

After watching All his brothers tie the knot happily and all his attempt at it fails miserably , Dylan De Luca has promised never to give his heart out to love especially not to a woman from the mafia . But what happens when one certain woman ,has him wrapped around her fingers and breaks him over and over till he has nothing left to offer ? DYLAN DE LUCA AGE 27 The Adopted son of the De Luca's . Who has sworn his life to the mafia and earned his respect in the mafia due to his Service . He's strong ,fearless and one of the strongest soldiers in the familia , but what happens when one woman ... storms his life and recks it over and over again Everytime she appears ? CORA BERMUNDO AGE 26 Illegitimate Daughter of one of the strongest Mafia families to have ever existed in the Philippines . Heartless , Manipulative , Cunning and Smart are the perfect words to describe Cora . The mysterious woman has a lot up her sleeves after her past experiences , from being Ra`ped during childhood ,to many other turns ,which has left her broken beyond repair . What happens when this woman has her own weakness which she hides beyond her heartless facade ? Cora has continually pushed Dylan away , no matter how he proved his Desire in the past , what happens when he gets engaged and births a child with his fiancee ? She decides to move on ... But fate seems to have other plans as it throws them in the same road again . And this time the road seems too narrow to hide ... She needs him just as much as he needs her ,but with plenty obstacles in the way ... Is there a happily ever after for these two ?

Francis_Gift · Fantasy
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Chapter 3

Dylan POV 

" Good morning Figlio [son ] " Mom said as she strolled into my room with a tray in her hands as she smiled in my direction .

" Mom ..." I said in surprise and she Chuckled as she dropped the tray on the table.

" I know you're gonna try and skip breakfast like you always do ...." She trailed with both hands on her waist.

" I have to go to Venice for the business " i said and she chuckled.

" That doesn't stop you from eating son , Health before wealth " she said as she helped me knot my tie.

" You're being too hard on yourself ,we talked about this last month " she scolded and I sighed .

" I take care of myself a lot nowadays" I said and she shook her head.

" You skip meals ...that's a bad habit " She said and gestured towards the tray .

" Go and have breakfast " she said and looked around the room .

" Where's Ivy ? She asked curiously.

" She's in her room " I said as my mind went back to our last conversation .

" Her room ? You guys still stay apart ,I thought that ended after she gave birth " mom asked and I rubbed my neck immediately.

" I know what you're trying to ask mom , We're no married yet " I said and she Chuckled.

" Are you sure about this son ? You can't stay with this girl in the same room ... marrying her is like hurting the both of you " Mom said as she tapped my shoulders.

" Ivy respects me ,she's nice hardworking with less trouble ..plus she has done nothing to hurt me unlike my previous relationships" I said and sat down for breakfast.

" And most importantly ,We have a child together "

" I should be marrying my baby mama mom " I said and she stared at me with a worried look .

" Is that why you proposed to Ivy son ? Are you using that girl to forget Cora "

" Mom that's not it ...Ivy and Cora are two different people " I snapped immediately as I tried to calm down.

" Why are we even talking about Cora right now ? I asked frowning .

My whole being hurt from even thinking about that woman .

" We are talking about Cora because I feel ...this conversation is very important ...son . I agree Ivy has your child but she deserves love too , not just the status as your wife and the mother of your daughter . I won't watch any of my son's go into a loveless marriage " mom snapped out of anger .

" I care about Ivy ...We trust and respect each other that's what we need to make this work " I said as I tried to keep my emotions in check . 

" Are you happy ? "

" Gaurdami negli occhi e dimme Che sei Felice ? [ Look into my eyes and tell me you're happy ] she said and I looked away.

 " Sto benne mamma " [ I'm fine mother]

" Has Massimo told you Cora would be coming to the Estate ? She asked and I gave a nod.

" I'm fine with it ,you guys shouldn't be worrying so much mom ,I know Dad is worried and that's why he told you to check on me again .

" I'm fine , Cora doesn't own me ..she can't just walk into my life and hurt me every single time . I don't need her anymore" I said and mom sat next to me .

" You should control the way you hate her son ....Be careful because that same hatred might fuel something very wicked which is Desire "she said and I rubbed my forehead.

" I'd leave you to breakfast .safe trip figlio" She said and left my room .

I stared at the tray and lost my appetite immediately ,I knew mom was gonna get angry if I left without eating anything even after she came to drop it by herself .

I tried calling Ivy and when she ended the call immediately ,I knew she was still pissed about the other night .

I'd make it up to her when I get back ,I made a mental note as I walked out of the Mansion.

" Ready to leave already ? Kris asked me outside ,he was just returning from a night shift at the hospital and he looked tired yet sexy .

" Ya ..I'd see you " he said and I gave a nod .

" When are you coming back ? He asked and I rubbed my forehead.

" Tommorow .... evening ,if I'm able to seal the deal " I said and he Pat my back .

I knew he was worried too about Cora's arrival . Why is everyone Makin it seem like I have no control of my life it's annoying .

So what if Cora's coming ....it's nothing .

I've moved on 

I have a fiancee ,I have a Child . ..I'm not begging for love anymore .

" Y'all should stop walking on Eggshells just because Cora's coming "

" Its not like that " he said sadly .

" Have a nice day ahead bro " I said and made my way out immediately .

Cora better stay away from my part .


 🔥CORA 🔥

"Use the next flight Crisanto ,I won't have you there while I'm over here ,I don't fvcking care. " I said Angrily as I got down from the Car and the guards moved to get my luggage.

" Make arrangements for your stay ,you can use one of my penthouses here , fine bye " I said and ended the call immediately.

" Hey ba...........be" I heard my best friend's voice as she pulled me in a hug .

" Fvck you look different ....look at your A*s " Bella said and tapped my behind.

" You're crazy Bella " I laughed as she chuckled.

 " I've missed you,don't you dare run off this time around got it . Tell me you're leaving when you wanna go. " She said and I gave a nod .

" Yes ma " I said Immediately.

" And stop exaggerating ,it's not like I'm as beautiful as you are , Victoria secrets angel " I said and she laughed.

" You've not told me who has been taking you from behind " she said Naughtily.

" I'm an holy girl , please what is sex is it a name of a biscuit ? I asked and she burst out laughing.

" How did you know I was talking about sex then ? Bad girl " she said and we both laughed.

" Cora ..." The Donna said in Excitement as she pulled me in a hug .

" Massimo said you'd be coming over girl I've missed you. Grace said and I Smirked .

" I've missed you more ,but I don't think I'd be sleeping here tonight , I have work" i said and Bella sighed .

" Stop being a workaholic it won't help you in anyway " she said and I chuckled.

" It's a small work " I said and she gave a nod .

" But you'd spend tommorow with me " she said batting her eyelashes and I gave in .

" Sure " I said and she smiled.

" Aunt Cora " Tati screamed excitedly as she ran into my arms .

I picked her up as she snuggled into me ,my heart warmed up immediately as I smiled .

" Missed you " she cooed.

" Missed you more princess " I said and thanked my stars at my tattoos where not visible.

Tati has always been a curious little girl . I still remember how she kept asking why I had my navel pierced .

I had to remove my belly button anytime I'm wearing a visible top .

" You're so beautiful " she said clapping excitedly.

They saw me to my room and I looked in shock to see the whole girls team in my room .

" A bitch ...

" Yvonne screamed excitedly as she popped the champagne.

" I love y'all" I said and they laughed.

" Oh my goodness Cora if I didn't know better I'd think you got your figure worked on ." Neomi said Amusingly

" Nah I didn't go under the knife. " I said with a chuckle.

" Your back side is giving babe " Harmony said and I stared at how cute she looked in her baby bump.

" A lot of workout " I said and Yvonne smirked .

" Stay away from .....D , especially with all this temptation . That guy has been through enough already ." Yvonne warned immediately.

" Yvonne " the girls said and I gave a nod. 

"What ? In as much as she's my friend I'm just worried about my brother .he's finally gotten his life moving in the right track she's the last form of distraction he needs right now ,bitter truth ." Yvonne said and I sat down .

" She's just coming in Yvonne" Bella sighed .

" Someone needs to tell Cora before Dylan dies from her toture " Yvonne added and I knew this place was getting heated up .

Aria took Tati from me as she walked out .

" Yvonne I'm gonna stay away from Dylan I promise " I said and she rubbed her forehead.

" I'm just worried about him , I don't know what you did to my brother ...you fvcked your way his system or something ...he can't move on " she said and everyone laughed at the last part .

Well except me .

" He's finally got everything figured out now , so. ...." She trailed .

" It's just business ..I'm not here for him ,you have nothing to be worried about" I said and she chuckled.

" At least I got the message passed ,let's go the Don is waiting " she said and walked out of the room .

" Yvonne is like that , protective of her brothers but she'd come around ,she loves you " Grace said and I gave a nod .

I stayed with them for a while before going to see the Don .

 " Hey Cora " Sergio said and I gave him a small smile.

" He's inside " he said moved away from the door so I can pass .

" Corazon " the Don called and I bowed immediately I got in .

" Have a sit ' he gestured and as I sat down he dropped a file in front of me .

My eyes trailed the topic and I look back at him .

" Shocked right ? Don't be ...Sergio and Yvonne will be working closely with you " he said and Sergio raised his eyebrows.

" I already sent Dylan to Venice he'd be back soonest tomorrow, I want y'all to walk closely to make this is a success " he said and Sergio rubbed his face .

" That's Dylan specialisation and a bit of Yvonne ...if someone would be helping her it's him you know that right ? Sergio asked and one look from the Don had all of us looking at the ground.

" I trust they Will keep sentiments Aside , they're both Adults and if cause proffession " he said and non of us said anything afterwards.

How do I work closely with Dylan ? Is this karma or what .

"Sh!t " I Cursed under my breath .