
E.S.C.A.P.E: Underworld

A daughter of a rich Seven decided to run away from her family she saw herself as the assistant of the heir of Zoldyck and she fall in love with him. They are both college students who entered Serenity University unaware of looming danger, they meet their friends and together they discover the hidden secrete that this school keeps. They along with all students of Serenity University went to a world called E.S.C.A.P.E it’s a virtual world where they have to finish the game. As she lingers within the virtual world she gradually learns her secret identity which her family tries to hide _________________ "I lost my friends.. I lost my family... I lost the man that I love and.. ... I lost myself.." She whispered softly as the cold wind blew the grain of tears in her eyes

JINXED · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Childhood Friend

We are currently eating and Seth's sister has to blabber on like crazy, while Seth is not in the mood; frowning.

The reason why she rushed here late at night was that she heard from their mom that Seth fought out of concern she hurried to take a flight back here. I also told her why Seth and I got into a fight and consequently, she never stopped blabbering on

"You did it, right bro, if I'm there I won't just kick him I'll kick and tweak his hair too," She said after waving the spoon she was holding in the air.

I took water and give it to her so she wouldn't choke.

"Anyway change of topic, How's Zendaya?" How did she know Zendaya?

"She's fine" Seth's finally spoke too

"Good, I talk to her grandfather, they were planning to investigate the accident but Zendaya stopped them" Why did she stop them? Shouldn't she even be happy that she will know who did it to her?

"How did you know Zandeya?" I asked because of curiosity

"Seth and Zandeya are childhood friends, when we were still in Russia, Zendaya always defended Seth from the other children who bullied him. That girl was so brave you would have thought that she punched the fat kid who bullied Seth" Then she laughs

"Meaning he always bullied before?" You'd think that his courage earlier turned out that he experience bullying when he was young

"Yeah but thanks to Zendaya for always protecting Seth, but the case their family needs to move abroad because her twin sister died because of the accident. It has been reported all over the country" She narrates

"What kind of accident? And how her sister died?" I don't know why I suddenly become interested in Zendaya's life

"The news said there was a car accident and their car driven by their mother fell into the ravine the media found the car but no one was seen aboard it, they were searched all over that place but a month later none of them were found"

"Who are the passengers? And how are Zendaya here now?" I asked

"The passengers were three; Zendaya, Her sister, and her mom. Their family stopped looking for them and the whole country mourned. Because Zendaya's mom is the daughter of the president of Russia and the princess of England is her mother's mother; her grandmother"

"Wow so meaning she had royal blood? That's cool"

"Yeah the whole world thought they were dead but we were surprised when Zendaya came back then we found out from her that she and her mother survived the accident, only our family knows that they are still alive because our family and her family are close friends"

"What about her father?" I asked

"No one knows who their father is; no one has even heard that her mother got married"

I'm here in my room now, Samantha just left I'm still thinking about her story. I was looked at outside the window; it's a floor-to-ceiling window looking at the strip light.

When you look at Zendaya you won't think that she went through anything like that when she was young; she's brave..

Especially her mother..

The days passed quickly and we had been arguing for a few weeks with my feeling perfect boss; it's lunch break..

"Sir let's eat, Samantha provided a lunch box for us" I even took him here to the business administration building, because he always eats alone

"I don't want, and how many times do I need to tell you that you need to call me master not sir; I'm not old"' He said that without removing his eyes from his laptop

"Are you sure? It looks like delicious" Master in my ass

"Hey! Seven let's have lunch together" Lucas suddenly came, he's Seth's classmates

"Yup let's go" We left at once and went to the canteen, they are already at our table waiting for us

"Here you can have this" I handed him the lunch box

"Ayyieee what's up? So sweet" Eunice teasing

"HAHAHA nothing" Lucas is the one who answered

"Is there something already?" Judith added

"Hey! Sup what can we eat there?" Zendaya suddenly came

"Where have you been?"

"In the student council office" She can only be with us once because she is busy with the council

We ate and laughed when Seth suddenly came

"Seven, where's my food?" He asked me and we stopped laughing

"I thought you didn't want to?" He said earlier he didn't want why now he is asking

"That's what you thought" So that there would be no fight, I just gave my food, it's a good thing it hasn't been reduced yet. He sat next to Zendaya because that was the only one available seat

"Seven you can take half of my food" That's Lucas

"Thank you, Lucas, you're so sweet and kind" I smile at him. It's a good thing that he is here

"Where's my spoon?" I handed my spoon to Seth

"Let's just share here with my spoon, if that's okay with you" Lucas offered

"WOOOO so sweet" they are teasing us

We were just surprised when Seth suddenly moved to another table and Zendaya follows him..