
Dying Life

A girl with so many dreams, one day comes to know that she is suffering from cancer and her life can be of some days or some months. As she don't know when she will die, she makes her dreams as her last wishes and before she dies, she wants ti fulfill her last wishes. On the way of fulfilling her wishes, she met a cold hearted man who wants to die, so she decided to save his life and teach him how to live a life. So what do you think what will happen in the end, will it be happy or sad???

_forest_ice_3 · Urban
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You Are Mine

*In School*

*As cherry is going to her classroom someone clicked her photo.*

Park Smith: Oh my cherry! How much sexy you look in open hairs. Today i will not let you go from my hands.

*seeing her and biting his lips*

* On The Other Side in classroom*

Mi Siumi: Cherry! You came, I missed you so much.

*run towards her and hugged her tightly*

Xu Cherry: Ok..Ok..! Siumi now leave me, I am not getting breath..


Mi Siumi: oh! Sorry, Cherry come and sit with me.


Xu Cherry: Yes Siumi i will sit with you but first i have to go to the washroom to tie my hair.

Mi Siumi: But why Cherry you look so good in open hair.


Xu Cherry: Siumi i feel very hot in open hair so i have to tie it.

*answering her*

Mi Siumi: Oh Ok, but come before class starts

Xu Cherry: I will *going from there*

*As Cherry go to the washroon he saw Smith and his two best friends standing there.*

Xu Cherry: Smith, hon and mae what are you all doing here.


Park Smith: Cherry! we all are waiting for you only.


Xu Cherry: What??, But why it is a girl's washroom why are you waiting for me here.


Park Smith: Hon, Mae just grab cherry inside the washroom and lock the door.

*biting his lips*

Xu Cherry: Wait! What, Hey don't come near me or else i will shout.


Park Smith: My babygirl! Hon will not let you shout.

*coming closer to her*

Hon Just close her mouth and bring her in before anyone see us.

*ordering him*

* Inside the Washroom*

*Smith hold cherry's waist and started kissed her forcefully and tightly.*

Xu Cherry: Smith! are you mad what are you doing just leave me.

*pushing smith away from her*

Park Smith: Sorry! my babygirl but this can't happen today you are only mine i will not let you go of my grip.

*rubbing his lips*


*Someone kicked the door of the washroom and the door opens*

Lee Hon: Smith! watch out.


*Smith falls on the ground with blood coming from his mouth.*