
earth orc

story of characters scour the country in search of paranormal activity, fighting demons, ghosts and monsters along the way.

PlayerOliver · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
951 Chs


"Yeah," she mutters. "It doesn't quite stack up, does it?" Jordan raises her hand in an effort to signal to the council that she has something to add to the proceedings. In most cases Primogen feel free to speak as they wish, when they wish—but younger Kindred require permission, and a little more tact.

"Yes, Ms. Tremblay?" Corliss calls on Jordan. "You have something to add? You were there after all, why should you not have a say?"

"Thank you," Jordan says somewhat awkwardly, clearing her throat before continuing. "Last night I found Ms. Maier walking downtown along Queen Street. I said hello as we passed each other but she looked confused—like she'd never met me before. When I approached and talked to her, she claimed she had no idea who she was or how she got there."

Vivian's face wrinkles with confusion. "I don't remember any of that."

"How did you get back to your house if you weren't aware of who you were?" Corliss asks.

"I took her back," Jordan says. "I thought seeing her home would jog something loose. It seems like it did the trick until she was attacked."

"But I—" Vivian stammers.

Corliss narrows her eyes. "It seems likely that you've been stalked by this assailant for longer than you thought. How long could you have been compromised, I wonder?" She looks over to Qui. "You have your work cut out for you. And you have my resources at your full disposal. In the meantime, I want a full investigation into any and all Anarch activity within the city and anywhere on the outskirts. Tell your officers whatever you want, I don't care if we have to suggest the possibility of a terrorist attack. Ward and his Rabble must be found and dealt with." She eyes the other Kindred but none of them speak up. "This council is dismissed."

Lang gives an approving nod from the other side of the room, a smug smile plastered on his face.

As the council members get up to leave, Qui raises his voice over the murmuring crowd. "Pardon the inconvenience, but please don't leave the building just yet. Each member of the council will have a short exit interview so I can collect a statement. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated—the more we work together, the sooner Ms. Maier's attacker will be found and brought to justice."

For a moment it looks like a few may plan to leave anyway, but as he leads the more vocal dissidents, Bouchard slows, hand freezing on the handle to the chamber door. "Damn it all. What's a few moments of lost time to our centuries? To hell with it—I want the bastard caught too."

It looks like you'll be here for a while—you have the unusual opportunity to speak with any of these high-profile Kindred you wish, so long as they are receptive to your advances. At the other end of the chamber, Lucca appears from a door to Corliss's right and whispers something in her ear. Maybe she has some new information? You haven't had much time to talk to her since she returned to Ottawa, but then again there are significantly more powerful vampires here tonight who might be worthwhile to curry favor with or seek knowledge from.