
Echo:End of Era

Allankya, world of magic, swords, and system. Here, the live of only those who have power matters, While some are born to feast, others spend their lives in the dark, begging for scraps. Here, the power hungry does their best to keep those potential dangers in check. Nothing matters more than this power they have. But for how long? And is it right to kill the future generations? ##### This novel will have multiple leads, the one we will primarily follow, the one we will primarily follow, is overpowered, and has a shitty personality. and no herem

Gutbeserker · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Mana affinity

#Lenar's pov#

#1 minute later... #

Man... It is harder than I thought it would be, I don't know where I am going wrong! The fire mana just doesn't stays for long before dispersing.

I even added wind mana to see what happens and it worked for a few more seconds before breaking up again!

Worse.. There's no explosion of sh*t , when this happen when watched with naked eye.

Hmm, wait? Why does it stays longer when I add water mana? What if I add a bit of earth, hmm it's... Stabilized now? But why is there no effect.

Hmm... So, water help the heat to be at a gradual and slow instead of an instant explosion ... And earth makes it more... Solid? What's the word again? Weird it feels like it's giving it a surface.

" I feel like I am back in chemistry again "

Hmm, but none of what's happening is present is visible, they act like elements but they are not, more like foundation of it.

So what is it that, "executes" It or turn it into a final product that is the spell?

"Pure mana? " But it doesn't looks like I can 'call upon them' so maybe.


I decided to probe my body and what I found intrigued me. Guess what? I saw pure mana 'circulating' inside my 'core' that was where my heart is supposed to be. This is my nana reserve connected to my soul .

What weird was by mana core was divide in half like ∅ by a purple line and only one half was filled with mana while the other side was....empty.

At first I thought this was maybe because of my mana not recovered yet but... My mana reserve is full.

Though it feels really close, and there's a sense me knowing what this is...

Well, whatever...

So anyway!

I decided to will the pure mana inside and once again converge the surrounding elemental mana and....

[Ding! ]

[Congratulations, by a hidden a hidden affinity by controlling it's "essence" without any external help]

{Remember, passive only helped his SEE Mana, what he was doing can't even be called spell casting,it is more like controlling the Mana and elemental mana}

[You have acquired affinity: Mana]

[You have acquired passive: Mana's beloved: 1/Immunity to chaotic/unstable mana

2/when Mana is lower than 10%, recovers 5%/sec for 5 seconds(only once an hour)]

[You have acquired active: Mana zone : Creates a small 5 m zone around the user where the pure Mana in air is usable by the user of skill and user can also perceive anything that touches or is within the zone]


"Wait!, you can gain affinity like that" I knew that there is a small chance of gaining affinity but according to information I got, it was quite random and a very rare occurrence.


"So can I get other affinities as well? "

"Hehehe... "



#Back to third person#

After several minutes of "camping ", Lenar found a pack of hideous wolves with gray fur.

[Warg(Level 12)]

[Warg(Level 10)]

[Warg(Level 10)]

[Warg(Level 8)]

[Warg(Level 8) ]

[Warg(Level 8) ]


Wargs.... 12 of them with the leader being 12 with 2 level 10, and 9 level 8.

"Wargs, huh." Lenar said to himself as he observed the pack from behind a bush.

A smile crept of Lenar's face, these wolves are famous among beginners for their high exp income. (Let's hope they have some one high level enough to farm because man! Is this not tough! ).

The only thing stopping him from going deep into the center zone was the absence of a stealth item or skill, once that's done, he will literally start a bloodbath.

And the 3 ways of getting that was from a magic store, auction or ruin shop which only open once you reach level 10.

(Now that I think about it, I am an assassin type huh?) Lenar joked

Rubbing his chin, Lenar thought about what he should do.

"Whatever, add all stat points on speed" He decided to say just f*** it and went for speed.

[Ding! ]

[Speed: 25]

At the same time, Lenar also charged towards the pack of wargs without wasting anymore time.

Without wasting any time, he lunges the spear at one of the level 10 warg.


And under the shocked gaze of its companions the warg died without even the chance to fight back.

(How did this thing managed to get so close to us without even being detected by my racial skill? ) The warg leader asked inwardly. For monsters and beast, they have racial skills instead of talent and this warg's racial skill was [Scavenger's insight].

To bad it was a talent, as what they didn't know was that Lenar has been camping this place for 15 minutes with his skill [Null field] on.

The next moment, Lenar once again stabs the othe warg the heads, when the leader finally woke up an bears his fangs at him. But lenar wasn't going to be outdone as he points the pointy edge forward forcing it to change it's trajectory.

He quickly deactivates [Null field] by will before summoning a sea of fire...

The warg tried to escape while some jumped up in the air and lunged at him.

"Here, take this" Looking at their foolishness, Lenar gifted them a fireball with unhealthy amount of fire Mana.

Although he didn't get any affinity, he got a better understanding of elemental mana. To the point that he was almost like an [Elementalist]




The one escaping weren't spared either as Lenar sends an arc of flames with a swipe of his hand.

Then, their bodies were instantly lit up.


The warg leader charged towards Lenar at a fast speed . It showed its sharp fangs and a gaze filled with killing intent.

Just as it was close it used it's skills to get a boost and end this man once and for all.

With that, it body grew and it became more ferocious.


"Ho? You....really want to kill me don't you"

"[Null field]" Lenar spoke with a calm tone.

Instantly, The leader felt every form of boost it had and even the flames around them disappear.

And so, in mid air, a spear pierced through its eyes and escape from the back of it's head.

"Unfortunately, I am here to farm, not play games"




[+Drop(5*Mana crystal/7*Mana shells/2*Warg blood)]




[Congratulations, you leveled up!*6]

[Name: Lenar Augustus]

[Class:The Omega]

[Level: 10]


[Health: 100%]

[Mana: 35%]{his Mana is actually quite large but the skill takes 50% each activation}


[Physical(ATK/RES) :21/5%]

[Magic(ATK/RES) :14/4%]



[Stat points:30]



[Talents:Omega authority]

[Passive:VIP, NULL defense, Precision, Null fate, Mana's beloved]

[Active: Sweep, Null field, Null infusion, Mana zone]

[Congratulations, you have unlocked the ruin shop function]


Please comment so I know someone is reading this and once again, thank you.

From now on, I will be posting chps on every Sunday.
