
Eastern Horror Story Antholog

Horror Folktales from the East, including China, Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, and more.

Snow_Jon · Horror
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156 Chs

A Mysterious Night and a Strange Encounter

When I was a child, my cousins and I would all be at home during the day, and in the evening, us younger siblings would gather to play cards and watch TV (I was born in 1999, and even though we lived in the countryside, television had already become common). A group of children playing and having fun together, it was quite lively. My second uncle's house was a bit far from ours, and if I played at his place, I would often end up spending the night there.

However, one day, my mother specifically told me that there was ginseng-cooked pork at home for me to eat in the evening (I was not very healthy as a child). I couldn't resist that temptation, so that night I told my second uncle that my parents wanted me to go back home for something important, and he agreed. My second uncle's house was about a mile away from ours. The path out was a muddy road, and a few hundred meters ahead was a large pond, and there were many elevated areas on the road surface (about more than a meter high).

That night, the moon in the sky was exceptionally large, and I hadn't brought a flashlight. So, I walked alone in the moonlight towards home. Just then, I witnessed an extremely eerie and unforgettable scene. Even now, thinking about it gives me goosebumps.

As I walked and watched my own shadow, I suddenly heard the sound of the earth on the other side of the pond being dug up, followed by a splash into the water. At first, I didn't pay much attention, thinking it might be a dog from one of the nearby houses. However, as I got closer, I realized it wasn't a dog at all. It was a person, a person crawling along the edge of the pond, and not just along the edge, but into the pond itself.

I was overcome with fear and without thinking, I ran home as fast as I could. As soon as I arrived home, I burst into tears. My mother asked me what had happened, but at first, I couldn't utter a word. After crying for a while, I finally managed to tell them what I had seen. My parents immediately went out with flashlights, but they couldn't find anything.

The next day, my parents told me that Zhang Hong's grandmother had passed away, not in the pond, but in her own house. I don't know why, but even after all these years, I still can't shake the feeling that the person I saw that night looked a lot like Zhang Hong's grandmother. As for whether it was a hallucination or a mistake, I just don't know.