
Dxd:The strongest reincarnated

This fanfic is merely wish fulfillment. Alex, a re-embodied soul, received three wishes from a cosmic entity. Nothing in Highschool DxD belongs to me, I'm only the owner of my Oc. This is just a fanfic, any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental.

Hisoka999 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Alex was sleeping peacefully, unaware of everything he had caused in the underworld. The death of Riser had become a topic of discussion for all the demons. It was uncommon for a human to kill a noble demon and almost all of his peerage.

The Phoenixes, however, were the most affected. Not only had their son died, but their daughter had been kidnapped. Lord Phoenix was furious and wanted to invade the human world. Lady Phoenix, on the other hand, was only crying and thinking about her daughter who was still alive. At that moment, Venelana and her son Sirzechs arrived.

Venelana said, "I'm sorry for what happened to your son, but your daughter is still alive. We can negotiate her return."

Lord Phoenix said, "Negotiate? My son was killed by a human, and you still want to negotiate? We will invade the human world and recover the honor of the Phoenix clan."

Sirzechs said, "I understand your anger, but this attitude can lead to a war. You still have Ravel to rescue."

Lord Phoenix said, "Ravel doesn't matter. I still have a son to take over the Phoenix family."

Lady Phoenix said, "Ravel is also our daughter. I love her, and we shouldn't do anything that puts her life at risk."

After hearing his wife's words, Lord Phoenix became angry and slapped her in the face. Venelana felt disgusted by his behavior, and Lady Phoenix had tears in her eyes. Lady Phoenix went to Ravel's room, and Venelana followed, leaving Sirzechs and Lord Phoenix alone to talk.

------ Ravel Phoenix -------

Ravel woke up in an unfamiliar room. She only remembered going to the human world with her brother to visit Rias and seeing a human kissing Rias in front of her brother and mocking Riser. A fight started, and before she could do anything, someone knocked her out.

Tiamat said, "You finally woke up, Phoenix girl."

Ravel asked, "Who are you? Where am I?"

Tiamat said, "I'm Tiamat. You're at the house of Master Alex. Before you ask, your brother is dead, along with almost all of your peerage."

Finding out that her brother was dead was a surprise for Ravel. She wasn't sad, but rather worried about her mother and her family's legacy. The Phoenixes always thought they were immortal, but now a human had found a way to kill them. She had to make amends with Alex. Ravel asked Tiamat to talk to Alex, but Tiamat refused, saying that Alex was busy talking to someone important.

------ Alex -------

Alex was sleeping when he felt someone trying to teleport to his house. He wasn't surprised to find that it was Grayfia. Grayfia didn't show the same arrogance as the first time Alex met her. As they talked, Grayfia made a point of showing off her cleavage for Alex.

Alex understood that she was seducing him, and as a man of virtue, he held Grayfia by the waist and kissed her. Grayfia was perplexed. It wasn't the first time she used her appearance to her advantage, but Alex was the first man who had the courage to touch a Satan's wife.

Sirzechs had asked her to make amends with Alex and make sure he didn't touch Ravel. But how far should she go for that? At this very moment, Alex was kissing her while holding her breasts and squeezing her butt. Grayfia didn't want to admit it, but she was enjoying the moment. It had been years since her husband had touched her. As Alex found no resistance in Grayfia, he decided to go all the way.

------- Venelana and Lady Phoenix -------

After receiving a slap from her husband, Lady Phoenix was in her daughter's room. Venelana followed and saw her crying while holding a picture of her daughter.

Venelana said, "When Alex kidnapped your daughter, he specifically asked for Lady Phoenix to come and negotiate with him."

Lady Phoenix asked, "Do you think if I go to him, I can get my daughter back?"

Venelana said, "The question is what he will want in return for returning your daughter."

Lady Phoenix looked determinedly at Venelana and said, "No matter what, if my daughter can live, I will give him anything he wants, even my own body."

Venelana said, "Then let's go now. Sirzechs is talking to your husband, and no one will notice your disappearance."

------- Sirzechs and Lord Phoenix ------

Lord Phoenix was adamant, nothing that Sirzechs said would change his mind. He was going to the human world with his peerage in search of revenge. Lord Phoenix wanted Sirzechs' help, but received a no in response. Of course, he thought Sirzechs was protecting the human. At that moment, a teleportation circle with the Sitri family symbol appeared and Serafall emerged from it.

------ Rias and Akeno ------

Rias was happy, she was finally free from Riser and was going to live with Alex. She was celebrating with Akeno when a magic circle appeared, and Riser's mother and her own mother emerged from it.

Venelana spoke, "Rias, take us to Alex's house."

Rias asked, "Mom, why do you want to go to my boyfriend's house?"

Venelana replied, "Lady Phoenix wants to get her daughter back."

Lady Phoenix said, "Please, I already lost one child, don't let me lose my daughter too."

Rias hated Riser, but she could understand that as a mother, Lady Phoenix would suffer. She didn't want to be the cause of her pain.

Rias said, "I promise that you will get your daughter back, as far as it depends on me."

----- Alex ------

After having sex with Grayfia, Alex went to talk to Ravel. When he saw her, Alex already knew that Tiamat had warned her about Riser's death. Alex looked curiously at Ravel, who did not appear angry with him.

Ravel said, "Sir Alex, I want to make a deal."

Alex asked, "And what do you propose?"

Ravel replied, "If you don't attack the Phoenix family, I will be your wife."

Alex smiled and asked, "Would you sign a contract?"

------ Grayfia --------

Grayfia was drying her body, she had just taken a bath. She came down the stairs as if nothing had happened. She had sex with Alex, and he had promised not to harm Ravel, saying that all misunderstandings between them were over.

She should have felt guilty, but she was just relieved. She wondered if Sirzechs would be angry if he found out that she had sex with Alex or if he would congratulate her for doing a good job of keeping Ravel safe.