
DxD: The True Sekiryuutei

Karma_198 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Just the beginning.

"Can you at least tell me where we're going?" Issei cried out as he followed his Grandpa while climbing the mountain. The problem was, he was carrying all the luggage they were supposed to take with them.

The weight was not a joke, because in the past two hours, his Endurance had increased by 2 and Strength by 1 stat points.

"Almost there." Jiren replied with an amused smile, "You're doing a good job, hang in there."

"Yeah, I'll hang soon I feel." Issei grumbled while maintaining his breathing technique. After all, it was the reason why he was able to utilise his energy so efficiently and last so long.

After another half an hour later, Jiren finally told him that they had reached.

Without caring, Issei collapsed on the ground, which wasn't sloppy anymore. He was on a flat surface over the mountain and when he looked ahead in curiosity, he was shocked.

"A village?" He was baffled.

"A Youkai village." Jiren corrected, "They stay hidden from the human society and live here peacefully."

He looked at the people in the village and sensed that they had a different vibe, like the one he felt coming from the Student Council President.

"I guess you're getting used to sensing the Supernatural world." Jiren noted and spoke aloud, "It gets easier once you get exposed to it."

"Like an virus?" Issei asked.

"Yeah, but positive!" Jiren laughed at his Grandson and helped him get up on his feet, "Don't forget, your training has not even started yet. Surprisingly, I see an immense potential of growth in you."

"Way to cheer up your Grandson." Issei rolled his eyes and looked at the people in the village.

He saw a girl staring at him and smiled at her with an wave of his hand. Unfortunately, the girl frowned and ran away.

'Am I so ugly?' Issei frowned in disappointment.

"Don't worry, you have my genetics." Jiren stated as if he could hear his thoughts aloud, "We start by perfecting your breathing method. It's unique, but I think some improvements could be made."

"Great, now I don't even know how to breath." Issei sighed and nodded in agreement with his Grandpa, "Can we eat something first?"

"Sure, Sure!" Jiren laughed at his grandson's antics and led them to his old friend's house.

After getting refreshments and some rest, Jiren brought him into the vast backyard of the traditional Japanese House.

"First of all, where did you learn how to breath like that?" Jiren asked while standing opposite to Issei.

"From an manual in an bookstore, it said Water Breathing Technique." Issei answered easily.

"Hm, you've learnt to lie it seems." Jiren nodded with an impressed look, "Don't worry, I won't pry into it. It's your secret."

"Thanks." Issei appreciated the gesture with a light twitch on his lips, 'He saw through my Silver Tongue so easily.'

[Its only at Level 4 right now. You'll need to achieve higher levels to trick an experienced man like your grandfather.]

'Hm.' Issei duly noted.

"You're breathing style is great and it clearly is not something I've learnt before, but there is a similar method of conserving and utilising energy when it comes to Ki." Jiren explained, "Ki is your Spiritual Energy. Touki is your Fighting Spirit. The Stronger your Ki, the better your Touki will be."

"So we'll be learning about this Ki thing then." Issei nodded. He was familiar with the term, but most of his knowledge came from fiction.

"Yes." Jiren nodded back, "I believe this is a solution to healing your left hand as well."

Issei got a little serious when his grandfather touched the insensitive topic. He wanted his left hand to heal more than anything.

"I see that I have your attention." Jiren smirked, "The best way to bring out your Ki is during a fight, so we'll fight."

"Huh." Issei was speechless.

"What?" Jiren snorted, "You thought we'll be doing some meditation bullshit in the mountains? Grow up, kiddo. Lessons can only be learnt from an fight, whether it's physical or mental."

"But you're stronger than me." Issei pointed out.

"And how do you know that without trying?" Jiren smiled meaningfully, "Try me, try yourself. Are you going to let your judgements be clouded by some stupid calculations? Anything can happen in a fight. Hell, I'm sure you can even defeat me right now if you try. After all, I do know your breathing is more controlled than mine."

"Now you're simply mocking me." Issei narrowed his eyes as he took a basic stance with his left hand hanging lose.

"Oh, Taekwondo? Where did you learn that, some Yourtube or some shit?" Jiren laughed out loud.

"I'm going to kick your ass, old man!" Issei gave an battle cry as he ran towards Jiren and started with an kick to his Shin.

"You can do better." Jiren casually grabbed his head and redirected his force to the ground, "Again." This time he took a fighting stance as well, one that Issei didn't know of.

"Aaah!" With a loud cry Issei charged at him again.

"Save your energy for your attacks instead of shouting!" Jiren mentored and kicked his abdomen, "Is that how you do sneak attack these days?"

"You can clearly see me, you moron." Issei grumbled by falling back on the ground, but got up once again.

He controlled his breath to not lose any energy from the hits and quickly recovered his movements. After a few more tries, he was able to land a hit, but that was when he shifted to Karate from Taekwondo.

"Yourtube has a lot of content it seems." Jiren chuckled without budging from the hit, "I'll teach you what proper Karate is, without making you wipe the windshields of an Car!"

Issei knew that Jiren was greatly holding back because he could've ended the fight with a single hit. And even while landing an hit on him, he felt like he was striking a rock with his leg.

"Great, you're not forgetting about your right hand." Jiren complimented, "Unfortunately, you're at an disadvantage." He cruelly took advantage of Issei's disability and attacked on his left side, where he couldn't defend.

What he didn't expect was when Issei raised up his left leg and blocked the punch with his thigh. There was an white aura eminating from his body due to the constant struggle of keeping up with the old man.

'He's subconsciously using his Ki.' Jiren noted and kept going on, "Good, but that's all you got?"

"Fuck you!" Issei launched his raised left leg to slap Jiren's face with his foot. He also immediately went back to recover from the momentum and avoid any incoming hit.

"Oh?" Jiren had an annoyed smirk plastered on his face.

"Oops.." Issei chuckled at his demise, "I'm still your grandson, you know that right?"

"Yeah, that's why I won't kill you." Jiren stated with the same smile, "Now, it's my turn to attack."

"Then I'll run." Issei stated seriously, "I mean it."

"Try me." Jiren mocked and covered the distance between them in a flash.

Issei's eyes went wide when he saw the incoming attack, but he didn't know how, he mustered up the power to dodge the blow. From there on, he continued channeling this energy as the old man went on an rampage of attacks aimed at him.

Kicks, punches, slaps, strikes, sweeps, and low blows. Issei could swear that if he didn't have the Martial arts knowledge he would've been hospitalised by now.

"You're doing great." Jiren complimented with an wild grin, "But can you keep up with my Touki?"

Issei was baffled when he saw an red aura cover the old man's body, 'So that's what fighting spirit looks like.'

Unfortunately for Issei, that's all he saw before he was punched in the face and knocked unconscious on the ground.

"Oops." Jiren felt a little guilty when he looked at the result, "I might've gone too far on the first day."

"Your Grandson?" He heard a voice call out to him.

"Wukong." Jiren greeted the old monkey with an friendly smile.

"I heard you were at the Village, so I came to visit." Wukong landed from the tree and approached Jiren to greet him, "I was curious to see what kid you've brought along."

"Yeah, that's my Grandson." Jiren sighed while glancing at the boy laying on the ground, "He got exposed to our world somehow and I've decided to train him."

"Aw, what a nice grandpa you are." Wukong teased while balancing himself on his staff, "I want to play with the Dragon as well!"

"Dragon?" Jiren raised an curious eyebrow.

"You're not a Youkai that's why you can't see it, but your boy has an Dragon's fighting spirit." Wukong answered, "Though, it's been torned to shreds for some reason."

"Is that so." Jiren said with mixed feelings in his voice.

"Once you're done with him, give him to me for a few days." Wukong patted his old friend's shoulder, "I am curious to how he would fare with my other Dragon student, though he's a little bit of a Devil."

"He's soaking in my teachings pretty well." Jiren nodded in acknowledgment, "I'll send him to challenge your student once I have taught him my techniques."

"Challenge? Who said about an challenge?" Wukong grinned mischievously, "Now, if you want it, who am I to decline? A broken Dragon versus an Devil Dragon! The result seems obvious to me, so I'll advise not to bet."

"Oh, don't be so sure." Jiren smiled meaningfully, "I'll test him for the inheritance."

"Y-You fiend!" Wukong backed off with an horrified expression, "To do that to your Grandson, you're worse than the Devils!"

"Hahaha! I know you're more curious than me." Jiren laughed in response, "See you soon then. I have to bandage my kiddo's broken nose."

"Ya, see ya!" Wukong hopped into the sky by using his staff like an spring and summoned his nimbus cloud to zoom away.