
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Celebrities
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83 Chs

Chapter 66

Whilst he is in the shower I gather up the clothes he had been wearing and shove them into the bin. They are never seeing the light of day again. I blow dry my hair, putting a little bounce and wave into it and then put a little make up on for my own benefit. I hear the shower switch off and a couple of minutes later he comes back into the room. Residual water droplets pulled downwards by gravity roll over his chest and down past his bellybutton catching on top of the low slung towel he is in. Again, most of me wants to rip the towel off of him and make love to him, to prove how much I love him, how I am the best at making him feel good, and that no one else will ever compare but the other part of me calmly says "put on some clothes please".

He is being very compliant and pulls together some comfy casuals. Choosing my favourite grey joggers and a black t shirt. I look away as he drops the towel and pulls on his boxers, looking at that right now is not an option. Once he is dressed he comes and sits next to me on the bed and tries to take my hand. I pull it away from him. "When we get home you need to make arrangements to see a doctor and get checked for STI's, who knows what that slut could have given you" the rage in me evident in this sentence. "Ok, that's fair" he says.

I get up from the bed, I know we have lots more to talk about but I am not wanting to get into a really deep and meaningful now. I think chipping away at things slowly might work better for us. So far I am pleased that I have managed to be in the same room as him without 1 throwing up, 2 hitting him with a heavy object or 3 becoming a crying and shouting wreck of a woman. "I need to go and speak to Jungkook. I haven't had the conversation with him that I had with Jimin and it's only fair he gets the same treatment, plus he says he has something to tell me about yesterday. I will speak to you later ok?" the inflection in my voice is almost like I am asking for permission, but I am not. I don't give him a chance to answer and I leave the room and head upstairs to see if JK is in his room.

His door is closed so I knock. I wait for him to call 'come in' and open the door. His face lights up when he sees me, and I watch his eyes take in all of me. "Can we talk please?" I ask him. He stands up from the chair he was in and puts his guitar down. Walks towards me and takes my hand. He pulls me into the room and closes the door behind me. "Of course" he replies. He quickly moves some of the clothes off of his bed and straightens the covers so we can sit and pushes his hair away from his face. It's wet and has a little wave to it, and he smells so good.

"So I suppose I should start. Do you know about the argument Namjoon and I had yesterday over Jimin?" I ask. He nods. "Ok, so it turns out that Namjoon has a very big issue with how close I am with him, especially because of our history and I told Jimin yesterday I needed to step back from it to show my husband what he means to me and that out of the 2 of them it would always be Joonie I chose. I was planning on having the same conversation with you too because after what has happened with us and the fact we are close I think that could cause problems too. So, to make it fair, I need you to know that I love my husband and I want him to know that, so I will have to be around you less, show you less affection and definitely stop flirting with you. I hope you understand".

He looks a little confused, and a little hurt, and says "You are still going to step away from us even after today?" I can see his view point and I take his hand in mine and try to reassure him. "I could think fuck it and fuck him and stay as close to you both, but what if there is a tiny little bit of blame on my part for what happened today because of my relationship with you both? Shouldn't I do what I had planned as a further sign of my love for him? That yes he has made a huge mistake that has hurt me, but that I can and will try to make it right because I love him. Doesn't he deserve a second chance? Doesn't he deserve to try to work on his issues? If one of those issues is my relationships with you and Jimin, shouldn't I do my part to help him heal?"

He lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses it. "He is such a lucky man Aimee, I hope he starts to see that soon. You are amazing. Of course it will be really hard for me, but at least I am not losing you from my life completely. I hope you can work it out, and if you don't I will be here for you in whatever capacity you want". He tucks a loose tendril of my hair behind my ear and lets out a long sigh. "I need to tell you something now" he continues, he looks at the floor, obviously concerned about my reaction to whatever it is he is going to say.

"Yesterday, Jimin and I were talking about you with each other. Explaining how we feel about you and what we love about you, and at first it was deep and emotional, but then somehow it shifted and we started talking about more sexual and graphic stuff. We were egging each other on, and before we knew it we were talking about your" he trails off, I see him squirm, uncomfortable to say the rest. "We were talking about your lady parts and how good it feels being inside you and Jimin asked if you were still tight even after having the baby and Namjoon overheard. That's when he pushed him up against the wall and got in his face. He was so angry at us and told us to never disrespect you like that again and to remember that you are his wife and we should treat you better than degrading you down to just a sexual object". His face falls as he realises how base their conversation had become and he shakes his head. "Honestly, I am mortified that a conversation about how wonderful you are and how much we care for you turned in to something so disgusting, and I just want to apologise for it".

To be honest, that is not what I was expecting him to tell me, I thought it would be along the lines that he had maybe fucked this girl too, his message had made it sound like he had done something unforgivable and although we are not in a relationship I had thought having sex with someone else after telling me he loved me might have been that for him. The thing with me is that I don't mind being objectified. I don't mind being spoken about in just sexual terms. I understand how some people wouldn't like it, and I get why Namjoon was angry, but these boys are young, they are naive and playfully they have discussed a mutual experience and gotten carried away.

"Oh JK, please don't feel bad. I know you and Jimin meant no harm. I'm flattered you were talking about how good I made you feel, and how much you like my body. It's fine. Yes I can understand how Namjoon would have felt, but it's not like you were doing it purposely for him to hear. You weren't were you?" I ask. "No, definitely not, I wouldn't do that. I know Jimin has made a few digs before about conquering you first in front of everyone but this was not meant for others ears. It was just bad timing".

I know Jimin would never do anything to intentionally hurt Namjoon, and those sorts of comments were probably only meant as banter, but like Jimin said to me last night, that along with everything else probably hasn't helped with Joons state of mind. I pull Jungkook in for a hug, I suppose a slight goodbye of sorts and then kiss his forehead. Next on my list to speak to is Jimin.