
Easy to love you

*EXCERPT* She sat down on the couch looking widely at him. He reached out his hand to pull out her glasses and he kissed her eyes " you look beautiful without these" he said and with that, broke it"

Gifted_You · Urban
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6 Chs

I am Married

While Daniel was ruthless and cold blooded, Ethan was Demonic with forgiveness missing in his dictionary, fifty percent of students that left Grandest were caused by him, it either he frustrates them or frame them to be expeled from the College.

Due to Athena's brilliance, she won a government scholarship and got into Grandest College which was for Rich and spoilt Kids, They barely learn anything except for the serious ones like Daniel.

" Athena, Athena" She Turned back to see her bestie 'Clara festus'

"What's up" she said for Clara to pass her a folded paper

" Your grandmother is getting married" Athena asked and turned around to see Clara nodding with a strange smile

" But she 87....."

"Good morning class" The history teacher greeting making Athena and clara prospone their discussion.

(Later that day)

It was after 12 at Midnight, when slow footsteps increased it's pase gradually heading to the Boy's Lounge of Grandest College.

After walking for a while the footstep stopped right before a glass door which if someone in can't see out and someone out can't see in.

Making a fist, Athena knocked on the door slowly with a beating heart.

After Knocking for more than five minutes and no one answered she turned around to leave when she saw a drunk boy staring lustfully at her, she was in a simple but bodyhugging night dress that showed all her curves, then she regretted not taking her jacket along with her.

She turned around with the thought of passing the library stair but before she couldmake another move the boy had pinned her to the wall.

The Passage was a little dark making it hard for Athena to see who it was but if she screamed now she would be punished for roaming around the school at the curfew time.

"Please let go of me, I am married" That was the only lie she could think of.

The boy reached out his hand to pull out her glasses and said

" You are pretty without glasses" then he broke it.

Athena mouth dropped, where was she going to get another one and how could the boy say she was pretty when he couldn't even see her.

Before she could say a word the boy had left.

After recovery from her daze she picked up the broken glasses she turned around to see a flash light coming from another passage.

No doubt that was the security who made sure every student was asleep.

Where could she hide now?