
earth orc

story of characters scour the country in search of paranormal activity, fighting demons, ghosts and monsters along the way.

PlayerOliver · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
951 Chs


"We've taken steps in the right direction," Ward says. "With Corliss removed, we pave the way for Arundel's return. With him back in power, we can begin to plan real, lasting change."

"You think he'll still work with you?" you ask. "Even after all this?"

"I think so. We have reason to believe that Corliss was the one who imprisoned him; I'll find out where soon enough."

"Maybe you should have asked her before executing her," you say.

"You think she would have told us?" Sevinc asks. "Please. She wouldn't even admit that she's the one who conspired to take Arundel, much less admit to knowing where he is."

"There are other ways to find a vampire," Ward says. "You'll just have to trust us." He leaps down the final four steps to the ground floor landing and gestures you toward the door. "This is where you get off. We're headed down to the car park in the basement."

"You're not taking me with you?" you ask.

Sevinc shakes her head. "We could use you here. And I'm afraid I'm going to have to take out a little insurance. You've started to earn my respect, but there's trust and then there's trust. You hear me? Look at me. I need to know that I can count on you." You meet her gaze and suddenly you can't move. You're drowning in her eyes. "When you're asked what happened up there, you'll tell them that you fought off some mortals and made your way down the stairs alone. You will not speak about what happened to Corliss or your work with us." You feel the suggestion take hold and then she drops her gaze.

"I told you that you didn't have to do that, Sev," Ward grumps.