
Chapter 1: The Final Preparation

Yu Yan was already wearing a diving suit and riding a motorcycle with Princess Silk to the beach. At this moment, the military Helizhifeng was waiting at the beach.

Princess Silky stepped forward and greeted and said, "Thank you, everyone, let's start. Yu Yan, you go into the sea and use your greatest energy to summon all the large marine creatures to your side. Then you will know what the plan is. ."

Under everyone's gaze, Yu Yan walked suspiciously into the sea, boarded a motorboat that had been prepared, and drove off the shore to ride in the direction of the deep sea. When it was almost the distance, Yu Yan stopped the motorboat. A handsome dive plunged into the sea. Then he began to meditate, summoning all the large marine animals to come to him, dozens of dolphins swam over, dozens of killer whales swam over, slowly sharks, beluga whales, tuna, groupers, Lisan There are more and more of the three outer layers. As time goes by, large fishes from the ocean continue to gather to Yu Yan. From the beginning, it has been tens of meters wide and has been surrounded by several kilometers in width. Yu Yan himself cannot see in the water. Arrived, but it's too spectacular to see from the air. No one has ever seen this kind of marine life scene. Just as Yu Yan was still wondering what to do next after convening, four military helicopters flew up in the sky and began to spray paint from the air on the large fish and cetaceans that surfaced. Many. It took nearly half an hour for the four helicopters to spray to make sure that they were all sprayed.

   Seeing that the helicopter completed its mission and went away, Yu Yan also let the marine creatures go away, and then went back to the beach on the motorboat.

   "Why do I spray them with paint? What is my specific task?" Yu Yan couldn't stand the secrecy of Princess Sizhi anymore, and asked anxiously.

   "The paint used is environmentally friendly and non-toxic, don't worry." Princess Weizhi replied.

"But the paint is man-made, which means that they could have avoided Huang Baoyun's attack, but now they have become Huang Baoyun's target. Do you want them to be blown up to death?" Yu Yan asked incomprehensibly, in a tone of voice. With a little anger.

"Tomorrow, there will be countless yellow burst cloud release openings in the depths of the ocean. We have counted that if a large ocean fish can blow up a release opening, it can save about 1,000 million people's lives. Do you use this method to consider yourself. Yes. You can also say other ways now." Princess Silk said very sensibly, without a trace of emotion.

   "But you know, I treat them like my relatives..., how can I accept it? Can't it be replaced by someone else?" Yu Yan was still struggling psychologically.

   "If I tell you that they die for the sake of mankind, they can become human in the next life. Do you still think you are harming them?" Princess Wei Zhi looked at Yu Yan's eyes and said seriously, without the slightest joking.

  Yu Yan digested this sentence for 5 seconds, nodded and turned around, looking at his body language to show that he accepted and agreed, but he stubbornly added "Don't be as poor as I am."

Coming to Mangkang County, Princess Ziwen also saw the news that the wormhole completely opened up Nibiru star to reveal an edge. After passing through the ditch with her sister, she took Tian Le to a very flat and open place on the edge of the mountain forest. On the land, a military truck is already waiting here, "Tian Le, use up your energy and start calling." Princess Ziwen said. Tian Le stood silently in the center of the open space, and began the act of calling for thought. After a few minutes, the deer, donkeys, and bears all came over, and another ten minutes later, leopards, rabbits, wolves, yaks, and horses. Slowly approaching the direction of Tianle, no one has ever seen such a large-scale spontaneous group behavior of wild animals in the wild. Everyone present was shocked. Half an hour passed, except for this open space. The animals that came to gather had a team of more than ten kilometers along the mountain road. Military trucks began to spray paint on all the animals. It took two hours. Tian Le pointed to the painted animals and said to Princess Ziwen faintly, "If they die again, I really have no friends.", "No, you still have Azi, and Students, Chuanjun, and me." Princess Ziwen looked at Tian Le with sincere eyes and said seriously. Although Tian Le didn't know that Princess Ziwen had given him great pain, but the heart-warming words of Princess Ziwen made him feel that the distance between the two was drawn very close. Because Tian Le always believed that Princess Ziwen and Chuanjun approached him only to complete a common task, and never thought that his ordinary teacher in all aspects could be regarded as a friend by a princess of higher civilization.

On the way back after completing the mission, Tian Le asked Princess Ziwen "Where are my parents in reincarnation? Can I find them?"

Princess Ziwen said, "You don't have to force it, you will see it by chance. By the way, this is the necklace your parents asked me to give you. Keep it safe. Put it on."

Speaking, he handed Tian Le a beautiful necklace, but the material and glossy shape of this necklace did not look like a product of surface civilization. There was also a delicate pendant on the necklace, and the translucent pendant also had dark blue in it. The liquid was shaking. When Tian Le took it over, she inadvertently saw a small wound on Princess Ziwen's finger... Princess Ziwen quickly withdrew her hand and urged Tian Le to put it on quickly. Only after seeing him put it on did she feel relieved. Looking at Tian Le's eyes, he said seriously, "I don't care if you wear it or not, but in the past two days, please wear it. You can't take it off, understand?" He gave up when Tian Le replied and agreed.

In the morning, starting with the announcement of Princess Silk's live broadcast that Huang Baoyun will be launched tomorrow, the global emergency avoidance evacuation plan has begun to be fully launched.

The caves excavated by various countries around the world have begun to enter the caves strictly according to the distribution plan.

Take China as an example. Before entering the cave, it is not allowed to bring any luggage or food, and all modern clothes, jewelry and shoes worn on the whole body need to be discarded into the truck, and they should be pulled into the deep pit ten kilometers away to avoid being in the cave. Was destroyed by Huang Baoyun. Then they lined up through the security check and entered the hole to check again whether there are any precious metals hidden or worn on the body. The security check line is divided into two teams, men and women, because each needs to enter the simple dressing room to check whether there are any items under the clothes. In this way, about 1 billion people in China are going through security checks in an orderly manner in accordance with the principle of proximity to neighborhoods and communities allocated in advance. Many people in remote mountainous villages have also been notified to take refuge in the nearest natural cave nearby. What is disappointing is that many people with a fluke mentality secretly carried jewelry, jewelry, and jade that they believed to be valuable in their lives. They were checked out during the security check. They were still reluctant to discard them and made a lot of noise; there were also some expensive bags bought by working-class people. They don't want to throw away the bags. They save money and spend half a year's salary to buy the bags. They think they can enter a circle with the rich, but they only spend a few days of pocket money, and it won't hurt to throw them away at this time. . While they are still anxious and distressed about whether to give up their bags, the rich are already thinking about how to get rich quickly from the same starting line after coming out of the cave in 24 hours. Most of China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, and Singapore use this organized, disciplined and orderly method, but the folk customs in European and American countries are much rougher. Many residents wear a fur skirt and hold a branch next to them, and lay it out in advance. Their prey entered the mountains. Perhaps in their physical fitness and traditional habits, it is not a problem to survive for a few days away from any product of modern civilization.

SpaceTY's 100 super starships and 100 space shuttles also started boarding from the morning, but the boarding plan was not smooth. Many gunmen came from all over the United States and blocked the boarding gate to protest and talk to the scene. The security guards confronted, "Why can only the rich survive? We have to board the plane ticket!" They even threatened to shoot and damage the carrier rocket without giving the ticket, and no one should leave. The boarding scene of 20,000 people was originally planned, but 80,000 people came. Seeing that the scene is about to get out of control, CEO Mark gave a solution on the scene through the super large screen after an emergency meeting with the engineer and calculations: "We will take two hours to dismantle all the seats on the starship and the space shuttle and the space shuttle. The toilet is used to expand the manned space and carrying capacity of the spacecraft. After calculating that the seats are removed, each starship can carry an additional 20 people, and the space shuttle with the seats and toilets removed can carry an additional 80 people, so that a total of You can bring an extra 10,000 people. How to choose these 10,000 people? I hope you can recommend them in a peaceful way within an hour. I suggest giving priority to those who are really helpful to the revival of the next generation of civilization. But this one hour first let those who have votes People board the plane first to ensure that there is enough boarding space and time for 10,000 new places. No one hopes that because of selfishness, there will be no Americans in the next human civilization cycle. We can only reach an agreement with peace. God bless the United States. !" This method really worked. The masses with guns blocking the door began internal discussions on how to choose this precious 10,000 boarders. The elites who had previously spent a lot of money to buy tickets began to seize the time to board the ship in an orderly manner. Other scientists, engineers, scientific researchers have also boarded the space shuttle one after another. The protesters who calmed down an hour later finally used their senses to sort out the priority order in their minds to represent the future. Teenagers aged 12-18 were placed in the first boarding echelon... Two hours later, all seats and toilets were all After being dismantled, Mark also kept his promise to let the 10,000 people selected by the protesters board the starship and the space shuttle according to different echelons. Everyone was given a safety belt and safety buckle for fixing on the spacecraft. Myself, because the space shuttle was removed from the bathroom, everyone who boarded the space shuttle also got an adult diaper. Anyway, the space shuttle can only rely on this 24 hours before landing. In the end, all the conflicts and incomprehensions turned into a peaceful and calm acceptance. In the evening, 200 carrier rockets carrying super starships and space shuttles were neatly arranged and lifted off in an orderly and smooth manner. The scene was as spectacular as an interstellar war. The scene The 50,000 people who failed to board the plane covered their faces and wept, but they also sent their best wishes to the lucky ones.

A very small number of senior U.S. military and political leaders also have cards. They took a military plane with the president to Area 51, preparing to take the new anti-gravity aircraft TR-3B, which has been co-developed with the Little Greys, to avoid tomorrow's yellow explosions. They are in Area 51. There are more than one hundred new TR-3Bs in the hangar excavated in the cave of Beijing.

The 200 space shuttles jointly built by China and Russia are also undergoing boarding and evacuation plans in an orderly manner. Although the European Union was low-key, at the last moment it also emptied its family and successfully built 25 space shuttles. Leaders and elites of EU countries also began to board and evacuate.

At this time, the interfaces of all websites, TV stations, and apps around the world are written in different texts with a unified reminder interface "Warning! Please find refuge in the nearest cave or mountain valley to survive, and don't wear any manufactured or processed products. Let's download Good-bye, civilized! Good luck!"

In the evening, Yu Yan and Princess Silk were sitting on the beach, watching the last sunset of this civilization. Yu Yan suddenly had a bold idea because he accidentally hummed "Heaven If Love". He felt that if he didn't do it at this time, there would be no chance, and he would regret it all his life. He immediately took Princess Silk to get on the locomotive and drove hurriedly towards the city. At this moment, there is no car in sight on the busy road in Kaohsiung. A lone locomotive driving without traffic rules is like the end of the movie. Lovers. Coming to the entrance of a bridal shop, Yu Yan parked the locomotive and carried a metal trash can from the side of the road. Just like Hua Dee in "A Dream Chaser in the Sky", he wanted to smash the window of the bridal shop, at the end of the earth. Wear a wedding dress with Princess Silk once a day. But she was immediately stopped by Princess Silk, "You don't want to wear it? Then I won't force you." Yu Yan put down the trash can and said like a gentleman. Unexpectedly, Princess Puzhi smiled and pointed to the door and said, "Can you go through the door and get it? The boss didn't lock the door." Yu Yan grabbed her hair awkwardly. "Then the two entered into the joking and joking around each other and stirred up clothes for each other, deliberately picking up each other's shortcomings, as if the world only had each other at this moment, and there was no end of the world tension at all. In the end, the two put on the most handsome dress and the most beautiful wedding dress and took a crazy selfie with their mobile phones in the bridal shop.

Then the two came to the beach wearing wedding dresses and gowns, letting Li Zhifeng be a witness, preparing to complete a simple human wedding. Yu Yan took out the ring he had prepared in his pocket and suddenly knelt down to propose to Princess Bozhi. Princess Bozhi was surprised and asked a ridiculous question, "Why would you have money to buy a diamond ring?" Yu Yan knelt on the ground and was very aggrieved. "Generally, our surface people will say first at this time-I am willing. Instead of asking questions. Don't mention it. I've been poor for decades, but on the last day there are still more than 2 million PDD transfers to me that I haven't used up. "The serious manpower of the marriage certificate was originally around him, and he laughed out of the pig cry... Princess Bozhi was also happy, but gradually put away the smile on the corner of her mouth, and seriously expressed that I was willing and raised Yu Yan, and gave it to He asked with a kiss, "Then what should I do if I didn't prepare a ring token for you?" Yu Yan took off his suit and tuxedo coolly, revealing the tattoo on his firm arm with the blue blood of Princess Silk, and said loudly, " Who said you have no tokens, I will wear your tokens forever." The two hugged tightly, behind them was the last beautiful sunset of this round of civilization, and hundreds of Chinese-Russian carrier rockets in the farther night. Successive ignitions and launches are a magnificent spectacle in the history of human aerospace, which has become the most expensive and spectacular firework at a wedding at the end of this century...

At 11 o'clock in the evening, Geng Ge and his wife woke up the sleeping child quietly. The three of them came to the yard garage and prepared to start the car to drag the doomsday pontoon to the beach. The family relied on this to take refuge. When Ge Geng, who originally thought no one knew, started the car and turned on the driving lights, he found two leading houses with four children stuck in front of the car. Brother Geng panicked, but tried his best to keep calm, after all, he had been a leader for many years. Just open the door and get out of the car and try to communicate with Lingju, "Brother Shen, Brother Zhang, and two sisters-in-law, haven't you gone to the evacuation site? It's too late." "Brother Geng, we can't trust the people in the evacuation site. Just take refuge in the cave. One of them brought something privately and our family is gone. We also know the life-saving ark you made. I just hope you can help us bring the child on board." Brother Shen spoke first. At this time, Geng got off the car and said, "Sorry for my elder sisters, our Ark was originally designed to only sit in our family of 3, plus your family's four children and 7 people. If it is overloaded, it will sink even if it doesn't capsize... …" While Sister Geng was talking, Brother Geng saw from the mirror on the opposite car front that a cold light flashed on the hand of Brother Shen and Zhang's back. He was stunned for a second and immediately pulled his wife's sleeve. After receiving the words, "It's not impossible, so that the three of our adults will not go up, let these five children go up. The problem is not big." Geng sister-in-law looked at Brother Geng with a surprised expression, "You!..." Facing Sister Geng, Ge Geng closed his eyes and pursed his mouth and nodded heavily, signalling Sister Geng to accept the proposal. In the case of Geng's reluctance, the three families worked together to transport the spherical pontoon made by Geng to the beach and drag them into the sea, and let the five children into it. Then Geng used hand-woven vines to fix the pontoon with a huge reef on the beach, hoping that the pontoon would not float away the day after tomorrow. Everyone said farewell to the children affectionately and told them to go up to the shore after tomorrow. The children have settled down, and their adults will have to evacuate to the refuge point at the last time. On the way back, Geng's wife, who had been suppressed for a long time, collapsed and asked Geng, "Why did you compromise? That was originally a self-help plan for our family of three. Now I don't know if I can see the children!" Geng said indifferently. He said profoundly, "If you don't agree, it's possible that the child won't see us at that time..." As he said, suddenly several giants flew over from the roof of the car to attract everyone's attention. They looked up and counted. There are 8 spaceships as big as an aircraft carrier. Geng Ge and Lingju have never seen an aircraft. There are no propellers and jet structures. There are only about 6 huge spherical bodies on a few sides of the spacecraft. The spacecraft is about 1,200 meters long. It is 500 meters wide, and the Chinese flag is printed on the bow and tail of the ship. "Is this an anti-gravity interstellar aircraft carrier secretly researched and developed by China!?" As a science lover, of course Geng had heard of relevant research, but he did not expect that he had ever The legend I always thought appeared in front of my eyes in such a vivid and shocking way. "Sure enough, our China also has a trump card! 8 such giants can help the country preserve how many scientific research achievements and technical personnel, as well as precious material and cultural crystallization. Space. I can see value in my life, and the revival of Chinese civilization in the next cycle is also expected..."