
Easy Life not so Easy

MC gets transmigrated not so sudden but in fact, very painfully to his not so very favourite or the one he fully remembers novel. Well, still cliché enough. He doesn't have any regrets ... well kinda have but not in a sense that we as readers will feel any sympathy for it but still. --------------- Now onto the main game. Leon wakes up as Theo expecting himself in hell but finds himself in a very bizarre situation where he possesses extraneous, unimportant and irrelevant to the story in any way possible character. But here is the thing, he never wanted to be a part of the novel but follow his own wishes. Follow me to see how he uses his knowledge of the novel he doesn't fully remember to live a peaceful life in his own home away from hustle and bustle of life and how he miserably fails after the first time seeing the heroine. Well, what a hypocrite but who cares as long we get to fulfil the 'love at first sight' and obviously we will have to face the MC of the novel as well. So worry not and sit back and enjoy the novel. ****************** This is my first novel so any type of reviews are recommended and novel updates will be at least 1 or 2 times a week depending on the free time I get. The character in the cover is not mine but from Pinterest so it you are the owner of it then do tell then I will change it..

Haroon_Arfan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Hah..hah..hah…h..ey Theo wake up" blurted someone anxiously.

'Is it the name I am given in hell?' thought Leon as his consciousness started gathering in a concentrated point. It was like melting shards of glasses at extremely high temperatures smelting together to form an egg-like shape. Not an egg-like shape but more like a walnut whose roots were digging into something. Something flexible yet hard. Something rigid yet slippery. Small root hair-like structures started growing out and enveloped a body that shaped like a potato.

'Am I plant whose destiny is to stay stuck in one spot and repent for eternity? It seems too light for my crime' Leon pondered while he started feeling something mixing his soul and consciousness with what seemed like a leg.

It was unbearable but there was nothing he could do to stop or lessen this pain. He could not breathe or scream. He could not smell. He could not hear anymore. He could not even feel anything, but the pain was more like his soul dividing while making his thought half complete. He could only think a word at a time while other words popped up in consciousness which seemed like someone else's thought but were his thought by a fragment of soul that was mending after being torn in fibres.

'I guess being a plant was my wishful thinking' was what he could make after all the pieces fused together. It would be at most a second in real life but was an eternity for him.

His mind started becoming clearer as root-like structures slowed growing in between two masses like two pieces of walnut. But instead of being hollow and whole, they were like concrete blocks with him being mortar.

He could feel his soul being crafted into a star shape. But then the four legs of this star started growing long and the leg in between at the top becoming dense and rounded and containing most of the soul energy.

As his pain started becoming less intense for his soul it started to become more of physical pain. He could feel something that felt like a very soft abdomen but was spitting out some sort of liquid. The physical body attached to the soul started growing in a region where he could feel that he has some sort of control over it. He could finally perceive the shape which felt like a human body. It was in fact a human body.

As the control region started growing above the neck, he sensed some fragments of fibres of someone's soul.

'This place definitely is hell. How many people already have my soul ripped apart here? Let's not near those fibres' is what he determined himself with but contrary to his decisions, his soul started moving towards the fibres.

'No! No! I can't let it go there! F*ck! it is not in my control. Is my own soul not even listening to me anymore?' he blared inside.

But he could not do anything. His soul slowly started engulfing white tread like structured with short length. He could not see the treads but could still tell the colour like he already knew just as he knew his name.

As threads started moving toward the head of a humanoid shape star suddenly information or more like memories started playing in his mind non-stop.

They were obviously not his memories but it felt like it were his own memories. He could not tell apart what were his memories or not as threads started dissolving inside the dark brownish mess. It started becoming lighter brown until it becomes similar to the colour of cardboard.

After this whole torturous process completed with his soul reaching every end of the physical body, he was possessing.

After some seconds he started feeling hot on his newly possessed body. It was not like something hot was placed on his body but the heat you feel after being under the sun for a long time. He could tell he was breathing from a nose like structure which meant that he was not a plant-like creature at least.

Leon started opening his eyelids which felt like rocks. He could tell he had no energy. From his bloody vision, he could see some people with spears and swords going inside his carriage.

'My carriage? When did I had a carriage? Oh! Dad bought it for me. I remember. When did I had a dad? And what's going on with swords and spears? Do the police not see them? Am I even in London? When did UK had this desert-like place?'

All he could see was this rocky landscape with a xeric atmosphere and some people lying beside him. Towards his left were 3 men with black uniforms now becoming brown with dust while at the front was the carriage being robbed by a group of people who seemed to be from the Albeto gang.

'Albeto gang? Why are they here? And more importantly, why do I know them? I never heard of them in London or even news?'

He was bewildered by his own thoughts, but he knew that Albero gang would never dare to mess with Count's family. 'We can crush them more easily than an ant' is what he thought.

"Man, we got some good time already and here that fool of a leader was telling us to not leave the gang and look toward the safer and bigger picture," said a boy laughing loudly while standing outside the carriage.

"We better leave this territory quickly before count Hera find us," said the middle-aged person from the back of the carriage while holding the lid of the crate and taking some bags out.

'Please don't take the f*cking horses, it's bloody far from here to back and with my body this injured it wil… what is happening? Why do I feel like I don't have any wounds and more importantly the blood on my face is of the guards escorting me and is now on top of me? Poor guy died while fulfilling his duties. I will give his family proper compensation however I doubt there is enough money to compensate for someone's life. But it's not like they can do anything to count for this' thought Theo/Leon while conflicting himself with his other personality even without himself knowing this.

'Well, I just hope they leave this area as soon as possible and especially not check if everyone is dead.' Pleaded Theo/Leon while acting dead.

And as if heavens listening to his plea 3 bandits started leaving the area.

"Do we leave the horses here? They will fetch a lot" asked the boy to the middle-aged man while positioning his chest outwards to show he is considering everything with his cool-minded personality even after killing for the first time.

"Do you not know they have trackers in the hoofs to track the journey in case something happens? This is the reason why we attacked while they were resting and just finished reporting to have more time. They might have known by this time already if not for the signal interruption caused by the border every hour. We better not leave a clue and be quick before they start to suspect something and come after him. Do you still want to take them?" snorted the other man who seemed to be just over 24 with his black hairs reaching his shoulder-length and outfit that reeked of 'I'm a bandit' just by looking at it with albeto gang sign on the black shirt he was wearing underneath.

They hopped on the horses they brought with them and started moving in the direction of infinite land with only shrubs and small hills here and there.

"Well now I can stop playing dead with a dead body on top of me literally crushing me to death" said Theo/Leon as he started wiggling like a worm to get out of this weight.

After about 5 to 10 mins he finally pushed the dead body from the top and inhaled fully while filling his lungs to brim with air that reeked of blood and dust(sand) to compensate for the lack of oxygen during playing dead and moving the corpse.


He coughed for a bit before covering his face with his sleeve until he realised that it was also blood socked.

"For f*ck sake, this is my first time seeing this much bloo.. well dad did show it to me but not like this." Blurted Theo/Leon while grunting his face and wiggling his back.

"At least let me stand or crawl properly with my legs not with my body and head literally" shouted Theo/Leon as he started his struggle to stand up.