
Dylan Mikaelson

He is stubborn, aggressive, smart, stylish and clever just like his father. Despite the fact that he is one of the Mikaelsons he hates it and just wants to separate himself from the 'Always and Forever'. Dylan makes his way in the Salvatore school and becomes the most popular student of the school. Go and read more about him.

EruditionX23 · TV
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9 Chs

Past Curfew Conversation

Ellie secretly sneaked out of the campus and headed to the Wickery Bridge but she doesn't find Dylan anywhere.

She looks around the place but he was nowhere to be found it was quiet and dark so she was able to hear every sound.

"It's past curfew" Suddenly Dylan whispers in her ear making Ellie jump.

She quickly turns to him and hit him in the chest.

Dylan smiles seeing her there but his expression shortly changes to cautious.

"What are you doing here?" Dylan asks.

"I was worried and Mrs.Forbes said that you were sent back home for some family issues so I wanted to say thank you," Ellie says with a hint of relief in her voice.

Dylan stares at her for a moment "Okay then say it" Dylan says and she gets an impression that Dylan is not in a mood of talking and why would he be? He came here in the first place so that he can spend some time alone in remorse.

"Thank you," Ellie says anxiously.

"You're welcome" Dylan says and walks to the head of the bridge "You can go now" He says frustrated.

Ellie feels a little bad because Dylan has never been like that to her, he has always been kind and gentle.

"Please -" Ellie tries to make a conversation but Dylan didn't want to so he cuts her off before she could speak the second word.

"What the hell are you even doing here? I got it that you felt bad about what happened, everyone will when they will find out tomorrow morning and I didn't ask for your sympathy so you can just leave" He says angrily and his eyes were bloodshot " No actually I know why you are here because you can't find peace with all those questions you got in your mind and mark it, you are not getting any of them answered... so just get the hell out of here" Dylan exclaims and Ellie takes two steps backwards with her arms up in self-defence because she was frightened by seeing Dylan that angry and sad.

This makes Dylan realises his fault and he tries to calm himself down and he looks away feeling ashamed of himself.

"I'm sorry," He says.

Ellie walks to him and looks in the water and says " I know you are angry that you couldn't save Colton... We all lose people... and the thing is that this pain will pass away, if not tomorrow then maybe a few years and you'll move on but what hurts the most is realising that we will never see them ever again and imagining the life without them is more painful and that pain... may never end"

Dylan looks at her face, she was staring in the water like she was lost in some deep memory.

Dylan knew that face, the face of remembering the person you don't want to remember.

"Who you lost?" Dylan's question pulls her back from her deep thoughts.

"My mom" a smile comes on her face involuntarily, Ellie's voice was as soft as always which was one of the things Dylan liked the most.

"How?" Dylan tries to stop himself from asking that question but he couldn't.

A tear drops in the water from Ellie's eyes which makes a little wave and she moves her hand to wipe it. Seeing this, Dylan quickly takes out a handkerchief from his pocket and passes to her.

Ellie looks at the handkerchief surprisingly "You keep a handkerchief with you?"

"My uncle told me to keep a handkerchief whenever I'm with a girl when I was young... said it works as plus point" Dylan says smiling back at her.

Ellie looks back in the water preparing herself to tell the story, She takes a deep breath "My mom never told my dad she was a witch so when I was born and he found out... he kicked us both out... said he can't live with the freaks like us... I was eight... and my Mom wanted me to have a good life so we hit the road to find us a place where supernatural can live life peacefully... one day when we were on the road, it was empty and... dark and then something big hit our car. My mom went to check and asked me to stay in the car and the next thing I remember was just her screams... she screamed for help. I tried to open up my door but it was locked... and then her screaming stops and then I saw it, those glowing yellow eyes in the middle of the road" Ellie looks at Dylan with tearful eyes "it was the night of the full moon" this time it was more hatred in her voice than pain.

" A werewolf killed your mom?" He asks surprised.

" No matter how hard I try but that picture just doesn't let itself forget, for three days... for three days I was in the car in the middle of nowhere waiting for someone to open the door, Cops said it was an animal attack but one of them knew that wasn't true so he contacted the school and then Bonnie Bennett brought me here... told me Doctor Saltzman will keep me safe-"

Dylan raises his eyebrows and exhales "Wow and I thought I struggled the most"

Dylan looks around the bridge and realizes something "You know eighteen years ago... a car drove off this bridge... and Stefan Salvatore saved one of the passengers... Elena Gilbert and I can't believe that my existence lies at that accident... no Stefan Salvatore... no Elena Gilbert... no Elena Gilbert no doppelganger... no doppelganger no ritual and no Dylan Mikaelson "

"I'm sorry WHAT?" Ellie screams.

I know readers hate cliffhangers and short chapters but at the moment, this is all I got for you.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, leave the comment.

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