
Chapter Six:New Atlantis and King Dan

The eminent monks of all schools of Tibetan Buddhism believed: "Somewhere near the main peak of Mount Gangdise, there is a mysterious place called "Shambhala", where the leader is the incarnation of Vajrayana Chana Dorje— Rao Deng Mangoba, the leader is the Immeasurable Light Buddha, also known as Amitabha. Shambhala has seven generations of His Holiness, namely: Yue Xian, Tian Zi Zai, Majesty, Moon Shi, Tian Zi Zi, All Colors and Heavenly Freedom, seven generations of His Holiness They all teach the "Kalachian Fundamental Sutra"; they are in charge of a happy kingdom composed of 9.6 million city-states. There is no poverty and hardship, no disease and death, no intrigue between people, and no envy and hatred...here The flowers are always blooming, the water is always clear, the crops are always waiting to be harvested, and the sweet fruits are always hanging on the branches. There are gold everywhere, and the mountains are full of gems. It is very precious to pick a piece at will. Of course, there is no money here, because money It's no use. People here use their minds to control everything in the outside world. When they feel cold, their clothes will automatically thicken, and when they are hot, they will naturally become thinner. Whatever you want to eat, the food will fly to you, and when you are full, the food will automatically leave. Go. The lifespan of the Shambhala is calculated in thousands of years. You can live as long as you want. Only when you are tired, feel the bitterness of longevity, and want to taste the taste of death, will you die happily...

"Hey, Princess Silk, the description of Shambhala on the Internet feels like the new Atlantis you are talking about. Is it the description of your country? What is your history and how did you accomplish it? What about the unified one?" PDD, who was interacting with fans on the Internet, asked curiously.

This question caused Princess Silk to fall into memory, and she paused for a long time, "Come here today, I'm tired, let's go back to my room and rest."

"You, ask any questions. This is the eternal pain in Princess Sizhi's heart. Do you know if you expose the scars of others." Li Zhifeng blamed PDD.

"What's the matter, I don't know?" PDD said with a dazed expression, "Then since Princess Puzhi went back to rest, Brother Feng will tell us about it." The gossip PDD, diligently handed a few strings. Barbecue.

"In fact, I can tell you without the skewers, because when Princess Silk left, she didn't give a hint that she couldn't tell, but she didn't want to recall this story." She said no, her body was very honest and Li Zhifeng took it smoothly. After the skewers, "This story has to be told from 300 years ago..."

A long, long long time ago, the Earth's surface, either because of disasters, wars, or diseases, has experienced many civilization changes. Every time a civilization falls, a small number of survivors will find and enter the underground world with the perseverance of science and technology and the instinct to survive. . But not every civilization is so lucky. Among them, the civilizations that can finally find the right passage and reach the underground world successively are the Gendaya civilization, Mesopotamia civilization, Muria civilization, Sumerian civilization, and Lei There are more than a dozen surface civilizations, such as the Mulia civilization, the Atlantis civilization, and the Maya civilization.

Due to the vast land and resources of the underground world, the few civilizations that have just entered have established their own countries in peace and friendship. Later, as the civilizations entered into more countries, they also began to secretly compete and compete with each other. Because everyone has come here after suffering the disaster of extinction, they all understand the importance of grouping together to keep warm and cooperating to survive, and reached a peace agreement that never wars with each other, but everyone needs to prevent the sudden rise of other countries and the tearing of new leaders. The possibility of aggression in the peace agreement. Therefore, in addition to secretly developing an arms race in science and technology, a plan for exchanging protons between major powers has also been proposed.

Princess Silk Zhi's father, King Dan, was born in a family of famous families when he was a child, and he was the descendant of famous generals. As one of the protons of Atlantis since childhood, he was sent to the kingdom of Gandaya and the prince Anjie of Gandaya to study and grow up with the famous teacher Zhang Yi. Since the two children represent two different countries, they are both extraordinarily hardworking and diligent. Although the two have also cultivated a very good brotherhood since childhood, no matter whether it is the ideological realm, personality, quality, learning ability, martial arts strength, Xiao Dan Wang will be slightly better. Teacher Zhang Yi also showed special care for him, which made An Jie grow up. He was very unconvinced with King Xiao Dan. As soon as the proton time arrived in adulthood, although King Xiaodan returned to the Kingdom of Atlantis, he still maintained close contact with Anjie, communicating with each other on state affairs, discussing politics, military technology, and everything.

Later, Atlantis was not invaded by outsiders, but civil strife broke out from within. The main reason was that the monarch at that time was foolish and blinded by traitorous officials. The design framed a number of Atlantis defenders, including General Lao Dan, the father of King Dan. The treacherous ministers originally intended to get rid of the powerful loyal ministers and then usurp the throne to become the king. Unexpectedly, the various local forces that had been suppressed by the loyal ministers for a long time had no worries about them. They rose rapidly and occupied their own land to be the king. They wanted to quickly expand themselves. Power and territory.

At this time, the adult King Dan had just experienced the pain of losing his father, and was ordered to take over the post of General Old Dan when he was on the verge of danger, asking him to quickly suppress the local warlord forces to stabilize the country's situation.

It's not that simple. There were treacherous ministers in Atlantis at that time, who were always paying attention to the new general Dan's movements, and did not provide advanced weapons and equipment, and did not issue military rations. Instead of asking General Dan to send troops to suppress it, it is better to let him go to death or deliberately let him come back from defeat so that he can be dealt with by military law. The loyal minister came out again to take credit on the scene.

However, General Dan used all his talents and strength to explain what is called a hero in the elite army. He wiped out all his wealth and forcibly won 13 provinces from 24 provinces in the hands of the four major local warlords. Jurisdiction. On the one hand, there are still 11 provinces that have not regained the hardest battle. On the other hand, the 13 provinces that have been taken over are deceived and panic. There are also various remaining warlord forces who are destroying and waiting for opportunities to counterattack. No matter how good General Dan is, he has clearly felt his powerlessness. But the princesses at that time, Silk Zhi and Ziwen, were only a few years old and couldn't help. If they continued to attack, the whole army would be wiped out as an improper leader. They would also be detained by treacherous ministers for treason. If you make a mistake in your decision, you will not only end up like Lao Dan, but it is very likely that both Queen Manyu and the two little princesses will encounter accidents.

At this time, General Dan couldn't take care of that much. The only way was to find King Anjie of the Kingdom of Gandaya for help and send troops. Yes, the little friend who was studying and playing together when he was a child is now the king of the Gendaya Kingdom ranked first in the comprehensive national strength of the earth's center, and his childhood teacher Zhang Yi is also a national teacher. Although he is a very familiar friend, General Dan's visit this time was in his capacity as a state affairs, so King An Jie also received the highest diplomatic courtesy. After a few short greetings, the anxious General Dan directly expressed his intention to come and asked to send troops for peace. Rebel. However, in front of hundreds of civil and military officials, how could King An Jie agree with him in an eloquent manner like a child. According to the negotiations between the two countries, it is possible to send troops but the conditions must be mentioned. Under the suggestion of his officials, King Anjie proposed that we can send troops to help each other, but all the local cities and provinces that we have sent troops to recover need to be divided into half and returned to the Kingdom of Daya. General Dan first expressed his astonishment at this request, because this brother who grew up understands himself, how could it be possible for General Dan to split the country? General Dan hesitated for a long time, but it didn't look like King An Jie was joking on such a serious occasion. Your country is in danger and you can't afford to hesitate. If you go back empty-handed, the morale of soldiers will drop to the bottom. No matter if the fellow soldiers continue to fight hard or withdraw their troops, they will lose. After careful consideration, General Dan had his own decision in his mind. He agreed to King Anjie's conditions on the spot and signed the letter of commitment with the general seal. After the two parties agreed on the method of cooperation and the time for sending troops, General Dan returned to Atlantis with great concern.

After General Dan left, the national teacher Zhang Yi asked King An Jie: "Why did you make this request? In fact, we don't have to govern the land belonging to them. You understand Dan, it is too difficult for him."

"Understood, I just want to know how General Dan, who was better than me in all aspects since childhood, would choose how he would choose when facing this problem. If Master Master was replaced by you, would you choose to agree?" Wang An Jie asked curiously.

"This is a disguised cessation of land to survive. I will not agree to it, but if the situation of Atlantis is not promised, it is very likely that the country will be divided and the country will be disintegrated. It is indeed a dilemma, but according to my understanding of Dan Qi, he should He won't agree. Hey, it seems that he really has no choice this time." National Teacher Zhang Yi said with a sigh of love for his son.

At the appointed time, an advance team of less than 1,000 people from the Kingdom of Gendaya moved into Atlantis as scheduled. Because of the crushing of the technological level, there was no resistance along the way. Once the rebels are located, they only promote one thing, that is, they have collected the DNA of all high-ranking rebel officials in the area, and only give the local rebels one day to surrender. Otherwise, the DNA of the rebels that are still stubbornly resisting will be replaced by Soul Machines.

Here is an introduction to the Gendaya civilization and the fearsome perverted weapon soul-changing machine. The human males of the Gendaya civilization are about 2.1 meters tall and the females are about 1.8 meters tall. The man has the emerald-colored third eye with superpower above the eyebrows. The eyes of different nationalities have different colors and different functions. They are predictive, lethal, and so on. Women do not, so women are more afraid of men, but women's uterus has the ability to communicate with the gods. Before pregnancy, they will contact the gods of heaven and decide whether to have children. The Gendaya civilization was the first civilization to enter the center of the earth, and it was also a super powerful country ranked first in terms of scientific and technological strength and national area. Because of the absolute technological strength and terrifying dark weapons, no country dares to challenge his authority.

At that time, the development direction of weapon culture of each civilization in the center of the earth was different, and the weapons of Gendaya civilization were more like magic weapons. The soul-changing machine simply puts the DNA samples of two different organisms into the two ends of the device, and the device will automatically calculate the spiritual consciousness frequency of the two organisms based on the DNA, and then use the quantum wave-particle duality to emit specific wavelengths. Take and capture the quantum-level spiritual consciousness of two creatures and form an entangled state, and then exchange the quanta that are entangled with each other. The spiritual consciousness of the two creatures will be exchanged. At this moment, the noble and powerful leader can immediately be exchanged for the humanoid animal of the pig and dog soul. The rebel leader can immediately become a walking animal in front of his relatives, tear his clothes, and be naked without changing his appearance. Urinate and urinate in public, gnaw garbage and feces, and even mate in public with animals. This is a thousand times and ten thousand times more humiliating than death in battle or even surrender. Therefore, as soon as the soul-changing machine of the Gendaya civilization is released, it can basically be a soldier without a fight. In fact, after encountering one or two enemy leaders who do not believe in evil, they are exchanged souls with Soul Machines, basically Gendaya's soldiers make any request, and the family and subordinates of the enemy leader will agree to beg to exchange their consciousness. Therefore, the Gundaya civilization's weapon development approach is not to destroy the enemy's body, but to destroy the enemy's spiritual consciousness.

In less than a month, all the rebels in 11 provinces handed in their weapons and proclaimed themselves, and added the DNA of all the rebels and hidden agents to the advance team of Gendaya to express their determination to never rebel. At that time, the king of Atlantis had been secretly killed when he was taken hostage by treacherous officials. The backbone of the treacherous officials had also been captured by Gendaya's advance team with a Soul-changing machine and exchanged consciousness. They were handed over to General Dan for the disposal of several pigs and dogs. His flesh has entered the original ecology like a pig and dog and was released into the wild. In this way, the crisis of Atlantis, which was nearly annihilated, was solved by an advance team of less than a thousand soldiers in the Gendaya civilization, and even the regular army and more powerful weapons did not have the opportunity to show their faces. General Dan also became famous because of the timely and successful operation of this call for soldiers to protect the country. With the help of his friend Wang Anjie, he successfully became the new king of Atlantis. Since then, General Dan has become the new king of Atlantis. King Dan in our mouth.

   But a more severe test awaits the newly appointed King Dan. It is time to fulfill the promise of King Anjie of the Kingdom of Gandaya. Gundaya's advance team helped King Dan regain 11 provinces in total, and the treacherous ministers who cleaned the capital totaled 12 provinces, and half of them were divided into 6 provinces to be governed by the Kingdom of Gundaya. Ceding the land is absolutely not allowed in King Dan's ancestral precepts and life values. In fact, no one knew that King Dan had already figured out his own solution at the moment when it was difficult to promise King An Jie's conditions for sending troops.

It is said that on the morning when he set off for the Kingdom of Gendaya, King Dan got up early and combed his favorite princess Silk Zhi and Princess Ziwen personally. The comb was stranded over and over again on Princess Silk Zhi's head, leaving behind again and again. Care and miss again "Has Chi'er been studying hard recently?"

   The six-year-old princess Silk Zhi replied, "Father, I'm doing my studies well, you don't believe me and ask sister Ziwen."

   "That's not it, I study better than you!" said the three-year-old Princess Ziwen stubbornly.

"Hahaha, I know that you two are my best babies. Sizhi, you are 6 years old and you have reached the age of sensibility. If your dad is away from home and can't come back for a long time, can you protect your sister and take care of it? What about your mother?" King Dan said from light to heavy, but how could the two children be able to observe it.

"Dad, how long is it that I can't come back for a long time, then I will definitely take care of my mother until she grows white and protect her sister to adulthood!" Princess Xiaobozhi's eyes revealed determination and strength, which made people see what a princess should have in the future. Take charge.

   "It's been a long, long time... Maybe I won't be able to come back until your mother turns white and your sister is an adult." King Dan said, his eyes moistened.

   "Then I will take my sister to find my father, and let my mother wait at home for our good news!" The immature princess Silk Zhi said extremely optimistically, no one knows how high the sky is and how thick the earth is at a young age. But it was this natural optimism that made Dan Wang very gratified. Hugging the two princesses tightly into his arms, feeling their heartbeat, body temperature and the smell of their bodies, trying to remember this last precious warmth.

   For breakfast on the trip, Queen Man Yu prepared a table full of meals and dumplings that King Dan liked. Everyone thought that King Dan thanked the Kingdom of Gendaya for sending troops this time, so everyone was happy. Except for King Dan himself, no one knows the secret of his difficult cessation of territories to recruit troops. King Dan looked affectionately at the beloved Queen Man Yu, "Man Yu, you have been with me for so many years, apart from keeping you in fear, it doesn't seem to let you enjoy the glory and wealth for a few days."

"Dan, if I am a person who is greedy for material pleasure and pursues prosperity and honor, would you still marry me? You are optimistic, positive, and upright. For me, every day is not a spiritual enjoyment." Queen Manyu said sweetly. Gave a dumpling to King Dan. The two little princesses snickered mischievously.

   "The two children are still young, I will work hard for you in the future." King Dan said as he looked at Queen Manyu and tried to squeeze a smile.

   Queen Manyu seemed to be aware of some temptation and asked, "Why, are you still ready to come back? I can remind you that your good brother, King An Jie, did not marry him for the sake of me."

   "He, is he handsome as I am? Can I fight if I do?" King Dan said a few jokes, which brought back the atmosphere that was about to show up.

King Dan was afraid that he would be unable to control his emotions if he talked again, so he quickly stuffed a few dumplings into his mouth and got up and said that he was too late to set off. "You, you don't have the image and majesty of being a king at all." Empress Man Yu shook. Speaking disgustingly.

King Dan hugged Queen Manyu and kissed his forehead deeply when he was forced to act happily and said, "Take care!" Then he squatted down and touched the hair and cheeks of the two princesses, trying to imprint the most beautiful picture in his memory forever. Zhi, Ziwen, you two study hard, whoever is the best will teach martial arts when I come back! Whenever you encounter any difficulties, remember that you are the daughter of King Dan!"

   King Dan immediately packed up and went out, with only one entourage. As soon as I left the mansion, I got off the flying board and greeted my neighbors in the neighborhood that I had known for many years.

   "King Dan, you are going out, come to Uncle Wu here to bring some sesame cakes on the way to eat!" Uncle Wu, who sells sesame cakes, greeted King Dan enthusiastically.

"Okay, come ten!" Then he asked the entourage to pay for 1,000 sesame cakes. "Uncle Wu, this is the silver biscuits I eat this year. I heard that you have been coughing in the middle of the night, and your wife is pregnant again. Listen to me. Both of you should go to the hospital and have a good health check."

"Boy Dan, when will you send someone to repair my house? It's always leaking! Have you forgotten me when you become a king?" It turned out to be the most powerful Aunt Liu on this street with a cigarette in his pajamas and slippers and chased him out. , There is a cheap plastic curling iron on his head.

"Okay Auntie Liu, I was busy in wars before, and now I will contact you to help you solve it right away." Dan Wang didn't have any pretensions to say, because these old neighbors around him are so real and kind, and no one takes him as an outsider. To be a king is to look at the neighborhood where he grew up, and there is no sense of distance between each other.

   The usual 5 minutes walk, Dan Wang walked slowly for 30 minutes this time, trying to remember every smiley face, not wanting to miss every neighborhood.

   then put away his smiling face, adjusted his emotions, stood on the flying board and headed to the destination Kingdom of Gandaya.

   When they came to the main hall of the Kingdom of Gendaya, King Anjie and the national teacher Zhang Yi had already led a group of officials to wait. They were all looking forward to how the new king Dan will be delivered.

Everyone happily sat down and exchanged greetings for a long time, talking about the past as a teenager, and also about the future governance policy. King Dan said that the most powerful and outstanding country should not sit back and watch the internal conflicts of other countries, but should dominate the center of the earth. The unification of the world has become the leader of the unity and development of national civilizations in all countries in the world...

   Seeing that King Dan did not mention the agreement for a long time, King Anjie first stepped into the topic, "King Dan, I don't know which six provinces you have considered and let us manage them?"

   "Wang An Jie, in fact, I didn't even think about it in a province." King Dan replied with a smile, picked up the tea cup, but did not look at King An Jie squarely.

   "Oh? Did you bring the map of your country? Where's the national seal?" Wang Anjie felt that something was wrong and asked.

   "I didn't bring them, so I brought an ordinary entourage." King Dan replied with a smile still.

   "Dan, you have always been the one who will do what you say. You can still have your signature and the general's seal in the letter of undertaking to invite soldiers from the land." The Chinese teacher Zhang Yi asked this favorite student in puzzlement.

   "Teacher, the letter of undertaking at that time started because of me, and it should end because of me today. Thank you for your cultivation over the years. Today, the students failed to speak but did not ashamed you."

"Anjie, if you still treat me as a brother, please tear up the agreement and take care of my family after I die." Unexpectedly, King Dan suddenly said this and gradually put away his smile, but his speech became more and more rapid. quick. "I signed the letter of undertaking. I will end the letter of promise with death today, but the land is indispensable in my inch!"

Immediately, King Dan got up and drew out his portable saber, quickly stepped back a few steps against his carotid artery and said to his entourage, "Go back to show the people of the country. This is my personal behavior. The two countries must not have grievances because of my death!" Knowing, no one dared to approach when he came out with a knife.

   Just as everyone was stunned by the sudden surprise, King Dan had already cut through the carotid artery with a saber and spurted a lot of blood and slowly fell down.

The national teacher Zhang Yi, who was stunned by the scene before him, just came to his senses. He hurried forward and hugged the king Dan like his beloved son with trembling hands. !...", releasing all the pain of an old man, the old man burst into tears and burst into tears.

King Anjie, who has always been arrogant, has mixed feelings at this moment, a test of the grief of losing his brother, how to deal with Atlantis and the wives and children of King Dan, and the shock brought by Dan Wushang's patriotic sentiment. , Character Xinyi once again lost to the chagrin of King Dan. But this time losing to Dan may also be the last time, from now on there will be no chance to compete with Dan again.

King Anjie quickly asked people to take a light chase machine to record what happened here from beginning to end, and took the letter of commitment signed by King Dan in the presence of the entourage of King Dan and all the civil and military officials. Burn it.

The Kingdom of Gandaya returned the body of King Dan in the manner of the supreme king and was buried in Atlantis. King Dan's entourage, like Atlantis nationals, told about everything and King Dan's last words and showed the light pursuit. Recorded images and videos. At that time, the whole nation of Atlantis screamed.

After the shock of this incident, the values ​​in Wang Anjie's heart have silently changed. I have sought the supreme power in my life. In the end, it will not be a drop in the history of the ocean. If you can't settle down in the world, power is just selfish desire. If King Dan What will happen to him sitting in my position, I will do what King Dan hasn't done, and do what he wants to do if he has no chance to do it again.

   At the funeral of King Dan, King Anjie made a shocking oath to the world, and it has been carved on the monument to the founding of New Atlantis.

  " King Dan taught me to reflect with his life. There is a kind of evil, that is, being strong but not exercising justice!

   From today onwards, the Kingdom of Gandaya will do everything possible to unify the civilization of the earth during my Anjie's lifetime, with the goal of making the world no more wars!

  We will re-establish a country with the presbytery as the core of power and credit scores as the main body of currency, with a unified credit system.

   The first Presbyterian Council, selected by all participating countries, sent one of the most respected persons to participate in the formulation of national policies and discuss state affairs.

  The monarchy of various countries has been abolished today, including myself. The countries will not be re-divided, and they will continue to be in charge of the continents and provinces.

  From now on, the people of all ethnic groups in the earth and the world will advance and retreat together, sharing science and technology, living together in housing, sharing food, and sharing dangers!

   All men are created equal, we will divide resources by talents and see honor and disgrace by character! "

As soon as this order was issued, the two pivotal kingdoms of Gendaya and Atlantis merged immediately. Talents from all over the world and some weak civilizations were quickly attracted to join, and the land area quickly occupied 70% of the geocentric world, as a commemoration Respect King Dan, and the new unified nation is called New Atlantis. In order to honor King Dan's entrustment, the first rank of Atlantis was given to Queen Manyu, and Princess Silk and Ziwen directly had the same points as the third rank. People have nothing to worry about. In the following decades, the superiority of the system produced a huge siphon effect. All the talents in the center of the earth were attracted by the new Atlantis. The national power of other countries declined rapidly and was recruited. In the end, the merger was 100% and the grand unification was completed!

Although it was King An Jie and the national teacher Zhang Yi who embarked on the implementation of the unification of the geocentric civilization, no one knows whether they were out of respect for King Dan or guilt. The deliberate concealment only highlighted King Dan's contribution, until later remembered by others. There is only one founding king of the heart-King Dan.

Li Zhifeng unknowingly finished the skewers, he hiccuped and said, "That's why you shouldn't pretend King Dan in front of Princess Silk Zhi. It is a regret in her heart forever. She often watched and chased the machine by herself. Captured the picture of the family parting on the day his father set off. Now Princess Ziwen has grown up and Queen Manyu is..., she has also come out to find her father as she said."

   "Did she find it?" PDD asked with concern.

   "Guess." Li Zhifeng said lightly.

   "You are confused? Didn't King Dan committed suicide 300 years ago? How to find and where to find?" Yu Yan asked inexplicably.

  Li Zhifeng raised his head and looked at the birthmark on the carotid artery of Yu Yan's neck solemnly, and said nothing.