
Earthland's Gamer

Fairy Tail Fanfic. A boy who was born without magic, yet wished to be mage was gifted with Earthland's version of the Gamer ability. With this ability in hand, he will grow to become the very best like no one ever was. Inglish is not my first langueg, so expect errors, mistakes, and etc. Discord link for those who are interested: https://discord.gg/RKPV39b ***** Disclaimer, I don't own anything from Fairy Tail, The Gamer, or any other fiction that I might reference.

1dope4 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Ch. 1

Edwin ran through the forest before reaching the small and breaking down cottage of Shego. He dropped on the ground and started doing push-ups until he collapsed from exhaustion. Once he was done with his training, he heard a chime in his head.

It's been a month since the destruction of Nevios and since Edwin started living with Shego. It took him a bit more than a week for him to go out of his funk and start doing something with his life.

Shego was disgusting at his best, and Edwin considered leaving more than once, but he had nowhere to go. Plus, Shego taught him a thing or two when he felt like it. He showed him which food was edible by 'humans' in the forest.

Thankfully, Shego tended to disappear from time to time. Edwin didn't know where the man went, nor did he care. Shego also had weird sleeping patterns. He sometimes slept for no more than an hour and other times for a few days. Edwin had seen him sleep for up to three days.

Despite his awful traits, Shego taught him how to hunt the small animals in the forest. Unfortunately, he had to learn how to cook them on his own since the disgusting man preferred to eat them raw with a pinch of dirt.

During the past month, Edwin learned about the 'magic' he had unlocked. As weird as it was, it gave him the chance to become a mage, and he wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Edwin took a look at his status as he had learned to he was able to bring it up with a mental command. He could also close it in the same fashion.

[Name: Edwin

Age: 11

Class: Warrior 0/5 (56/100 XP)


Strength: 1.1

Dexterity: 1.1

Spirit: 0

Skills: Fighting (1/5)]

When Edwin had mentally clicked on Class, he was offered to choose between Warrior and Mage. Since it was his dream to be a mage, he obviously wanted to select that. Unfortunately, the class Mage was greyed out. He wasn't able to select it since it required 5 Spirit, so he was forced to pick Warrior.

That wasn't as bad as he first believed since he learned that once he maxes out the class, he could select a new one. The Warrior Class gave him +0.5 Strength and Dexterity,+0.2 Spirit per level. He would also get 1 free Stat point he could place in any of those three every other level.

Gaining levels, however, wasn't an easy feat. So far, Edwin had been able to gain 1 XP for successful training, which had to be at least a couple hours long.

Another way to gain experience was for him to hunt down the animals in the forest. He gained 1 XP for each successful hunt. The problem with that was that after he hunted a specific animal too much, they would stop giving him experience, and there wasn't too much of a variety of animals in the forest.

Edwin was able to increase his Strength and Dexterity through physical training, but he had no idea how to increase his Spirit. That was something he had to find out since the Warrior Class only had 5 levels before it maxes out. If he placed every free Stat point he gets into Spirit, he would be able to increase to 4. He needed to get Spirit to 5, so he could choose the Mage Class.

The Warrior Class came with the Fighting Skill, which gave him an instinctual knowledge on how to fight and how to improve himself. He learned that increasing the level of the Skill was also important for leveling the Class it came with. Edwin had been doing the katas that he learned from the Skill for the past 20 days, but it had only increased to level 1.

Leveling up seemed hard and time-consuming, but Edwin had time to spare, and he wouldn't stop training no matter what. He had vowed to himself that he would become strong enough to fight Farion since he learned from Shego that the Demon was still alive.

Shego had told him that five mages had fought against Farion and slain it, but it hadn't been killed for good. It would resurrect in time. It might take a few years or a few months, but it would come back as it always does.

Edwin had a simple goal. To get strong enough to kill Farion for good, and then to kill the one who had created the Demon.

Shego had informed him that although Demons are a race of magical beings that could be found on Earthland, the Demon that destroyed Nevios wasn't a naturally born one. No, it was created by Dark Mage.

Eight days later, Edwin finally leveled up for the first time. Instantly, he put his first stat point in Spirit.

[Name: Edwin

Age: 11

Class: Warrior 1/5 (0/200 XP)


Strength: 1.7

Dexterity: 1.7

Spirit: 1.2

Skills: Fighting (1/5)]

The moment Spirit increased to 1, he felt something inside of him stir. He felt more healthy than ever, and the world looked more colorful to his eyes.

"Amazing..." Edwin muttered as he basked in this new sensation.

"Whatcha' did, brat?" Shego asked as he felt something change in the boy.

"Nothing," Edwin answered a bit too quick for it to be truthful.

"Hmmm." Shego walked around him while looking at him with his demonic eyes.

"A moment ago, you almost no Etherano inside your body and absolutely no Magic Power whatsoever. Now, that's no longer the case. How'd that happen? Hmmm?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," Edwin said. He hadn't told Shego about the 'magic' that he had unlocked since he felt that he shouldn't share it with anyone. It didn't feel right.

"Very interesting," Shego said after circling him a few times. He was satisfied with his observations of the boy.

"When are ya' gonna' hunt the rabbit in the cave? I feel like eating some rabbit meat." Shego questioned.

"That's not a rabbit, it's a bear! I told you that last time!"

"Eh, rabbit, bear. Potayto, potahto, it's the same thing. So, when are ya' hunting it?"

"The saying is 'tomayto, tomahto' not 'potayto, potahto.' And I'm still too weak to go after it. I will do it when I'm stronger."

Hunting the bear that is residing in the nearby cave was something Edwin intended to do. If he couldn't beat a simple bear, how could he possibly beat the monstrous demon?

"Well, grow stronger then and go hunt it." Shego looked at him as if he was looking at an idiot.

"I can't just become stronger out of nothing. It takes time."

As if that hadn't just happened. Shego continued looking at him as if he was looking at an idiot.

"You just grew stronger out of nothing in front of my eyes, brat."

"That..." Edwin wasn't sure how to respond, so he decided to change the topic. "I still need to get stronger."

Shego suddenly got into a fighting stance and raised his arms. "Well, come on then. Let's make you stronger."

"What?" Before Edwin knew what's happening, Shego appeared in front of him and punched him in the face, sending him flying.

"Come on, up you go. Fight, fight," Shego called out and rushed after him while Edwin was still standing up.

The boy ended up getting smashed in their fight, but he learned something valuable. He was able to get experience and not a little amount of it as well. Edwin was awarded 10 XP for that fight with Shego.

That changed a lot of things for him. If he had to be beaten to shorten the time for his levels, so be it. As long as it got him closer to reaching his goal of getting stronger.

Knowing that Edwin challenged Shego every day for a fight. The experience he got for the fights varied every time, but it was still more than what he usually got for his training or hunting. He figured the XP was based on how long the fight lasted and how well he performed.

About three months passed since he started fighting Shego, and he finally leveled up his Warrior to the max. The Fighting Skill leveled quickly as well, thanks to fighting Shego daily.

[Name: Edwin

Age: 11


Warrior 5/5


Strength: 4.5

Dexterity: 4.5

Spirit: 4

Skills: Fighting (5/5)]

Edwin clicked on the + sign next to Class, and it showed him the available ones.

[Hunter, Martial Artist, Mage]

A sigh of relief left Edwin's mouth since he wasn't sure if there would be new Classes.

Hunter gave him the Shooting Skill and awarded him with +0.5 Strength and Spirit, and +1 Dexterity per level, with a free stat point every other level.

Martial Artist, on the other hand, would upgrade his Fighting Skill to Martial Art and awarded him with 1 Strength and Dexterity, and +0.5 Spirit per level, with a free stat point every other level.

Without thinking about it too much, he selected Martial Artist. Not only were the Stat awards better, but he also couldn't utilize the Shooting Skill. While the Martial Art Skill could be useful to him since he didn't have any weapons to use.

[Name: Edwin

Age: 11

Class: Martial Artist 0/5 (0/200)

Warrior 5/5


Strength: 4.5

Dexterity: 4.5

Spirit: 4

Skills: Martial Arts 0/10]

Edwin continued training daily like a madman as if he was possessed. He needed to grow stronger as quickly as possible. He fought with Shego whenever he could, he went out to hunt in the forest and practiced his katas.

Time passed, and soon, it was one year since he unlocked this strange 'magic.' Edwin had gotten slightly taller, and his body had buffed up. His green eyes lacked the innocence that a boy should have and looked sharp. All in all, he didn't look his age.

Shego continued being annoying and disgusting, but Edwin was able to put up with him since it meant free experience points. He toyed with Edwin in their fights, but the boy was able to extend the duration of their 'spars' due to his increased stats. That increased the XP he got from them, which was something that he desperately needed since the experience required for leveling Martial Artist was twice as big compared to Warrior.

The Skill Martial Arts was also a lot harder to level than Fighting. He had managed to get it to level 6, but he had been stuck there for over a month now.

Thankfully, that didn't stop him from leveling his Class, and he finally managed to get it to level 5.

[Name: Edwin

Age: 12

Class: +

Martial Artist 5/5

Warrior 5/5


Strength: 12.1

Dexterity: 11.7

Spirit: 9.5

Skills: Martial Arts 6/10]

Edwin was ecstatic. He had finally done it. After a whole year of hard work, training every day, doing katas, and fighting with Shego, he was finally going to start walking the path of a Mage! With the help of this weird magic that he unlocked, he would become the strongest Mage and have his revenge.

With glee, Edwin selected the Mage Class, but rather than getting the class, another window opened up for him. It presented him with an option to choose what kind of a Mage he would like to be.

Edwin's eyes sparkled with delight seeing the options. He hadn't heard of that type of Magic, granted he barely knew any type, to begin with, but they sounded powerful if nothing else. He only had two to choose from, but he didn't think he would need anything else.

[Water God Slayer Magic, Earth God Slayer Magic]

Edwin didn't think for long why those specifically two were offered to him, but he didn't care. He didn't think too much about which one to choose and mentally clicked on the one he wanted.