
Chapter 13: What is Love?

Yasaka, still lost in her own world, heard the seriousness in Sasuke's voice as he mentioned wanting to tell her something. Instantly, a wave of wariness washed over her, and her mind raced with negative thoughts. "Does he despise me for hugging him? Does he think I'm a easy woman? Is he going to reject me?"

In that moment, Yasaka's mind became clouded with self-doubt. Throughout her life, she had never truly experienced love, often using her beauty to toy with and tease numerous men. She couldn't help but wonder if this was karma catching up to her.

Sasuke, sensing Yasaka's inner turmoil, spoke with deliberate slowness, trying to find the right words to express himself. After a brief moment of silence, he continued, "Yasaka, I am someone who struggles to express my emotions. I have seen your love and affection for me over these months we met. It have made it even harder for me to contemplate returning to my own world."

Tears welled up in Yasaka's eyes as she listened to the words she had hoped she wouldn't hear. Sasuke noticed Yasaka's tears and felt a surge of confusion. "Why is she crying? I hoped to bring our relationship closer, not drive us apart."

"Shit, I really have no clue how to express emotion and talk about it," Sasuke thought as half his life was spent trying to avenge his clan. He always thought having emotions was a weakness for him, so he cut his ties with Konoha. "Yet, here I am struggling now to express it" he lamented.

Concerned, he gently approached her and asked, "Yasaka, are you alright?" Yasaka, still sobbing, apologized, "I am sorry for being such a bad woman, Sasuke." Hearing her words, Sasuke's confusion deepened, and he urgently questioned, "What do you mean, Yasaka?" Yasaka, her voice trembling, replied with a raised voice, "You must think I'm a slut and find me annoying for being a tease."

Sasuke hear sank, "How could she think like that? No, how could she think I will think like that?" he thought in frustation. "I cannot believe she thinks so little of herself," he thought. He grabbed Yasaka with his one arm around her waist and brought her closer to him.

He stared at Yasaka in her eyes with some anger, "No, Yasaka!" he vehemently eclaimed. "I am the one who is flawed, Yasaka. I am a rogue Shinboi in my world. I betrayed my village, my friends. Heck, I even tried to kill my best friend multiple times," he confessed.

Gazing into Yasaka's bright, golden eyes, he continued softly, a self-deprecating smile appearing on his face. "You are beautiful beyond measure, you are kind and caring, Yasaka. During these months, you have shown me a new side of myself. I don't deserve your love because I feel the same way about you. Someone like me does not deserve to be loved, as I cut off any emotions related to happiness. I only had one goal, which was revenge and I did anything for power."

"You are not a bad person, Sasuke," Yasaka reassured him. "You do not know me, Yasaka. Even the people who said they loved me, I used them as a tool." Sasuke said emotionlessly. "You may have made mistakes, but there must be reasons behind your actions, right?" she added with genuine concern.

"Please, Sasuke, tell me about yourself. I want to know more about you. You are the first person I've ever fallen in love with, and I can sense that you are a good person," Yasaka said, determination gleaming in her eyes as she stared at Sasuke.

Sasuke was taken aback by Yasaka's confession. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he realized the significance of her presence in his life. "Haha, what would I do without this woman?" he thought to himself.

Sauske was moved by Yasaka's unwavering support for him, who looked for the best in people. He moved Yasaka closer to him and hugged her in a tight embrace. The warmth of her body against his and the softness of her touch brought him comfort. "Why, Yasaka? Why do you care so much about me?" Sasuke asked, confused.

Yasaka smiled and confidently said, "Because I love you, Sasuke." Sasuke could only sighed and said "I will share more about myself, Yasaka. And if you end up hating me for my past actions, I suppose I deserve it," Sasuke whispered into her ear with a mixture of vulnerability and affection.

Yasaka's heart swelled with joy, and she reciprocated the hug with equal fervor. Nuzzling her head against his shoulder, she wrapped her arms around him, embracing him tightly. Her nine tails encircled them both, creating a loving and protective cocoon.

Sasuke couldn't help but enjoy the comforting sensation of Yasaka's tails wrapped around him. In that moment, he decided to treasure the connection he had with her, hoping that she wouldn't come to hate him for his troubled past.

He recognized that this was the first step towards building a meaningful relationship with her, although he still questioned how he could truly make Yasaka happy given his own doubts about love and his ability to properly express it. He longed for Yasaka's acceptance and hoped that she would guide him in discovering his true self.

Yasaka was elated to have found someone she could wholeheartedly love, and the way Sasuke held her in his arms filled her with joy and excitement. She understood that Sasuke's reluctance to open up stemmed from the deep wounds of his past, and was determined to heal him.

While respecting Sasuke's desire to take things slowly, she also felt a strong urge to accelerate their relationship, longing to share a kiss with him in that very moment. She believed that Sasuke was her soulmate.

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A/N: Can some reply all the power level in Naruto. I want to compare them with mine before I upload the the chapter comparing DxD and Naruto power levels.

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