
Dying light lone survivor

Guy dies saving children in a fire get reincarnated with three wishes

heathen · Video Games
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3 Chs


Today was just a normal day like usual I was gaming till morning knowing I had to get to school soon I got dressed quick after showering and brushing my teeth when I finished I decided to get food on the way on my way there I heard screaming and smelled smoke when I looked to see what was happening I saw my old preschool that was also an elementary school was on fire I heard a disabled woman yelling that her children were stuck inside I noticed that the fire fighters couldn't do everything at once so I quickly asked where the children were the mother being hysterical started yelling that they were stuck on the third floor I quickly climbed the fence and ran into the hallway my lunges had gotten damaged due to the bad habits of my abusive mother I remember the day when our house burned down how my parents had passed out with lit cigarettes that ignited the house after that day I had decided if others needed help I wouldn't just standby I heard crying in the hallway and saw three children stuck in a class room I quickly opened the door and started leading them out but then the inferno had reached us instead of panicking I grabbed em and started running towards the other hallway towards an exit when we got out of stairs to noticed a wooden beam falling all I remember is pushing the kids out before everything went black when I woke up I was in a line of souls some red some black others mixed colors I somehow was able to see even tho I had no eyes an eternity later it was my turn to enter the room I saw others enter when I got in there I noticed a man sitting at a desk he gestures to me to sit so I grab the chair once I sit down I ask what's going to happen after this in a gravelly voice the being said I had two options either go through normal procedures or reincarnate I asked how reincarnation he answered that I would spin a gacha to randomly pick a world from fiction and I would get three wishes I asked how the wished worked he said that depending on the world I get I would be restricted to certain amounts of power let's say I get a world that has no magic I am not allowed to have magic or other energy based powers I nodded in understanding after that the wheel spun and landed on the dying light world I was surprised and scared at the same time the being asked what type of wished do I desire I decided not to be to greedy for the first wish I asked for experience and physique of hunk from re he approved of the first second wish was to have a small storage space the being stayed quiet for a couple of seconds the said that the storage space would only be able to store a small room worth of stuff and I will not be able to put live beings inside I agreed before asking for my last wish I asked if my memories would get wiped he said no so my last wish was to be reborn at 15 years old three years before the event starts after that everything went dark.