
The end or beginning?

Next day noon. In office Vishakha's phone rang. It was from Kanika. She got scared. She told Karan and vihan to come out. Her phone ranged again. She picked up call and kept on speaker. Hello! A man spoke from other side. They thrilled. He spoke again. Hello, Vishakha this is mr Sharma. Kanika's landlord. I don't know how to tell this. But I m having a bad news. Your friend Kanika is no more. She fell down in bathroom and died on moment two days ago. Vishakha could not speak anything. She just remembered last night. She told landlord she will come over there in sometime.

They left from office in car. Suddenly Karan spoke let us have lunch first and go. Vishakha looks very weak. She needs to have something. They went to the same restaurant. They ordered meal. Vishkah spoke breaking silence. Who was that evil? Why he wanted to kill us? Why he killed Kanika? My head is spinning with these questions.

Then Same waiter came and stared at them. Then he asked" can I ask you something sir?. Karan told yes. Then waiter asked,Why do you order extra plate always?. Yesterday you three came but order for four. They looked at each other. As they came to know it was Kanika's spirit.

They didn't tell anything. waiter continued, today also you came two but order for three...