

Only in the darkness can you see the stars...

so I saw my heaven in her eyes, I could feel the stars within me shine again.This is Where Our story began...

After few months, I wanted to tell her how much I loved her , but I was scared.Scared of being rejected, so I had to hide my feelings.

One day, I was walking alone at night when I saw her at the same place where we met at the first time, I was really suprised because she told me that she came at this place when she was sad or when she missed her dad, so I asked her what was she doing here ? she looked at me as if I were the only star in her darkest night , then she said that she came to see that place , because she was leaving with her family. I was literally shocked , I couldn't realize what happened at this moment, Breathing was hard because every breath I took proves I couldn't live without her...I was feeling really weak.I couldn't tell her how much i loved her, so I walked away and I was slowly giving up...