
DxD: Transfer Student!

==## In a twist of fate, Badr finds himself reincarnated into the world of High School DxD, a universe teeming with angels, demons, and supernatural beings. He is determined to carve out a new destiny, one filled with power, wealth, and a harem of breathtakingly beautiful women. With powerful allies and formidable foes, Badr's journey involves self-discovery, battles, and heart-stopping adventures. Will he rise to the challenges that await him or be consumed by the darkness that lurks in the shadows? ##== --------------------------------------------------- Advanced 10 Chapters : pa-treon.com/dragonnx

DragonnX · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 36: Magic Bound, Clothes Torn

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Badr concentrated slightly, but before he and the girls could react, their magic was completely sealed in the next second. Then, with a ripping sound, their clothes exploded into countless fragments that slowly turned into magic and dispersed into the air...

All: "..."

Badr: "...?"

Seeing the glowing red "TRUE" symbols on the girls' bodies, even Badr was stunned and speechless.

What is this?


That was Asia's cry as she crouched down and covered herself in embarrassment.

"Oh my..." That was Akeno Himejima's voice, with a hint of surprise and amusement.

"Such a familiar scene." Koneko Toujou crossed her arms, her golden eyes looking at Badr with a bit of helplessness.

Rias Gremory put her hand on her hip, also looking at Badr with a face full of helplessness:

"What kind of ability is this again?"


Badr called back to his familiar, who immediately flew over, flapping its little wings and hovering in front of him like a little bee, seemingly very proud of itself.

Badr, who understood his thoughts, could only smile wryly and say:

"This is its special ability. It can seal the magic of up to ten targets for a maximum of ten hours, but the time is reduced to one hour if all ten are sealed. Against stronger opponents, the duration can be shortened accordingly."

"And what about our clothes... Does this little guy have a strange hobby?" Rias couldn't help but grumble.


Badr didn't know how to explain, because he knew that it was indeed the little boy's strange hobby.

In fact, Badr had already seen the "TRUE" symbols on the girls' white thighs and understood...

Looking at those glowing purple-red stamps, Badr couldn't help but sigh and make a face.

What an annoying little familiar...


The silver stamp looked very delicate, with naturally formed carvings of silver dragons swirling around its square surface, slightly smaller than a fist, yet very powerful.

It had shocked the four girls and left Badr with a headache.

Obviously, the girls blamed Badr as the owner of the stamp...

"Let me make it clear, I didn't encourage it."

Badr declared his innocence.

But obviously no one believed him.

"Oh my, the sister understands, you don't need to explain, Badr. After all, you're at the age of growth," Akeno Himejima smiled gently, her mature demeanor attracting all eyes.

Koneko Toujou was less polite: "Badr, you're such a pervert."


I said, it's not my fault.

Badr looked helplessly at the silver stamp fluttering in front of him like a happy bee, and flicked it lightly, saying calmly, "This is your doing.

"So how do we remove this effect? Do we just wait for it to wear off?"

Rias looked at the "TRUE" symbol on her thigh with a strange expression.

It looked so indecent...

She tried to use her magic, but it was sealed so tightly that she couldn't move it at all.

The "TRUE" symbol seemed like a super seal, pressing down on her magic and making it difficult to move.

She finally managed to control a bit of magic to touch the seal, but it was immediately extinguished by it.

Rias and the others were shocked, but also a little happy for Badr, because the effect was indeed strong enough to turn the tide of the battle!

Badr looked at the girls' bodies and pursed his lips slightly;

The girls were indeed beautiful, their bodies soft and white, but it felt inappropriate to look any further...

Communicating with his familiar's stamp, Badr learned how to remove the seal and couldn't help but cough slightly.

"Well... This seal can only be removed by me personally, otherwise you'll have to wear it away slowly with magic or wait for it to dissolve naturally."

Rias estimated that if she relied on her own magic to wear it away bit by bit, it would take about an hour.

"I see, come and remove it then, being oppressed like this is quite unpleasant." Rias waved Badr forward.


Badr approached and Rias simply lifted her leg and placed it on the sofa, making it easier for Badr to act.

This position... so seductive.

Badr couldn't help but look a few more times before placing his hand on Rias' thigh and gently wiping away the seal.

"Please do the same for me~" Akeno Himejima approached as well, her soft voice making it hard to resist.

Badr kept his eyes focused, trying not to look at places he shouldn't, but inevitably saw a lot...

"Don't touch randomly." When it was Koneko Toujou's turn, the silver-haired girl warned him directly.

"Yes, yes, yes. How about I buy you some ice cream to make up for it?" Badr smiled as he wiped the seal on Koneko's thigh, making the "TRUE" symbol disappear.

"Okay." Koneko smiled then, her expression softening a bit.

So easy to please.

The girls' magic returned, and they recreated their clothes with magic.

"Anyway, Badr and Asia finally found their familiars, that's worth celebrating!" Rias put her hand on her hip, radiating a mature and elegant aura.

"By the way, have you named your familiars yet?" Akeno asked suddenly with a smile.

Asia hugged her Thunder Dragon, her eyes turning into crescent moons with her smile: "This is a blessing from heaven, I'm going to name it Little Drago."

"Haha, taking Badr's last name..." Rias teased.

"Hehe..." Asia smiled sweetly and looked at Badr: "Is that okay?"

"Of course, you don't need my permission."

Badr's gentle reply made Asia smile sweetly and rub her head against the little dragon in her arms.

"Then it's decided, little Little Drago~"

The baby dragon flapped its wings and let out a joyful cry: "Eee~~~"

Badr also reached out his hand, and the silver stamp flew into his palm.

"I'm not good at naming. Do you have a name?" Badr asked his familiar with a slightly helpless smile.

The familiar, connected to his mind, replied that it was born without a name.

Rias and the others laughed, so Rias suggested:

"Why not name it after its ability? Call it the Seal Devil Stamp? Seal Devil Stamp... Haha, it fits Badr's chuunibyou phase!"

"I don't think I was ever a Chuunibyou." Badr refused to admit it.

"Really? Then what's with all the Mecha figurines in your room?" Rias teased with a smile.

Badr smiled weakly:

"Mechas are a man's romance, that's not chuunibyou."

"Hehe, then call it something that's not chuunibyou." Rias laughed and threw the problem back at him.

Badr tilted his head, thought for a second and then gave up.

"...Forget it, Seal Devil Stamp it is. It actually sounds pretty catchy."

Everyone: "..."

Just giving up like that...

Fortunately, for Badr and his familiar, names were just labels anyway, it didn't matter as long as there was one.

The little guy fluttered his wings and looked very happy.

When everything was settled, Rias clapped her hands to get everyone's attention.

"After the celebration, let's sign our contracts. We can leave the job of handing out flyers to our familiars."

Everyone had a little celebration, which basically meant eating good food, most of which ended up in Koneko's stomach.

Then it was time to work. Badr smiled at his familiar.

"It's your first day at work, do your best."

The seal devil stamp fluttered around excitedly, obviously eager to go out for the first time.

Familiars, like demons and angels, could use the "common sense change" magic, so there was no need to worry about causing trouble.

After handing the flyers to their familiars and watching them fly out the window, they all went their separate ways, as they all had contracts to fulfill.

Badr also had to fulfill his contract with Mai Sakurajima and hoped that his familiar would help him find new contractors...

So now he had nothing else to do but to contact Mai and see if he could fulfill any of her wishes to earn more "compensation" from the contract...


It was still early, so Badr took the train to his destination.

Since Mai hadn't called him, Badr had to go to her.

Hmm, I wonder when I'll evolve into an intermediate devil to be able to use teleportation magic.

Badr had longed for teleportation magic for a long time. It was like having a car in the human world, making everything convenient without bothering Akeno Himejima all the time.

After almost twenty minutes on the train, Badr got off and called Mai Sakurajima.


The voice on the other end was that of a woman Badr had never heard before.

Badr frowned slightly, confused: "Who are you? Why do you have Mai's phone?"

"Oh... sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ryoko Hanawa, Mai's new agent. She's filming a commercial right now and I have her phone."

"I see. Is she almost done filming?"

"Yes, almost, probably about ten more minutes."

"Okay, sorry to bother you. I'll call back later."

"Huh? Oh..."

The call ended.

Ryoko Hanawa was a little dazed.

She didn't understand the connection between this caller and Mai Sakurajima.

Looking at the call log, the name was Badr, with a note: Available anytime.

Ryoko Hanawa was confused...


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