
Dxd:The strongest reincarnated

This fanfic is merely wish fulfillment. Alex, a re-embodied soul, received three wishes from a cosmic entity. Nothing in Highschool DxD belongs to me, I'm only the owner of my Oc. This is just a fanfic, any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental.

Hisoka999 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


Alex woke up, carefully got out of bed so as not to wake Asia, left a note saying he was going out and it might take a while to return, told Mary to cook for Asia and left Hollow to protect her.

Alex left the house, his goal being the rest of the fallen angels and the exorcist, the shadow crows were searching for any sign of them around the city.

Alex remembered the church where Asia was originally supposed to stay and went there. Close to the entrance, Alex could feel the power of a fallen angel. He summoned Yadrat, Selina and the Golem, ordering the Golem to knock down the gate of the church. When the gate fell, the two fallen angels flew out, and Alex ordered Yadrat and Selina to take care of them while he and the Golem went inside to look for the exorcist.

The exorcist appeared, aiming a gun at Alex. The Golem ran towards him, trying to punch him, but the exorcist dodged and shot at the Golem. The bullets hit the Golem but didn't even scratch it. Alex turned his ring into a pistol and shot at the exorcist. The exorcist tried to defend himself with his sword, but one of the bullets hit his arm, causing him to drop his weapon. Angry, the exorcist tried to attack Alex. The Golem punched him, sending him flying against the wall. With the exorcist on the ground, Alex shot several times at his leg, disabling him. The exorcist begged Alex to spare his life, but Alex simply aimed at his forehead and shot him.

When Alex planned to go back home, two magic circles appeared, and from them came Rias and Sona and their nobilities.

Alex greeted them, saying, "Hey, girls, you're a little late for the fun."

Rias said, "You made a mess here, Alex. Can't you go a day without getting involved with fallen angels?"

Alex replied, "They were planning to harm a friend of mine, so I took care of them before that could happen."

Akeno asked, "May I know who your friend is, Alex?"

Alex replied, "Her name is Asia Argento. She's a girl with a pure heart who possesses a rare Sacred Gear, Twilight Healing, which has the ability to heal wounds."

Sona said, "That power would be very useful for any of us."

Alex said, "You better forget about that idea. Asia is already with me, and if you need people with healing ability, I can create a monster for each of you."

Sona said, "I accept the monster with the healing ability. And if it's not too much to ask, I'd also like a knight for the front line in battles."

Alex said, "You're a very greedy woman, Sona, but I'll make the knight too. Think of any ability you want the knight to have."

Rias said, "That's not fair, I want one too."

Alex said, "Okay, this goes for both of you. Let me know tomorrow what power you want the knights to have. Oh, and Sona, organize for Asia to study at Kuoh."

After talking to Rias and Sona, Alex went home and asked Yadrat to teleport him to his room.

In his room, Alex went downstairs and found Asia watching TV and eating popcorn.

Asia saw Alex and said, "Thank God, Alex, you took so long to come back that I thought you had forgotten me."

Alex hugged her and said, "Relax, Asia, I'm your family now, and I'll never leave you."

Alex kissed Asia's forehead, and she blushed. He asked her if she wanted to go out and buy new clothes, and despite Asia saying it wasn't necessary, Alex insisted, saying he had a lot of money and he felt like eating a burger.

They went to a restaurant, and Asia tried her first burger, which she loved. Alex told her that she was going to school, which made her very happy. After shopping for hours and having fun, Alex sent Yadrat to take them home. Asia was so tired that she went straight to bed.

Alex wasn't tired, so he stayed in the living room thinking about monsters he could create to fight against Riser. He created a monster that looked like an elf, with the ability to control ice, and named her Bella. He also created another shadow angel, but this one had the ability to control light and was named Kiara.

After creating these two monsters, Alex decided to sleep on the sofa so as not to disturb Asia's sleep. Despite the option of going to another room, he was too tired to move. He was awakened by Asia, who was excited about going to school. Alex said good morning, told her to have breakfast, and went to wash up.