
E.S.C.A.P.E: Underworld

A daughter of a rich Seven decided to run away from her family she saw herself as the assistant of the heir of Zoldyck and she fall in love with him. They are both college students who entered Serenity University unaware of looming danger, they meet their friends and together they discover the hidden secrete that this school keeps. They along with all students of Serenity University went to a world called E.S.C.A.P.E it’s a virtual world where they have to finish the game. As she lingers within the virtual world she gradually learns her secret identity which her family tries to hide _________________ "I lost my friends.. I lost my family... I lost the man that I love and.. ... I lost myself.." She whispered softly as the cold wind blew the grain of tears in her eyes

JINXED · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Kiss me like there's no tomorrow

"Go! Seth and Seven!!" We heard the cheer from our schoolmates

"I hope everyone can be kissed," Judith said the no boyfriend since birth in our gang

"Don't worries you won't experience being kissed, sometimes try to lower your standards in men" Eunice said

Judith pouted..

"Seth, you don't need to do this, she's not your girlfriend remember? And besides, I will be asked to Zendaya to switch for Seven's position" Celine said

Switched your face freak, I rolled my eyes when I heard that

"You're noisy, if you want to be kissed find the man who will kiss you," Alma said

Alma couldn't stand it anymore

"Okay. Participants you have five minutes to kiss your partner, the couple who will stand the time given will win the latest touché screen digital camera and VIP tickets for your whole department and ten VVIP for the winners!" Zendaya said

The students became even wilder to cheer their respective representatives

"Now I just thought what if the representative isn't coupled and then they have their relationship, are they still required to join?" Eunice said; she has a point

"That's what I'm saying, you don't need to do it, Seth," Celine said

Alma glared at her, to keep her silent

"Don't worry, the president already knew there was a possibility of that happening, she instructed us to conduct a survey here on campus, to find out who the potential participants for this game" Kaito said

Kaito Ishikawa one of the members of the student council and one of the exchanged students from the business administration department; Seth's schoolmates

"Meaning from the beginning that they the ones to choose? It's Zendaya's plan" Alma said

"Bingo.." Kaito said

"Contestants, timer starts..

Now" All our attention went to Zendaya when she spoke

Did she just say start? I'm not yet ready

I confronted Seth and he did the same, I don't know how to start

He touched my face and lifted it so we could face each other, I looked at his eyes

*Dug dug dug dug*

"Did I already tell you that you're beautiful?.. My Seven.." He slowly brought his face closer to mine

I feel something in my stomach; is this what they called butterfly in the stomach? I do not know..

It was as if the surroundings suddenly become quiet and Seth and I were the only ones here..

I closed my eyes..

I felt the touch of his lips on me..

He started moving his lips and so did I..

I did my best to give him the best kiss, I kissed him with all my heart..

I felt his arm pull me closer to him.

We kiss as if there's no tomorrow, I never thought many people looking at us; I forgot about the camera thing and the tickets, what I want is Seth

"Ladies and gentlemen I think we have a winner.." I heard the voice of Zendaya but we don't care, we continue kissing each other

"The couple over there you're already the winner, you can stop now" Zendaya continue

Seth's lips have parted from mine but his face still doesn't move away from me, our foreheads were pressed against each other as we gasped for breath

He ran his thumb over the lower part of my lips while looking at it

"I want to kiss you, again and again.." He whispers

He was about to kiss me again when we heard someone speak next to us

"Ehem, you two can stop now, you can continue that later" I saw Zendaya next to us smiling foolishly

"I thought you didn't want to?" Alma said while smiling

I saw that they were all looking at us; we turned out to be the winner

"Here's your prize guys.." She handed the camera to us

"Congratulations.." She continues while laughing

The entire student shouted

"Vic-president and Seven you're the best!!" There keep cheering us

"You didn't tell us that you two were good at the kissing contest," Judith said and they laugh

My face turned red; embarrassing

The activity is over and now we are here in the garden eating. We just take out food in the fast-food restaurant near our school

"Wow this place is beautiful and peaceful," Eunice said in astonishment

"You can't go home early today even though the special activity is done, there are fireworks later," Zendaya said while eating her burger

"Really? What time?" Judith asked

"Seven o'clock" Zendaya answer

"Later is your chance to confess to your crush," Alma said; I blushed and look at Seth who is currently looking at me too

"Eunice will confess later, it's your time to shine," Alma said; we teased her

We know he likes Lucas' it's her chance to admit it

"Change topic how did you know this place?" Wilson asked, he has from another section but we are in the same department

"I got lost before and then I came here looking for the way" I answered his question

"I have a question for you Seven" Celine suddenly spoke

She is with us because she had no other acquaintance besides us?

"What is that again Celine?" Not in the mood Alma asked

"Shut up I'm not talking to you," She said; her bitch side is coming out

"What?" I said

"Do you like Seth?" We were all shocked at what she said

I looked at Seth who was currently sitting next to me, he look surprised at that question too. They all shifted their gaze to me.

I'm in the hot seat now, what I'm going to do?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

NOTE: You can play this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFryxsUH46A while reading this chapter

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