

On a light years away Saga galaxy, with only a planet called Semelent lived incredible beings. So human like, but with powers. They call themselves E-Mage(s) otherwise known as Elemental Mage(s). Fire, water, air, land, animals, plants, gravity, light, dark & creation are the elements existing in their planet. These are the basis of their powers. Planet Semelent is actually similar to Earth, though the only difference is that the former is humongous-twice bigger than the latter. The E-mages acquire their powers when they reach the teenage. But, not all can awaken it in a blink of an eye. Some can take a year or more after being a teenage. E-mages discover and polish more their powers at the only school in Semelent called EMS Academy. One day an ordinary boy named Sed, space traveled unknowingly from Earth-Milky way galaxy- to Semelent-Saga galaxy-. He's an otaku, whose life is all about animés. And most of the times imagining himself as one of the anime character he wishes to be. Now that he's in a different planet, what things in wait are there for him to meet and encounter? Will he be what he wishes for? Can he go back?

Skyris316 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter I (Episode 1) - Space Traveled Unknowingly ?

It's a new and very ordinary Monday for everyone living in Tokyo, Japan-a popular place for every teenager who loves animés. But for a particular teenager otaku boy and an introvert-Sed, it's not going to be his ideal day. As he started his day with his daily routines as a high school student who's on his way to school, he's having this heavy feeling like somebody is gazing on him and making him go black out.

He tries to calm himself and started imagining about animés to negate the feeling he's having as he walks on his way to school.

Imagining unnecessary thoughts while walking on the streets to school is so not usual and not advisable.

But for Sed, doing it was a big help for him to reach the school even just until the gates.

Thankfully, the path from his house to school is a straight and peaceful one.

The moment he stop walking and at same time snap his fingers, his already fronting the school gate. He then inhales big and let it out satisfyingly with a smile.

As he takes the first step entering the school gate he went black out and fall down unconsciously.

Some students, guards and teachers of the school who are present that moment was in shocked and gather around to rescue him. The school called an ambulance to bring him to the hospital because his not waking up and also called his parents.

On the hospital, the doctors announced that his in a comma and they don't know the reason yet why. They said that they still need to observe him and run more test.

Sed's parents are crying while hugging each other and saying,

"If only we have more spent time with him..."

Sed's mother, Es –works at a bank as an accountant and his father, Den –works at a company of gadgets as a secretary. Both are always busy and most time not around for their son. Making their son introverted. Night falls and his parents are still in the hospital waiting for their son to wake up.

Days and nights pass by Sed is still not waking up. What his parent doesn't know is that, the soul of their son is not with its body.

The moment he stop walking and at same time snap his fingers, his already fronting the school gate. He then inhales big and let it out satisfyingly with a smile.

As he takes the first step entering the school gate he went black out and fall down unconsciously.

Sed's soul space traveled unknowingly. As if he passes through something like water and made him fall asleep. An invisible portal actually opened the moment he takes his first step entering the school gate.

The invisible portal was actually summoned by someone from far away- from a different world in a different galaxy. The one who summoned the invisible portal is from the planet called Semelent in the Saga galaxy. Planet Semelent is actually similar to Earth, though the only difference is that the planet is humongous-twice bigger than Earth. Beings living in the said planet call themselves E-Mage/s otherwise known as Elemental Mage/s.

The summoner of the invisible portal is an e-mage.

She was actually just practicing her powers for the entrance exam. Her name is Princess Kadess Clear Dark II, a royalty of planet Semelent in Darkous Continent. She is the only daughter of King Kavin Sol Dark and Queen Dess Clear Dark of the Darkous Continent. Princess Kadess inherited the powers of her parents which is Dark magic. But the Dark magic she possesses is in a different level than of her parents.

Because her power is not just dark magic but also combined with creation which makes it Dark Creation magic. She realized about her power just last year right in front of her parents. It was when she wanted to see the real thing she drew even though it's just from her imagination. She asked her parents for it but, they can't give it to her and she got mad. So mad that she actually awakens her dark creation magic and summoned what she wanted. That moment, her parents thought how powerful she is if she can gain control of her power. They made the event that happened secret to others and, told her not to use her magic around others. Obeying her parents, Princess Kadess only uses her power inside her room alone for a year. Knowing how obedient their daughter is, they grew to love her more. And she grew to be a lovely, pretty and courteous lady.

A year has gone and Princess Kadess is to take an exam to enter EMS Academy to hone more her powers. On the day of examination 2 hours before the exam, she decided to practice her power. She went to the garden located at the back of the EMS Academy. It is an abandoned garden with forgotten beauty. At first try she was imagining a boy equal to her age and kind of like herself in some ways; introvert. She tries to summon it but it didn't happen immediately so, she taught it didn't work. She tried to summoned something familiar and small; a bunny. It was a success! So, she hurriedly go back to the main school without noticing that her first attempt of summon made a portal and summoned someone from another world. And the handkerchief given to her by her mother as a lucky charm for the exam was left behind.

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