
DxD: Traped for a 100000000000 years

Its in the title not much Sorry for bad grammer and i mit take awhile to update If you have any suggestions join my discord server https://discord.com/invite/xvK2zNs4

new_angels · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

chaper 1 - old man

Issei Hyoudou was your standad student attending kuoh academy he was not good looking nor was he ugly he was of average hight and had below average scores. Average was the best way to discribe him, other than that the fact that he was a huge pervert and part of the infamous perverted tro, but what is not know about him was he was a reincarnaded devil.

He was reincarnaded by Rias Gremory as her pawn after his first date kyuuma amano

Kill who was a fallen angel.(But you all know that all ready so let skep the rest)


We see issei at home after the rating game vs riser, he was was covered with his blanket he went home because he didnt wont to see that basturd get married to rise.


He failed her he made a promised her that he would beat him he failed and now rise was het marrided to some asshole he wanted to cry and almost did but was stoped when his mom came into his room."Honey can you go to the store get something for me, a-are you ok" his mother stared to worry seeing her son sad."yh some thing just happened" but it didnt make his mom stop worrying."are u shore you can tell your mother" he wondered if he should tell her " m-mom what if a friend was in a bad relationship but it was hared for he to leave" His mother sat next to him and thought for a moment than she asked " what is forcing her not to leave if he is threatening her she can call the police" he replyed " its not that easy she is being focred by her family to marry an asshole and the police cant do anything" she then said "then u cant do anything dear" he sat there looking more deflated."do u like this girl" she asked "yes" she then make a motherly face and said "Honey im sorry to tell u this but that is how life is you cant have everything you wont the faster u get over it the better " he sat there in silace." Now go to the store im going to make your favorite cheesecake it been a while since i made it last" this made a little happy but rias was still on his mind.


Issei was on his way back from the store when he saw somthing strage it what a old store one he never seen befor and he pasted by here every day something was telling him to go in and he decided to go when he walk in the place look well kept the total opposite of the outside as he decided to walk around he saw me old things form swords to books and some things he didnt know about when whe was going to take up one of those things and old man appered and stopped him scaring him.

"You shoundn't be going around and toching things didnt you see the sign" he said as he ponted to it.

"Sorry I didnt see it"

"It ok so what brings you here young man"

"I was just curious about this place its my the first time seeing it in the area"

"I see well let me tell what i offer then you see i offer solution to people and give them what thay need."

"Like a therapist"

"Something like that" he said with a smerk

"So tell about your worrys you young devil"

Issei stared at the old man in shock

"How did you know?"

The old man laught and said

"Only the supernatural can enter this store my boy and only if they need somthing"

Issei contemplat if he should tell this old man about his situation and in the end he decided to tell him.

"I made a promis to someone but i was to weak to upheld it"

"Ahh soo its power you want i have meany was to give you that"

Issei stared at the old man in shock

"Can you realy"

"Yes I can"

"Please tell me how i'll do any just please tell me how!" issei shouted it was his might be his chance to rias.

"Anything you say very well i well give it to you come with me" the old man said and walked to the font of the store by a desk were he looked for somthing when he found he put a weird looking device on the desk it look like a big cuff.

(In bad at discribeing things so here it is --->

"Right now all you need to do is put your hand it it"

Issei hesitated bit decided to to do it puting his hand it the device he felt some thing stab him for a moment but if felt like his whole hand was gone he quickly pulled his had out but his had was fine. The old man laught and said " I forgot to say it would hurt" he then laught again " any way you got what u came for now it time for you to go" as he started to push issei out of the store

" what i didnt pay you yet"

"Dont worry about it u already did" he said with a smerk befor fully pushing issei out and locking the afyer him

Issei stoot there for a moment befor deciding to go home and sleep his day was tiring


issei now reached home and went straight to his bedroom not thinking about the cheesecake anymore. He lied there on his bed slowly falling asleep.

He blinked once see his bedroom ceiling

He blinked as black slow took over the sight

He blinked again and he saw white he quickly sat up an all he could see was white a endless shet of white

He blinked again and nothing changed he rubbed and nothing changed.

Then he saw it a light blue screen infront of him and it said



That all for now please tell me how u felt about the story so far

I dont know how long the next chapter will take

If you have suggestions join my discord
