
Earth's Alpha Prime

[System is assimilating Earth with the rest of the Vast Universe.] [A Trial Program is needed for efficient assimilation and for that data needs to be recorded from 1111 individuals with Higher Potential Innate Abilities from the assimilating Planet.] [This Trial Program was further divided into 3 Sub Programs namely, ALPHA Program, BETA Program and GAMMA Program.] [Congratulations! You are one of the 11 Chosen individuals among 7.8 billion for the ALPHA Program.] [As a Chosen member among 11 individuals of Alpha Program you will be one of the first to start the Trial Program.] [When the Trial Program ends, the assimilation with Earth begins.] [Survive, overcome danger and grow stronger. All the Best.] ------------------------------------------- Cover Art Credit: Fantasy Pics Inc ------------------------------------------- Hi Guys I am an amateur author and am writing this as my new Hobby. If you find any grammar mistakes or anything, please let me know. Criticism is accepted, but don't outright hate the Novel. If you don't like the book, tell me why so I can improve upon it. Also, do keep in mind that this a novel where MC becomes OP rather quickly. So, for those who don't have a liking to this kind of genre might not find this novel to their interests. Cheers! Happy Reading! ------------------------------------------- Discord Link! https://discord.gg/maQC7xDBYZ -------------------------------------------

MN_1223 · Fantasy
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227 Chs

Momentary Materialisation Technique resurfaces again

With Jay's overall stats dangling at 990, he only had one activation left before his <INVERSE > mode becomes inaccessible.

After all, Jay wouldn't be able to access Origin Energy once he exits the <INVERSE > mode and bringing his comprehension of Origin Energy to 4% to break the 1st Universe Limit would be near impossible unless he experiences enlightenment.

The only other way was to wait until the mastery of each and every Innate Talent Mastery in his possession to reach Stage-4.

With the numerous and ever-growing Innate Talents in his arsenal, only god knows how long it would take to achieve that.

Jay believed the former option to be the quicker approach, which was why he felt reluctant to use the last chance to enter <INVERSE > mode and lose the limited duration to gain insight into the workings of Origin Energy.

It was his trump card. He wouldn't have used it if there was any other way.

His arms healed and looked anew, albeit much larger than before, each being as thick as a tree log. 

All the lost Health found its way back to his Health bar, washing away the paleness from the blood loss.

The silver energy bolts crawling his body gathered at the end of his right palm, forming a 5-meter-long sword that blinked into existence every ten milliseconds.

Using the Momentary Materialisation Technique, he channelled the Origin Energy into a solid form.

However, its duration was limited to as little as one-hundredth of a second, and so does the cooldown of using that technique.

In order to land a hit on my target, Jay has to time the Origin Energy materialisation with impeccable precision.

He used <Spirit Energy Recharge> to refill his depleted Spirit Pool and activated <Slow-Mo > right after entering <INVERSE > mode.


<Slow-Mo >: Allows the user's Time Perception to quadruple for 1 minute.

Cost: 10% Spirit Energy.


On top of that, the Grade-3 Innate Talent <Precision > that he looted on Day-2 showcased its usefulness as he timed the split moments Origin Energy materialised into solid form to hack away the monsters lunging onto him.

The monsters stood no chance. Every time the silver light flashed, many monsters met their end.

In just a single second, he was able to spawn the solidified Origin Energy nearly fifty times, reaping the lives of more than two hundred monsters.

Any attacks that reached him couldn't bypass the <Centauri Kavach> and inflict lasting damage that couldn't be healed with his passive regeneration skills.

As seconds trailed away, the death count of monsters hadn't dwindled but only grew.

Slowly but surely, the corpses stacked over one another, turning into a massive heap that stood as tall as a four-storey building.

In just a matter of ten seconds, Jay has slain over two thousand monsters, leaving the thousands of Alpha Chosen dumbfounded as they continued to fight against the monsters.

Not to mention the others, even those who knew Jay, were taken aback by his beefed-up look.

Only Dante and Akor, who had previously witnessed Jay in that form, weren't fazed but still awed by the spectacle before them.

Unlike when Jay previously fought, there weren't any massive shockwaves or ear-piercing sounds.

The only thing audible aside from the monsters' roars and shrieks were the noises of flesh splitting apart and blood splattering around.

Meanwhile, the Plasma Predator regenerated all its lost body parts, including the head.

It controlled the monsters to throw their lives away in order to keep Jay occupied and bide time for recovering itself.

After retaining its missing parts, Plasma Predator didn't dare outright attack Jay.

As someone with control over an Energy, albeit just a part of it, the gigantic monster sensed an overwhelming oppression from the Silver Energy manipulated by Jay.

Back when it shared vision with the monsters it controlled to witness Jay shattering holes in the Trial Zone barriers, it didn't think highly of the Silver Energy. Only at a closer distance did the presence impose the Energy's overbearing nature.

Not willing to taste the lethality of the mysterious Energy, it didn't approach Jay and instead brought out the most powerful long-range attack in its arsenal.

Like a cannon, the compressed Pseudo-Plasma Energy was shot at breakneck speeds, mercilessly blasting apart the monsters in the path.

Whether it be a Tier-2 or Tier-3 monster, they all blew into smithereens regardless. Their lives mattered nothing to the Plasma Predator as long as that attack could kill Jay or even critically wound him.

But what happened next fell far from any of the gigantic monster's expectations. 

As soon as the suppressed Pseudo-Plasma Energy the size of a wrecking ball came in contact with the Origin Energy Jay had solidified into a shield, there wasn't even an iota of impact, as if the attack itself dispersed into nothingness.

Seeing that its own Energy was no longer effective, it begrudgingly intended to fight it out with pure physical attacks.

The only ticket out of the Trial World was through making enough contributions by eliminating as many top-ranking Alpha Chosen as possible.

So far, it wasn't even near filling up the required criteria. Though the monster believed as long as it took out Jay, clearing the rest would be just some tedious labour.

Taking out Jay no longer seemed viable with the new mysterious power he carried around. 

The gigantic monster turned its attention to the powerful bunch among the Alpha Chosen, the ones that were at Tier-3.

Among thousands of Alpha Chosen, Plasma Predator's target was narrowed down to sixty such individuals.


Discord Link for 'Earth's Alpha Prime' :




Preview of advanced chapters (Out on PATRE0N!!):


Chapter 214: (Will be available soon on Patre0n!!!) (Public Release on 8th November)


You can find the link for Advanced Chapters in Earth Alpha Prime's Discord Server.

Gamma-Chosen --> 3 Advanced Chapters (1 and a half weeks ahead of the public!)

Beta-Chosen --> 6 Advanced Chapters (3 weeks ahead of the public!)

Alpha-Chosen --> 10 Advanced Chapters (5 weeks ahead of the public!) + A short-term character/boss/Equipment named after you (either your name/nickname/a name of your choosing.)


Hi guys, for advanced chapters, you could check out the below Patreon account. (Note: 'Charge Up Front' is enabled.)


These are the 3 types of Tiers from which you could choose to become this Novel's Patron!

Gamma-Chosen --> 4 Advanced Chapters (2 weeks ahead of the public!)

Beta-Chosen --> 8 Advanced Chapters (1 month ahead of the public!)

Alpha-Chosen --> 12 Advanced Chapters (6 weeks ahead of the public!) + A short-term character/boss/Equipment named after you (either your name/nickname/a name of your choosing.

(Note: As for the remaining chapters, I will be releasing them soon.)


Stay Safe:)

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!


You can find the link for Advanced Chapters in Earth Alpha Prime's Discord Server.

Gamma-Chosen --> 3 Advanced Chapters (1 and a half weeks ahead of the public!)

Beta-Chosen --> 6 Advanced Chapters (3 weeks ahead of the public!)

Alpha-Chosen --> 10 Advanced Chapters (5 weeks ahead of the public!) + A short-term character/boss/Equipment named after you (either your name/nickname/a name of your choosing.)


Upon reaching my 2nd Patreon Goal, 

The Chapters available to Gamma-Chosen were increased from '3' to '6'.

The Chapters available to Beta-Chosen were increased from '6' to '10'.

The Chapters available to Alpha-Chosen will increase from '10' to '15'. 

On top of that, the Chapter release rate will increase from 2 Ch/Week to 3 Chs/Week.


Stay Safe:)

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard. Cheer me up!

MN_1223creators' thoughts