
E.S.C.A.P.E: Underworld

A daughter of a rich Seven decided to run away from her family she saw herself as the assistant of the heir of Zoldyck and she fall in love with him. They are both college students who entered Serenity University unaware of looming danger, they meet their friends and together they discover the hidden secrete that this school keeps. They along with all students of Serenity University went to a world called E.S.C.A.P.E it’s a virtual world where they have to finish the game. As she lingers within the virtual world she gradually learns her secret identity which her family tries to hide _________________ "I lost my friends.. I lost my family... I lost the man that I love and.. ... I lost myself.." She whispered softly as the cold wind blew the grain of tears in her eyes

JINXED · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Ms. Violet Smith

I feel intense tension between them, even if they smile at each other I know there is a hidden meaning in the way they spoke and the way they look at each other

"I plan to take you there so you can relax, I will also give you a companion" Then she looked at me

"Try me, Miss, Violet Smith" She smirked

We are currently eating lunch today; we were asking Zendaya how she knew our new professor

"Family friend" She simply said while eating her cheeseburger

We didn't ask her anymore because we didn't get anything, after class, we decided to hang out together in Lucas's house. Seth and I are currently walking to the parking lot when he suddenly stopped walking

"Seven come here" He's calling me, so I approached him

"Why?" I asked

"Do you remember this car?" He said while pointing at a car opposite us, I first stared at the car carefully then I suddenly remembered something

"Isn't that the car we followed last night?" I asked to be sure

"It looks like the one we chased last night same color and same model" It's a Lamborghini Veneno one of the rarest car in the world

"Who is the owner of that car?" I asked while looking at the car

"We will find out" We looked at the number where the car is currently parked, the parking lot of students and professors are different.

We are currently here in the parking lot for the professor, so meaning the owner of this car is currently teaching here, we took the number where the car was parked

"Number 201.. Let's go" The professor's office number has the same number in the parking lot, so we're sure we'll see the owner of the car

When we arrived at the professor's office building, we started looking for room number 201, the professor's name can be seen outside the office door, when we saw the 201 I looked at the sign in the door to see who the owner of that car is

"Ms. Violet Smith.." That's our new adviser. What has she got to do with Mr. Fujin? And why they did not tell the truth that he was already dead?

I know something strange is going on in this school

"I know her, I used to be her student" Seth suddenly said

We started walking to get back to the parking lot. Right when we went out we met Ms. Violet

"Is that you Seth? Long time no see it's been years since we last saw each other, look at you you grow so fast and you look good" Ms. Violet said while smiling

"Yeah.." He answered; I feel the tension in his whole body. Is he scared of that girl?

I held his hand to calm him down, he look at me and I give him an assurance smile

"Is she your girlfriend? She looks pretty, Let me introduce myself I'm-" I can feel the plasticity in her smiles

"I'm not interested, let's go they might be waiting for us" I didn't let her finished

I don't like to communicate with fake people like her, we were about to leave when she spoke suddenly

"You are very much like Zendaya, be careful young lady lest you look like what will happen to her" I turned around and saw an amusement smile on her face

"I and Zendaya are different so don't compare us to each other, and by the way, I don't like you; your face, your presence, and even your existence," I said straightforward

When we got in the car Seth start the engine, when he was about to turn it on I saw Ms. Violet looking at me, even though the window was tinted I knew she was looking at me.

We were quiet in the car when Seth suddenly speak

"You need to be careful to her, stay away from her" He was referring to Ms. Violet

"Why are you afraid of her?" I've wanted to ask him before

"She's a very dangerous person, I just don't know what she's doing in our school" I saw his grip on the steering wheel tighten

We have arrived at our meeting place and at once we went to their house

"Is this your house Lucas?" Alma asked Lucas when we arrived

"Yeah come in" As we entered their housemaid met us and led us to the pool area

We are currently sitting on the poolside because we plan to go swimming; the place where they live is a bit elevated so you can see the entire city from here. The boys are grilling a barbecue while we girls lay the side pool and looking at the breathtaking view

"I think Lucas like you Seven" Out of nowhere Eunice said that

I looked at Lucas who is busy chatting with Willson

"I think your wrong he doesn't like me, wait, you like him; I'm right?" She blushed

"I knew it that's why you always looking for him," Alma said

"But I know there's no chance that he will like me too because he likes Seven" You can see the sadness in her eyes

"Do you like him Seven?" They looked at me at the same time

"Well, uhm.. Lucas is handsome and his also kind but I think of him only as a friend" Because I already liking someone else

"You still have a chance Eunice," They said