
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Celebrities
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83 Chs

Chapter 35

"Jungkook, how can we be angry at you for meeting someone and wanting to spend time with them? You were not to know her plan, she used you and that has got to hurt" I say to him feeling bad that I can't get up to go and hug him. He is crying and looks so small and vulnerable, I sometimes forget he is as young as he is. He looks to Namjoon who so far hasn't said anything, but is instead absorbing what he has just heard.

"Can you explain what happened with her and what you mean when you say you spoke about us?" Joonie says, obviously wanting to get that part straight in his head. Jungkook takes a deep breath and says "so it started out that she recognised me and stopped to say hello, asked if I was ok as I was at the hospital, I explained that I was here with Aimee and she was thankful none of us were hurt. She was pretty and flirty and I was feeling lonely and down at that time so I enjoyed her advances, she told me she was a fan, and I know I should have stopped it right there but I found myself giving her my personal number. She told me her name was Kiera, she never mentioned a Sister.

On our first date she asked me what kind of girls I like and I described someone and she pointed out to me it sounded a lot like Aimee. I hadn't even realised until then that I have a major crush on you. Anyway, she then laughed and said that Namjoon was her favourite but he was 'off the market' now. We had a nice time and I thought maybe it might lead somewhere. We carried on texting and stuff, she asked the odd question here and there about your relationship and what your plans were for having the baby, but it all seemed like normal conversation.

We went on another date and she asked me if I thought your relationship would last, and I said yes, that it's obvious how in love you are. She told me I should tell Aimee I liked her, see what she did, I didn't at that time, she pressed me to do it a couple more times and I thought it was because she wanted me to get it off of my chest. She asked if she was your type Namjoon and I said no, I didn't think so. She got really angry and took it as if I was telling her she was unattractive or something and she said that if she could get in front of you she could make you cheat. I told her that you are not like that, and she said 'but Aimee is' and told me again I should try it on with you and see what you did.

I didn't want too. After that we didn't really speak, and I didn't think anything of it when I saw her at the hospital that day we visited after you had given birth because that's where I first met her. She was polite to me but said she couldn't really talk on duty, so I didn't talk to her much except for a hello. When it came out it was her that had taken Jangmi but she wasn't who she said she was I was embarrassed that I had been used and had fallen for her charms. I'm so naive when it comes to girls I thought she liked me. I couldn't bring myself to tell you, but felt like I needed too now. I tried her number to see if I could get in touch with her as soon as I knew but the number wasn't valid anymore and I didn't think any of this would make a difference in tracking her down. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you".

His little face is so upset and he still has tears rolling down his cheeks. I look at Namjoon and nod my head towards him in the hopes he understands he should go and hug him or console him and he gets my drift. He walks over and holds out his hand. JK takes it and he pulls him up into a hug and says "it seems you were a victim of hers too. Thank you for telling us but you have nothing to be sorry for. It's all ok".

I so want to hug him too but I can't being naked under these covers and all, I can't even reach my suitcase to grab something out. "Joonie, would you grab me something to put on please, I want to hug him too" I say to my hubby and he grabs the t shirt he took off when we first got in the room. It's huge so it covers all of me. I hop out of the bed once it's on and go and hug Jungkook.

"Please don't be sad" I say wiping away tears from his eyes. He has his hands around my waist, fingers interlocked but away from my body. Namjoon sits back down on the bed and asks "so how long have you been crushing on my girl?" I spin around, breaking the connection of JK's fingers and his hands fall to his sides. My arse is very close to his pelvic region and only a couple of pieces of fabric sit between our skin. I can't believe he has asked that.

JK answers him honestly and says "since she first entered our lives on that group call with Jimin in London. I thought she was gorgeous and then the more I learned about her and got to know her when she moved here it intensified and hasn't gone away". Namjoon nods and says to me "you have quite the effect on men don't you Aimee. Jimin, me, JK, I wonder if anyone else has a thing for you!" His tone is difficult to read. It seems a little annoyed, but also a little proud that he has me. I decide to joke back and say "what can I say, when you have it you have it". I laugh, but he doesn't.

I walk towards him to try and read the situation better and feel sorry for Jungkook. This has got to be awkward for him. "I can't help how other men feel about me baby, I haven't betrayed you, when JK told me how he felt I didn't act on it and neither did he" I say trying to get him to engage.

"Jungkook, would you like to fuck my wife?" Namjoon says finally. Not what I was expecting. I turn and look at the youngest member waiting for his response. He flushes red, clearly embarrassed by the question. "What are you doing Namjoon? That's not fair, you can't embarrass him like that" I say. I'm now standing in front of Joonie and he spins me round and sits me on his lap. He is hard again. This is turning him on.

"Come on brother, be honest. Do you want to fuck her?" he says again. He grabs the hem of the t shirt i'm wearing and tries to pull it up but I hold it down. "What are you doing Joonie?" I ask in a frenzy. "I was going to show him your goodies dirty girl, help him make his decision" his voice is low and gravelly, his erection throbbing on my inner thigh. I am getting a little wet over this too and I want to see where it goes, but I don't allow him to show my body to his younger member.

"Namjoon, I'm sorry, I really like her but I could never do that to you, plus, Aimee loves you, she wouldn't either" JK manages to get out, still flustered and I am sure not certain about what is going on here. Namjoons hands stroke up my thighs and he opens my legs so he can place a finger inside me, as he does he says "Aimee does as she is told and if I tell her to fuck you she will, also her wetness says she likes the idea of it. Do you wanna fuck JK Aimee?"

I immediately know my answer to the question, of course I do. I've been fantasising about it for weeks, but I am not going to give Namjoon the satisfaction of getting that answer from me straight away. I am going to play the game back. I put my hand on his and push his finger deeper into me and groan, but look right at Jungkook who quite obviously has an erection and is trying to hide it. "Do you want me to fuck him Daddy? Do you want to watch?" I ask.

Jungkook is getting more and more red, and starting to look really uncomfortable. This isn't fair on him. We either do something now, or we stop and let him go but we will need to apologise if that's what happens. He needs an explanation on what this playing is we are doing. He said earlier he is naive. I lean back on Joonie and whisper to him.

He removes his finger from me and lets me up. I walk over to JK and say "we like playing games like this. If you don't want to it's fine, but if you do, that's fine too. Joonie has given permission, if we have permission why don't we act on it?" My voice is husky, i'm so turned on right now. I take his hands and place them on my waist, he grabs tight. I lean in and kiss him, softly at first, then I push my tongue in his mouth and grab the hair on the back of his head. Our hips connect and I feel him.

He kisses me right back and his hands move from my waist down to my arse and he grabs both cheeks pushing me on to him more. He wants it, I want it, does Namjoon for certain want this? I stop kissing him and hear my husband say "don't stop Aimee, keep going. Give him all of you. I do want to watch".