
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Celebrities
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83 Chs

Chapter 37

We lay naked on the bed together for a while, all satisfied but maybe a little bemused by what has just happened. It just goes to show how easy it is to get swept up in a moment. I really didn't think after London that Namjoon would ever share me again, but obviously his dominant kink is becoming more present and perhaps part of it is being in control over any situation?

"Are you ok Jungkook?" I ask wanting to make sure we haven't scarred him for life. "Oh yeah, I'm good" he says with a wide smile on his face and his eyes large. I'm pleased he enjoyed it. It was just as good as I imagined, maybe even a little better. "How was that for your first time brother?" says Namjoon. Wait, what? First time? Surely not? How could he let him do that with me knowing it was his first time? It should have been more special shouldn't it?

"Awesome" giggles JK and looks towards his elder member and continues with "Thank you for giving permission. I have thought about doing that with Aimee so many times before and never thought I would get too". He sits up and places his hand on my lower leg, stroking gently with his finger tips. Namjoon smiles back at him and says "that's ok".

"Jungkook, had you ever done any of that before?" I ask him, and I feel my face betray my emotions. "No, I had only ever kissed someone, never anything else" he replies. I shake my head whilst sitting up too, I move my legs away from him and he looks a little hurt. "I'm so sorry JK, if I had known I wouldn't have allowed that. Your first time should be with someone you love and it should be special. I feel bad for you".

Namjoon sits up too, searches the floor for his boxers and pulls them on. "Aimee, he is not a girl, we don't feel like that about the first time. Most of us are happy to get it out of the way". He gets up and heads into the bathroom. I have to say I am surprised by his words but I get it. Girls put a lot of pressure on themselves and their partners when they have sex for the first ever time, needing it to be like the movies and it isn't usually, it's awkward. Maybe JK is actually lucky to have had this experience.

"I did do it with someone I love, and it was special, albeit a little unorthodox" he says moving closer to me and taking my hand in his. He lifts it to his mouth and kisses softly but keeps his gaze fixed on my face. Joonie comes back in from the bathroom and points out we should start getting ready for dinner. Those few spare hours have flown past, I suppose the saying is true, time does in fact fly when you are having fun. "Don't feel bad Aimee, i'm really happy" he says finding his clothes and pulling them on.

The only problem we have now is that this probably won't happen again, but we have fed the beast, and he will get hungry again. JK has just told me he loves me. I can't help but think that this situation is going to get messy now and someone is going to get hurt. I think we need to manage his expectations, but maybe we should leave him feeling up for the moment. That smile hasn't left his face yet.

Once he is fully dressed he leans in to kiss me, and I enjoy the gentleness of his lips on mine, he tastes like sweet sweat and sex. He shakes Namjoon's hand but my gorgeous husband pulls him in for a hug. "See you in a little bit" he says and turns and leaves the room closing the door behind him.

"I can't help but think we are going to break that poor boys heart" I say looking at Joonie. He sits next to me on the bed, wraps his arm around my shoulder and says "He will be ok. I know he really likes you, but I don't think he expects a full on relationship. He might feel more confident around girls now and get a girlfriend, and if not at least he isn't going to the army a virgin".

I suppose we will just have to wait and see. I slide myself off of the bed and grab my toiletries from my case and head off to the bathroom to shower. As I get to the door I turn and with a cheeky grin and wink say "any other virgins you want me to fuck?"