chides.

They keep walking, Echo helping Chiron get his wheelchair onto the bus. After a half hour they get to the museum. Echo follows, a bit behind as he sees a brief memory flash in his mind. A fury attacking, and killing, him near a funeral pyre. He runs to catch up to the class, and stays closer to Percy. After they head outside, a young Nancy Bobofit irritates Jackson and he unintentionally drops Nancy into the fountain, behind him. Echo is next seen talking to Chiron, and coaxing him to go inside after the fury and Percy.

"What ho Percy?!" Chiron yells, throwing a pen, that turns into a sword.

Percy notices Echo running by Chiron, and when he killed the fury and looks over, Echo just got to him.

"Percy are you alright?" Echo asks.

"Y-yeah, why?" Percy responds.

"Cause, that was no teacher." Echo breathes. His memory sharpening on the way he killed the fury last time. "I suddenly felt the urge to come back in, and dragged the old man in too. Sadly- wait, is that his pen?"

"Yeah? He tossed it to me?" Percy basically asks.

"Well, don't reference Dodds at all! Remember that Jackson." Echo commands.

When they went outside, Echo nudges Percy to Chiron. He walk over, and Chiron comments how Percy should bring his own pens.

He tries asking about Mrs. Dodds, but not even Grover would tell him anything... not to mention they called him crazy. But Grover wasn't good at hiding anything. Percy knew Grover was hiding something, but he didn't know what.

"Dude, there is no Mrs. Dodds." Grover groaned. He and Percy have been having this argument for the last three weeks.

"Even if there was a Mrs. Dodds, she doesn't teach here." Echo calmly states.

"I remember a Mrs. Dodds being the algebra teacher. She wore a leather jacket and she was ean enough to ride a Harley straight into your locker." Percy explained.

"I'm a teacher here, and I've never met a teacher that matches that description. I'm close, but I won't just ride a Harley, I'd have a shotgun with me." Echo chuckles.

"You are not that bad." Percy coughs. "But say I'm imagining this, the current algebra teacher is a lot nicer than Dodds, and doesn't hate me. Explain why I got so many detentions on my record?" Percy growls, not scaring Echo in the slightest.

"All the staff know that you're a troubled kid, I don't care for detentions 'cuz, well... I understand your issues in learning. I had friends with your issues." Echo explains.

"Really?" Percy asks. "How much trouble did they get into?"

"A lot. One blamed his nonexistent dad. Another his mom." Echo says, seemingly lost down the rabbit hole.