
Earthland's Gamer

Fairy Tail Fanfic. A boy who was born without magic, yet wished to be mage was gifted with Earthland's version of the Gamer ability. With this ability in hand, he will grow to become the very best like no one ever was. Inglish is not my first langueg, so expect errors, mistakes, and etc. Discord link for those who are interested: https://discord.gg/RKPV39b ***** Disclaimer, I don't own anything from Fairy Tail, The Gamer, or any other fiction that I might reference.

1dope4 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Ch. 14

A/N: He had a free stat point that he hadn't added to any of the stats. I forgot to include it when I wrote the last chapter. It's been fixed now.

Edwin's had his eye on the God Slaying Magic ever since he first saw them, so he picked one without hesitation. The moment he selected it, he felt a small change happen within him. There was something different about him, but he wasn't sure what it was.

From his new Magic Skill, Edwin received a bunch of information, and other information that he already knew, he was able to understand better.

"The book Matron Nera had was about Water God Slayer Magic?" Edwin asked out loud in surprise. He wouldn't have thought of that, but that gave him an explanation of why that magic was available for him to pick.

But then, why was Earth God Slayer Magic also available? After going through the information provided to him by his new Magic Skill, he had a slight idea to the answer to that question.

Being a Water God Slayer, he was able to produce and manipulate water. Additionally, he was able to consume external sources of water to replenish his strength and Magic Power. If other God Slayers worked the same way, well, Edwin happened to know one delirious man that enjoyed eating dirt.

'So, Shego was an Earth God Slayer? But he also ate bark, what's the deal with that? And did I get offered Earth God Slayer because of him?' He shook his head since there was no point in thinking about that at the moment.

Edwin was happy with his choice, and even if he knew beforehand what being a God Slayer meant, he would've still picked the same one. Yes, with Earth, he would be able to replenish his strength as long there was ground under his feet, but Water Magic was the first he'd ever seen.

When he was young, be had begged Matron Nera to show him her magic, and she had satisfied his curiosity. Since then, he was more than intrigued by Mages. Even if he was given a chance to redo his choice, he would still pick Water God Slayer in honor of the woman that raised him. Plus, he could always go for Earth once he maxes out his current Class.

The best part of his current choice, besides the stat he would receive from leveling it, +1.5 Strength and Dexterity and +2.5 Spirit, was that he already had a head start.

[Name: Edwin

Age: 13

Rank: E++

Class: Mage: God Slayer - Water 0/15 (0/1000XP)

Stats: +1 Free Stat Point

Strength: 36.1

Dexterity: 37.5

Spirit: 50.6


Water God Slayer 2/15

Requip 5/5

Guns Magic 5/5


Crafting 10/10

Martial Arts 9/10]

Edwin didn't know how many times he'd read the Magic Book of Matron Nera, but it seemed it had been useful. His Water God Slayer Magic Skill already started with 2 levels.

His new Class required a lot of XP, but the war with Sin was about to happen in less than two months. That would be the perfect place for him to gain levels. He just needed to increase his new Magic Skill as much as possible before that for maximum profit.

Edwin was planning on leaving the Red Forest, but first, he decided to get some practice with his new magic and possibly gain at least 1 level. That would give him a good boost to his stats and another free stat point.

A group of four Iron-Antler Elks was the target he chose to test out his Water God Slayer Magic. With his Magic Skill being at level 2, he already knew how to use a few spells.

Edwin breathed in deeply, and his chest puffed out. A dark blue magic circle with black tinges appeared in front of his head, and a large stream of black water erupted from his mouth.

"Water God's Bellow!"

The black stream burrowed into one of the elks, leaving a nasty wide wound on its body. The rest of the elks turned towards Edwin and charged with their iron antlers pointed at him. He stepped up, a magic circle forming as he pulled his arm back, and black water formed around his hand.

"Water God's Tidal Punch!"

A fist of black water flew out as he punched. The fist slammed into the group of elks, sending them flying back. A few of their bones got broken, yet the animals were about to get up. He didn't give them a chance, though.

Edwin raised his hands in front of him. Black water formed in a sphere as a magic circle appeared in front of him. He pushed out with his hands, and the orb flew towards the elks. On the way, it enlarged itself until it grew large enough to cover all of the animals.

"Water God's Prison!"

The sphere of black water captured the elks inside it, and after a few moments, all the animals drowned to death.

Edwin was excited. His new magic was strong, and it was still a low level. When he raises his Spirit by leveling up his Class, and increases the Magic Skill, he will be dishing out even more damage.

The rest of the day, he spent looking for any creatures and practicing his magic. Edwin also kept trying to use new spells. He would've had a hard time creating or figuring out new spells if he didn't already have knowledge of them from the Magic Book.

Edwin's XP gain was further increased since he didn't need to rest as often as before. Every time he got low on Magic Power or got exhausted, he would drink water and recover his strength.

Midway through the day, he had another thought. 'What if I can use God Slayer Magic through the Los Muertos?'

Edwin focused on that for the rest of the day, and by the end, he had some success. He managed to shoot out black water bullets from his guns, and his Magic Skill even increased. Edwin couldn't have asked for more. He called the spell Water God's Bullet.

That made him decide to try to create even more spells to use through Los Muertos. Hopefully, that would increase his Magic Skill even faster.

The best part was Edwin would be able to hide his Water God Slayer Magic by using it through his guns. Although he was proud of his new magic, he didn't want to put an even larger target on his back due to it.

Edwin's new magic was incredible, but he discovered that it came with a downside. Any of the normal food he ate, lost its taste. He had to soak his food with water and make it soggy for it to have any taste at all. Still, he would gladly take that downside for the benefits it gave him.

After spending another five days in the Red Forest, leveling his Class once, and reaching halfway towards the next level, Edwin decided its time to leave. He had a bit over a month before the war starts, and he didn't want to miss it. He also wanted to pass by a city to pack as many water bottles in his pocket space as he could.

Edwin also figured he could buy himself a pot and start cooking soups for himself. Hopefully, that would at least make his food tastier.

Simsouri was the closest city to his location, so he made his way there. A mighty bear was the crest of the noble house that lorded the city, but Edwin didn't even pay attention to it. He was only there for no more than a few hours. After he purchased everything he needed, he left and continued on his way towards Dolanor.

On the road, Edwin had a blast practicing with his new magic. He worked on learning new spells. He had some success with that since he'd read the Matron Nera's Magic Book so many times. He might've not understood much of it back then, but now, everything was clear to him, and he could probably recite it word by word.

Edwin also worked on combining the Water God Slayer Magic with his guns. He was successful with that endeavor. He'd create more than once, and his Magic Skill increased in return. That was good, he wanted to increase it as much as possible before the war with Sin.

After passing a few more cities, Edwin reached Loridaf. The golden scales above the city name shined brightly in the day.

However, the people of Loridaf looked nothing like the crest of the noble house. All of them seemed uneasy and were sending him suspicious looks. Loridaf was the closest city to Sin, so that would be the first place any spies get sent to. They would also suffer the most out of all the cities in the kingdom.

"Halt! Identify yourself and state your business!" The guards at the gate stopped him. All of them had their hands on their weapons, ready to draw them at a moment's notice.

"Ted. I want to restock on supplies before continuing towards Dolanor to join the army," Edwin answered them and showed the letter he received from Leon. The crest of house Vertex was printed on it, so after verifying it, they let him in.

Still, Edwin noticed that one of the guards trailed after him, keeping an eye on what he was doing. He didn't care since he was there to get supplies, namely, as many water bottles as he could since he was running low on them. Edwin had refilled them when he'd passed rivers, but he wanted to be as prepared as he could possibly be. After all, he would be participating in a war.

Sin had two more weeks to hand the traitor to Pergrande before the kingdom goes to war. Since the country didn't actually house the brother of the king, there was no way this war could be avoided. Sin was aware of that and had already sent mages to sabotage the army and to attack Lordifay.

Edwin spotted a few buildings that were being rebuilt from those attacks. What he knew about Sin was that the country was ruled by mages. Most mages of the country practiced a specific magic called Summoning Magic. The most popular variation of it in Sin was Devil Summoning.

It required a lot of Magic Power to summon a Devil, but there were ways around it. A mage could sacrifice his life to bring forth a Devil of incredible power for a limited time.

That's what's happened in Loridaf and was the reason why the people were sending him suspicious looks. Edwin didn't care about that. He was only there to restock on supplies before moving towards Dolanor, the village where the army had gathered.

After getting everything he needed, Edwin left Loridaf. He traveled for two more days before he neared Dolanor. Even from a distance, he was able to see the massive camp and numerous people in it.

Before continuing towards the camp, he took a peek at his status.

[Name: Edwin

Age: 13

Rank: E++

Class: Mage: God Slayer - Water 2/15 (106/3000XP)

Stats: +2 Free Stat Points

Strength: 39.4

Dexterity: 40.7

Spirit: 56.3


Water God Slayer 6/15

Requip 5/5

Guns Magic 5/5


Crafting 10/10

Martial Arts 9/10]

Edwin's God Slayer Magic had progressed quickly with the number of spells he had managed to learn on his travel. The Magic Book that he could almost recite word by word was more than useful for him in that matter. He'd also created a few spells he could use with his guns, which also helped out. Edwin was able to raise his Water God Slayer to 6 fairly quickly, but he'd been stuck there for some time now.

During his travel, he'd also passed by a forest with magical creatures. Since he was making good progress on his way to Dolanor, he stayed there for a few days to level up his Class once more. The stat gains would be more than useful for his survival in the war.

Edwin also had 2 stat points, which he could place in any of the three stats. He decided to keep them for now since he didn't have a specific stat he wanted to increase at the moment. Plus, it was becoming harder and harder for him to increase his stats without leveling, so he figured he would save them until he needed them.

His progress in his skill is mostly due to the Magic Book. If he had picked Earth God Slayer, his skill would've been at 2 or maybe 3 at most.

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