
East Destiny

"La Son Mountain, there is a clear moon in ten years. Vo Luong ocean , there has been a tidal wave every hundred years The fog of Thuong Mang, once a thousand years retreated But I can meet you only once in ten thousand years. The white-skirted girl stood in the middle of the altar, the direction he smiled peacefully: See you!" Khuong Ly, a long-lived old man, the old fox returned home, Chan Nhan was a master, suddenly he was born with a great name, and since then, he has resounded the Vietnamese name. Shamo highway was immense and wide open, turning his head, suddenly appearing a shadow.

Haew_Nguyen · Fantasy
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3 Chs

C2: That Year

Saying goodbye to his friends, leaving Kieu Duong, Khuong Ly wandered across the country by himself. As he said, he walked everywhere, looked at the landscapes, and ate every place with delicious food. Shortly for a year, he visited all around the four countries Yen, Nhac, Tran, Ngo, every time he passed, he would quietly visit, if he suddenly met Kiep Do he would be handed to destroy.

Kiep Do is a human being cultivating the Kiep Troc public law, serving the Kiep Clan as mastery, specializing in silently rebelling and destroying the world.

Four Wilds enemies have two common types, one is Karma, another is bestowed on them is Karma.

Tu Hoang martial practice realm is divided into three phases, including Phàm Nhan, Chan Nhan and Thanh Nhan.

At the end of the martial arts era, there were no Saints, the world only had Humans and Chan Nhan.

Phàm Nhan cultivates the body, cultivating to the top of the landscape can have a right to break mountains, a sword to stop the river, there are four great realms in order: Luyen Blood scene, Ngan Cuu Canh, Kim Than Canh, Ngoc Menh scene.

Ngoc Menh supreme scene, realizing Chan Y, practicing Chan Blood, condensing the fate of Chan Than will have a breakthrough taste of Chan Nhan scene. Chan Nhan has the ability to travel in the sky, an extremely magical Truth-force body. At Dong Hoang in particular, Tu Hoang in general became Chan Nhan scene. The new official status was a contemporary master, powerful in one direction, but Chan Nhan was also the target martial artist in life.

There is a saying, in the eyes of Chan Nhan how strong a human being is like an ant that stinks, enough to see how tall and powerful Chan Nhan is.

When Khuong Ly was at his peak, Chan Nhan Nhat Pham became a monk, but over a year, the realm gradually decreased to only the middle-class Nhat Pham. Europe is also a normal story, martial artists like the water stream, if not forward, they will fall back.

The forest and mountains flutter, the sound of footsteps rustling, Khuong Ly sat on a donkey's back and looked before the majestic gate of the city.

Ha Thanh Quan.

In the foreground is his hometown, the Viet Quoc.

Kieu Duong was a capital city in the south of the cross, and the Viet Quoc was one of them. Most of the ten countries in the middle are the third tier of the small nation, only the Yen Nation because of the existence of the Yao Citadel that promoted to the second level of the Great Nation.

The Viet Quoc in the small country inside is seen as standing in the middle of the middle, with a large number of Chan Nhan stronghold. The whole country was divided into six districts, taking the head of the royal family Tran and subordinate to the Tu Hoang Dien district. But his hometown was in Dong Minh Phu, Vi Ha District.

Khuong Ly looked up in front of the mandarin's eyes, waved his hands neatly through his hair, tied it into a bun, patted the black donkey's head, and quietly said:

"Let's go, let's go home!"

Black ass puffed his nose a few hours, his body gently ran towards the gate.

Vi Ha district is located in the Northeast direction, two districts from Ha Thanh Quan, so although the black donkey's speed is quite fast, by the time he ran to the place it was already past half a month.

Khuong Ly sat on the back of a donkey, his consciousness lightly swung around, suddenly raising his eyebrows.

Three miles ahead, feeling a deck for him to hate the angry gas, the angry aura is stuffy and uncomfortable, Khuong Ly couldn't help but be more familiar.

"Ah ... it's the Reincarnation!"

Khuong Ly's gaze suddenly flashed, bringing the black donkey to the mascot pocket, turning into a devastating path rushing forward.

In his line of sight, not far away there were more than ten martial artists who risked their lives to kill. Including someone he knows.

"Duong Thien Huyen ..."

Khuong Ly's eyes froze. His body moved gently down like lightning.

Duong Thien Huyen's appearance, though at first glance like a mourning old man, but Khuong Ly with a glance still recognized him. More than 100 years ago, after destroying the Ngao, he passed Lac Than Tong, at that time Duong Thien Huyen was still a bright youth, was in the top young generation, making him a little impressed.

At that time, Duong Thien Huyen, whose clothes were ragged and struggling, gave up every match in his heart. Along the way, more than ten elders were nearly half dead, followed by fear that even he would die.

Originally thought that this time the raid was just a small Karma point, he himself brought along more than ten high-skilled Kim Bodies that easily swept across. I did not think about inside the Kiep Kiep, suddenly appeared two names of Tu Van Kiep clan.

The Tu Hoang established thirty-six majestic buildings, seventy great citadels to support the main Kekana, but of course it could not be helped to fall into the net. The thing is, the other Era people, every time they appear, have the Kingdom of the Army, the great sects quickly suppress, so the people of the kingdoms have not met too great a yoke.

It was only this time that Lac Than Tong received the order to siege and sweep the Kiep Do, the danger level was only middle-class, but there were two equivalent names of Ngoc Menh, the scene of the Tu Van Kiep clan mixed in. Do not say that he is a Ngoc Dieu person with ten Kim Than guys, even a few more talented Ngoc Menhu is also difficult.

True pure-blooded karma karma fighting against the same level of the human race must be much stronger.

It's just the reason why intelligence suddenly goes wrong, there's no way someone with Lac Than Tong makes it difficult. Thinking of them if they died here, the interior school would definitely suffer terrible losses, the enemy was only afraid of difficult conspiracies.

Duong Thien Huyen smiled miserably and watched a fellow disciple die. Looking at the enemy, the two men who grow horns of the Clan Race, clearly have the upper hand, but do not directly kill the technique, but chase one with a joking attitude.

At this moment, suddenly from the distant horizon streaked through a cathode, on which scattered mechanical waves hard to imagine. The two other kangaroos were horrified, and immediately turned their heads and chanted softly.

"Hell of Golden Light"

Such speed, like Luu Tinh crossing the sky, is also only available in the extremely famous human race, the ancient body of the Dharma, Mount Jokyin.

Almost in an instant, the other star disappeared, a man dressed in white, with long hair wandering, his eyes and eyes clearly black and white, only a few steps away came in front of him.

Two names of the Era of great race. The two of them immediately noticed that there was a weapon on this man in white that angered them to make their hearts tremble. This vengeance is only able to have Karma Sun, but in comparison with normal Kāsukha is more aggressive.

"Human Race Chan Nhan ..."

One of the two Tribe men said trembling. He let out a cry, did not say two words to turn and run away, the other shook himself as well. Although, the Kihu clan fought more powerful than the human race, but it was in the same realm, they encountered the Human Tribe Chan Nhan could not run, only the way to die. Not that they are weak, but from their different nature, Truthfulness and Humans, whose distance is like a sky.

Khuong Ly's eyes were as cold as ice, his right hand was swung up in the direction of the second point.

The two cold streams of the sword fired air, immediately piercing the two eyelids of them, the cry of the carpet had not come out in time to kill them.

This scene arose so quickly and so quickly that the Duong Thien Huyen people opened their eyes wide open. The enemy was strong, making them live up and down, and in front of this Zhen Ren, simply two fingers immediately killed. For the people who are both scared and headed towards. But Khuong Ly turned around and looked at Duong Thien Huyen and said softly.

"Duong Thien Huyen, do you recognize me?"

"Senior ... you ... you are ...."

Duong Thien Huyen was stunned, a bit of a spirit, immediately recognized Khuong Ly, who was the only Lac Than Tong, Chan Nhan, in the old age scene.

Just over 100 years ago, Khuong Ly left Viet Quoc and went to Kieu Duong Thanh.

That year, he was still young, he met Khuong Ly once, he was a hundred years old, but Khuong Ly was still as young as before, he could not help but admire, Chan Nhan is powerful enough.

A few seconds of feeling, suddenly thinking about something, his face slightly changed, before he opened his mouth to ask, he saw Khuong Ly shake his head and say:

"What are you guys?"

Duong Thien Huyen hastily replied:

"More than ten people who have been awkwardly worshiped for the purpose of exorcising Kiep doom. I don't think false intelligence meets two strong children.

Speaking of as if he wanted to say something more, then twisted it around.

But Khuong Ly heard that a little thoughtfully:

"It was false intelligence, or we seriously wounded the news that had spread to the Viet Quoc, some malicious people began to move."

Thinking so, he frowned slightly, from the storage bag took out a simple jade, inside transmitted each battle of war, throwing it to Duong Thien Huyen, calmly said:

"Take this object, you can help Lac Than Tong get through a lifetime, let's go"

Duong Thien Huyen with the remaining five old martial artists, as if they received a message, hastily thanked them, carefully kept them.

Khuong Ly nodded his body a flash had disappeared in place. That year, Lac Than Tong, because of his protection, he almost destroyed his subjects. In these years, he always silently watched over, his monk Lac Truong Tu's gratitude had returned much.

Save the simple jade containing him Chan Nhan, the scene of the peak of the one-click period, enough to kill Chan Nhan scene below all martial artists, even if the high-ranking Chan Nhan accidentally hits, he does not die and is mortally wounded. If Lac Than Tong, the rational users can neutralize the problem, he is about to die, and he cannot protect this sect for a lifetime.

Khuong Ly had just left, the old fake Duong Thien Huyen took a deep breath, heading to the place where he disappeared and bowed respectfully.

"Teacher, who is that senior?"

A middle-aged man beside him asked carefully. The man disguised his eyes as a recollection, lowering his voice:

"As Lac Than Tong people we ... a unique Chan Nhan scene"

"Chan Nhan scene martial artist ... hí ... that is not 100 years ago the other"

All the martial artists took a breath of cold air, they all knew about Lac Than Tong a hundred years ago, a Chan Nhan was born. It was just that this old man had never appeared before, heard that he was a long time in the battlefield, did not think to meet today.

"Ha ha ... his name must have been heard ... ..."

Duong Thien Huyen had a moving body, dashed to a far distance, the rest of the disciples immediately chased.

"Khuong Ly, his name is called Khuong Ly!"

The two words "Khuong Ly" just said his mouth, the air suddenly lingered, including the survivors of the elder monk and the middle-aged man, unable to self-control trembled slightly, his eyes revealed. out in awe.

In Viet Quoc or Vi Ha district martial, this name Khuong Ly represents a flood of killing intent, a representative for a long time.

One day, the blood flowed into a river, piled into a mountain, the ground in Vi Ha district was infected with red blood. Those who have seen it before, even juniors are not forgetting. Until today, that year 's pride is still circulating in Vietnam, engraved in everyone's heart. Even become the pursuit target of many young martial artists.

Just the people couldn't help sighing, knowing the reason why, so far, they knew that Lac Than Tong himself had a Chan Nhan as support, and had never been overly praised. The youth of the juniors also only knew a few names, the name Khuong Ly became taboo, making people afraid. There is such a person as a support, Lac Than Tong really does not know whether to be happy or sad.

But Duong Thien Huyen was a fake old man, a quick and thoughtful way, he thought about this year of speaking, thinking about this time he almost died meeting Khuong Ly, could not help but sigh.

"It seems that the other statements, eight and nine tenths is the truth, just fear that the peaceful day of Lac Than Tong is almost over."