
E Intelligence

James was an awkward young lad who was born with a special gift - the gift of high intelligence. He grew up in London, England with his parents. Even with his special abilities, he was often bullied and shunned by people around him, except his parents. As a result, he became indifferent. Unfortunately, his parents met their demise during a fire accident, leaving James alone in the unforgiving claws of the cruel world. James used his gift to invent things that are impossible by science in his time. But everything came at a cost of his happiness. No one ever believed that James could handle the pressure of being the most intelligent person in the world.

CalebChris · Fantasy
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139 Chs

They're After Me!

The family was excited and surprised to see a fish tank so massive! The water tank contained varieties of species of fish and sharks swimming by the rounded 'n' shaped tank was built to make the tourist experience an immersive view of the artificial aquarium. Different kinds of sharks, stingrays, and other fishes would make a person spend all his time observing these majestic fishes in awe.

The Harts could not stop taking pictures. One would constantly hear the shutter of cameras around them as Martha would snap a shark that swam by, then take her sons and James to pose by the fishes, gushing how cute they were.

James was having a good time. He saw species of fishes he had never seen before. The AI, per his request, would explain some of the species of a fish constantly in his head as he silently explored the ocean life.

[Take a look at the Hawaiian monk seal. It is one of the rarest seals in the entire world. Their population is somewhere around 1,100. Their species was on the brink of extinction, and so that was why it had to be kept in a reserved area to preserve it. The local name for this seal is called "ilioholoikauaua" meaning "dog that runs in rough seas".

[This is the Hawaiian turkey fish. It is a member of the scorpionfish family and can grow up to 8 inches long. This species of fish is a lethal killer. As skilled ambush predators, they corner prey with their large fins and have a lightning-fast gulp reflex, much like the frogfish, hence, earning the name "Lionfish".]

The AI kept explaining to James for hours until Martha decided to wrap it up. She then took the family to a restaurant nearby. After a bit of googling, she was able to locate a restaurant named Reef Café. According to their website, they offer a variety of seafood meals, and seafood meals are her favourite.

"Who wants to go eat a crab for the first time in your lives?" Martha could not contain her excitement as she giggled. "Yeah me mommy!", "Yay me!", "mommy Toby eat cwab!" Nicolas, Anthony, and Toby excitedly replied, obviously not aware of what eating of a crab involved.

A few hours later, they came out of the restaurant with a satisfied look on their faces. "Mommy my belly e big" Toby babbled, causing the family to laugh. "Oh yes honey, you are pregnant, oh my god" Martha jokingly said, poking his belly and causing Toby to giggle.

They drove back to the hotel to unwind themselves after a long and enjoyable day. When they arrived at the hotel, they all heaved a sigh of relief. They were already tired, after spending more than 6 hours exploring the Hawaiian History museum.

James locked his hotel room and sighed. "That was a really enjoyable day," he thought out loud. He then went ahead to remove the clothes and put on his sleeping gown and climbed his bed. He then began to feel drowsy.

At that moment, James was alerted by a noise coming outside of the hotel hall. It looks like two people were whispering outside. James wanted to take a peek outside, but his instinct told him not to do so, or to say, the AI told him not to do so.

[Do not stand up from your bed. There are suspicious people outside the room] the AI warned.

James became gripped with fear. He asked the AI, "Please give me the 3D model of the entire hotel. Then a 3D model of a building popped up, with lots of moving dots in front of his eyes.

[The green dots represent your family sleeping right next to your room, the orange dots represent the other hotel residents and staff. Then the red dots mark the suspicious group of people hanging outside the hallway.] the AI explained.

"Shoo them away then" James frantically said. He'd already known who those people might be. They were the people that might have been connected to the death of his parents. The only thing he could not understand was why they were after him. Did they want to wipe out the generation of his family?

[I cannot shoo them away, because I am not physical]

"So why are these people looking for me? Why?" James asked, uneased.

[Don't you know why? They are after the chip. They are after me!] the AI said, with obvious fear in its voice.

"Alright breathe James, breath." James tried to calm himself down. The dots in front of his eyes then strolled across the hallway and stopped at his door. Now James was hearing what they were saying. He ran towards the base of his wardrobe and squeezed himself and closed the wardrobe door.

"The key," a man with a deep voice said. Then James could hear another man searching a bag for something. A few moments later, a key was inserted into the door of James room. James' heart began to beat fast. He wanted to alert John and Martha, but that would only give away his hiding place. He was getting anxious because he does not know what they would do to him if they eventually find him.

Then he heard footsteps in his room. "He's not here," A man said. "What do you mean he's not here? Did you not see the family get into four of these rooms? You are not doing your job well!" the man with a deep voice angrily said.

"I'm sorry sir, let me check the bathroom. He might be using the bathroom over there" the other man shakily said. The man with a deep voice was the leader. James could then hear footsteps walking past him as the person opened the toilet door. "Then go ahead".

"He's not here either," the other man said with disappointment. "Could he have known we were after him? He might have sawed the spy trailing him" he added. "Shut up your mouth! You do what I ask without making stupid suggestions. Go check the wardrobe. He could be there." The man with a deep voice ordered.

"Yes sir".

James' heart skipped a beat. Tears began forming in his eyes. Please go away, please go away, he prayed, as the footsteps began to approach the wardrobe, then it stopped. Just as James almost breathe out a sigh of relief, the wardrobe door opened.

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