
Beautiful Sunshine

Everyday began the same, Drake would be in unbearable pain. His body felt like burning coals and any kind of contact against his body made him writhe in pain. He would envision holding Saddie in his arms to help ease the pain from rubbing the lotion prescribed by his physician. He knew the lotion was no where close to curing him but it helped his skin from flaking off and making him even more repulsive. He was running late and had to rush to get to his very first class of the day when he bumped into Saddie. "I'm very sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. Please forgive me," she said. "No it was my fault I got caught up in the beautiful sunshine." Drake replied. He was astonished that her touch didn't hurt. He was even more astonished she actually touched him. Saddie Clemmons just couldn't let go. She had secretly watched him everyday and planned this over and over again but horribly failed and replied it is a very beautiful sunshiny day today.