
DxD: The True Sekiryuutei

Karma_198 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Phenex vs Dragon.

"The Rating Game today is held between Riser Phenex-Sama from the Phenex Clan and Rias Gremory-Sama from the Gremory Clan." Grayfia spoke as an commentator for the spectators of the Rating Game.

She explained the rules of the Rating Game while the two teams strategised their plans in their own bases. The Rating Game was like a game of chess where once the King is defeated, the Game is won.

The only other way to win was through surrender of their opponent.

The Rating Game was being held in an artificial territory created in the Dimensional Gap, which couldn't have been possible without the efforts of Ajuka Beelzebub. This territory was the best place to host such events as no damage would be caused to the real world.

The Kuoh Academy's structure was used for this particular game to give Rias the home advantage against Riser. Riser's Peerage was using the Student Council room as thier base, while Rias chose the Occult Research Club.

The fight would take place in the Campus, and currently, the leaders were deciding how they would approach the fight.

"Since we are low in numbers, I suggest we hide and wait for the right opportunity to attack." Rias stated to the people surrounding her on the desk, "We might get overwhelmed if they catch any one of us and decide to gang that member."

"So we should stay close, in case such thing does happen." Akeno nodded in agreement, "What do you think, Yuuki-kun?" She turned towards the room.

Yuuki was sitting on the couch with an calm expression on his face, "What do I think? I think the plan is great." He gave a thumbs up to Rias, who blushed a little at the compliment.

"So let's do this." Rias nodded seriously and said some motivating words to her Peerage members.

Unfortunately for her, when the game started and all the members took their positions, everyone was astounded when a mass of energy started gathering at an particular spot, which hurled up an typhoon from the raising Aura.

"Boosted Gear!" A loud mechanical announcement was made from the spot, "Welsh Dragon Emperor!"







"Balance Breaker!"

Finally the storm calmed down and what it revealed shocked all the contestants and the spectators of the Game. Everybody knew that Yuuki Kageyama was a part Dragon, but nobody knew that he was also the Sekiryuutei of this generation.

Yuuki clasped his fingers into a fist as he felt the power coursing through his veins. He felt like he could knock out Godzilla with a single punch. The Red Draconic armour covering his body was slim, tall, proportionate to his muscles, and covered with golden fangs and green orbs.

Yuuki thought about his wings and a pair of giant Draconic wings unfurled from his back, easily overshadowing his intimidating figure.

He sensed Riser's Servants approaching his direction to probably check out the reason of such energy surge, 'There are three of them.' Yuuki thought as he licked his lips in anticipation, 'Mine now.'

His figure flashed through the surface at an unimaginable speed and tackled the three figure into oblivion. He could've easily killed them even if they would been summoned before any lethal damage was done, but he wanted to steal those girls from Riser to grow his business and some for his personal collection.

"Y-Yuuki-kun?" Koneko approached him from the woods. As an Nekoshou, She was sensitive to Ki and was visibly shaking due to the dense Draconic aura being radiated from Yuuki.

"Koneko-chan." Yuuki nodded with an smile as he approached her, "No need to be scared." He comforted her by crouching down to her height and patting her head, "Senpai will protect you."

"Hm.." Koneko acknowledged by shyly lowering her head, "Good luck, Yuuki Senpai."

"Well, I don't need luck to win this fight." Yuuki shrugged by standing back up, "Though, Riser would need it to survive against me."

Koneko wasn't sure what Yuuki meant, but before she could question his motives, Yuuki was already in the air and looking towards the School building.







Koneko felt an even larger surge of energy coming from Yuuki and saw him charging all this energy into an single attack. All the Green Orbs on his armour shimmered with Power, as if all of them were simultaneously chanting the command of "Boost!".

Riser sensed the danger he was in and came out of the Student Council room with the rest of his Peerage, "You filthy Dragon!" He shouted in an enraged tone.







Riser gulped as his words backfired and only provoked the Red Dragon Emperor more. Riser wasn't stupid, he understood that his chance of winning this fight had greatly diminished when the Boosted Gear was revealed.

He could've fought a filthy dragon with a loud mouth, but the Red Dragon Emperor with a fully controlled Balance Breaker? That wasn't just a level higher, but easily comparable to the Satan Class!

The number of Boosts were so high that the energy surge had gathered dark clouds over the sky of the replica of Kuoh Academy. They cackled with loud thunder booms and occasionally shot more than one thunderbolts at the ground.

(Congratulations, Master has broken past his limits! You have obtained weather manipulation at an Atmospheric level!)

Riser flew up into the sky with his Phenex wings, but at the simple command of Yuuki he was struck down by an Thunderbolt.

"I'll show you the consequences of insulting a true dragon and trying to humiliate him!" Yuuki's voice roared in sync with the thunderstorm in the sky.

"You.." Riser gnashed his teeth as he recovered from the fall and flew up again, "What do you want? If you want Rias, you can have her!"

"I want you to die." Yuuki grinned madly, "You filthy little chicken, you should've never stepped into the Dragon's Den and pecked him."

Before Riser could utter any other word, Yuuki released the mass of energy he had gathered in front of his face, "Draconic Judgement!" The power was released in the form of a red beam and aimed right towards Riser.

"I.. I.." Riser choked on his words when he saw his vision get covered by the red sun, "I.. Surrender."

Unfortunately, he was too late.

Not only was Riser consumed by the force of Draconic Judgement, the entire structure of school behind him was raised to nothing by the destructive force.

"Riser Phenex-Sama has been made to forcefully retire out of the fight." Grayfia's voice sounded from the telecast, "The victory goes to Rias Gremory-Sama."

"I have an announcement to make." Yuuki said in a loud voice that could be easily heard by everyone.

He landed back on the ground with his helmet vanishing to reveal his face, "Rias Gremory." He approached the Princess heiress with Crimson hair.

"W-What?" Rias blushed with an annoyed look, because she wasn't even able to prove her Peerage's capability in the fight today due to him taking all the spotlight.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Yuuki got on his knees and took out an ring from his inventory, "I am not asking you to marry me right away, but we could start from a relationship."

"Ara, Ara." Akeno giggled with an envious gleem in her eyes, but she was also happy for her friend. She knew how much Rias meant to Yuuki.

"Y-You.." Rias face heated up in embarrassment to match her hair colour.

"Just say yes or no." Yuuki sighed with an exhausted smile.

"Hmph." Rias turned away by folding her hands with a slight pout, "Yes.. You idiot." She took a deep breath and calmed her emotions.

Yuuki inserted the ring in the ring finger of her left hand and stood up, "Does this mean we are engaged now?" He asked with an cheeky grin.

Although, instead of answering him with an verbal response, Rias stepped forward, got on her heels, and kissed Yuuki's lips by wrapping her arms around his shoulder.

Yuuki felt an immense pressure in his pants as he leaned forward and kissed her back. His hands went around her waist and locked right above her soft ass.

If not for the public kiss, he would've definitely grabbed those cheeks right away.

(You have leveled up!)

(You have leveled up!)

(Congratulations, you have completed the Quest by defeating Riser Phenex! You have obtained the Affinity with Phenex flames.)

Yuuki separated from the kiss and caressed Rias face with an fond smile, "Mine."

Rias blushed intensely at the single, but dominating word uttered by Yuuki, "You.. Moron." She shyly stood on her place, "Yes, I'm yours now."

Yuuki grinned in satisfaction at the response.

The management of the Rating Game appeared before them as the Game was over. Rias started celebrating with her Peerage and planned a party, while Yuuki took this opportunity to check his updated Status.

(Name: Yuuki Kageyama

Level: 65

Age: 17

Sacred Gear: Corrupted Boosted Gear

Race: Humanoid Dragon

Title: The Gamer

HP: 635/635

SP: 346/800

MP: 122/420

Strength: 137

Endurance: 134

Agility: 160

Intelligence: 84

Wisdom: 89

Luck: 30

Stat Points: 12

Game Points: 3900.)

The fight had consumed a lot more Stamina and Magic than he had expected, but it was worth it as he wanted to showcase his power to the Underworld and gain fame amongst the other several Factions.

'Still curropted, huh.' Yuuki snorted with an irritated expression, 'Stay sealed inside the Boosted Gear forever, for all I care.'

If not for his minor wish of stealing Issei's Boosted Gear, he didn't know how he would've managed to subdue the Dragon on his own. Still, the Dragon did not accept him as his host and corrupted the Longinus, which made Yuuki purchase a seal from the store in order to lock the Dragon's consciousness inside the Gear.

The Seal costed him 1000 Game Points, because Ddraig was still a Heavenly Dragon even if he was caged inside the Boosted Gear.

'Ah, let's not think about it too much.' Yuuki grumbled annoyingly and noticed Riser's Peerage members getting treated by the management, 'Time to collect them.'

Riser would face one last humiliation as Yuuki fucks his Queen Yubelluna before his eyes. After all, according to their secret bet, Yuuki could ask Riser of anything he wanted and that would be his entire Peerage.


AN: Firstly. No, Riser is not dead. This chapter shows how strong the Gamer is and how far he has come to manipulating the people around him.

Also, no, the female lead is not decided yet and its definitely not any of the canon girls. I'm also not sure if this going to be an Harem, because honestly, I haven't thought about Issei having any relationship so soon.