

Warning sexual content and swearing

Rebekah_Mittoo · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Something stirred me from my sleep, groggily I sat up and a woman was in front of me. Hastily I grabbed my towel that had come off at some point to cover my shame. "No need to cover up in front of me ma'am I've seen it all before" she said, her accent thick, definitely from the slums. "Hi, I'm Zoë" I managed to push out. "Yes ma'am, I'm Mrs smith or you can call me Hilda. I'm to be your personal maid, the master assigned me." Oh, weird, I'd never had anything like this before. I guess I am to get used to these ways. "The master would like me to do your measurements so he can order clothes for you" she said with a smile. I know she was trying to be nice to me and make up for Connor's lack of presence but something just didn't feel right. Maybe it was because I'd never been treated this way before, maybe she knew my family and resented me being in this position while she had to work herself to the bone. I swallowed my anxiety and replied with a small nod.

Immediately she pulled a tape measure from god knows where and takes my hand pulling me to a standing position. She gasped as our hands touched, she felt the roughness of being submerged in water in the washrooms and looked me in the eyes fully. She knew, she knew where I was from. I cast my eyes downwards, it wasn't my fault Connor and I had the best genetic makeup for each other. I would have rather had a simple life with someone from the village. Hilda shook her head and began to take measurements up and down my body, prying the towel off me. "There ma'am all finished. We should have some clothes to you by the end of the week. In the meantime, there are a few outfits in your wardrobe, very plain looking I'm afraid." Hilda said. "That's fine, no problem at all" I mumbled still looking at the floor, cheeks in flames. She knew plain was fine with me so why say it. Again she immediately flew into action opening the wardrobe and pulling out "a few" outfits. They were far from plain but I selected the velvet dark green babydoll dress with lace covering the opening at the top. A bit short for what I would normally wear but hey when in Rome.

Hilda then proceeded to sit me down at the vanity table and brush my hair. I didn't think this was necessary and I opened my mouth to protest but Hilda beat me to it. "You have beautiful curly hair ma'am. I can't wait to style it everyday." Oh shit, this was going to be an everyday thing? Why? I looked at her through the mirror and her smile was so bright I couldn't say no. I just returned the smile and stayed quiet. Hilda went to work first with my hair and then make-up, although I wondered why make up since Connor wouldn't be joining me. Maybe he would, my heart skipped a beat. Why did it just do that?

When Hilda had finished I looked at myself in the floor length mirror. I stared at the person reflected back at me because she was beautiful. After a couple of minutes Hilda put her hand on my shoulder. "Ma'am, dinner is ready, would you like me to escort you to the dining room?" I nodded still unsure of myself.

Once in the dining room, I still couldn't help but look around. It was so grand. "Ma'am, can I be excused? I will wait to turn you down for the evening." Hilda once again broke my trance. "Sure, okay" I replied and with that she was out the door, scurrying away to some other chore. I carried on gazing around the room when I heard the door open. Thinking it was dinner being served, I turned and gasped as Connor walked in.