
DxD: The Reincarnated Gamer

So you believe in ghosts and other strange occurrences? That there are many different kinds of races, as well as beings such as angels, devils, and dragons? And that a good number of these entities live alongside humans and cohabit with them? In addition to that, one of these people in particular stood out; what was his name? Altair. This universe would become the arena for his rantings and his jokes if he had his way. Nothing should matter to someone like him, or at the very least, it shouldn't matter at all. _____ like the fanfic and want to read ahead or just want to support you can join my patreo_n to read ahead by 10 chapters patr-eon.com/Rias_gremory174

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Chapter 9

Because the changes were so significant, especially to Altair's Mana, which had significantly increased, he made the decision to use his points at home rather to risk being found out by a devil. This decision was motivated by his fear of being found out.

"I am currently stronger than Rias if we only look at attributes, but the reality may not be so, since that damn Power of Destruction, can eliminate me completely in a matter of seconds," Altair had a recollection of Rias having a latent power that, if unleashed, might very quickly destroy this world, which was a very frightening prospect.

''Moreover, she is not the only one who possesses this power of destruction; her brother is also able to wield it, and he can do so with even greater accuracy and power.''

Altair was aware that he could only sigh at the moment since, despite the fact that he possessed wonderful powers as well, they were all rather weak and would not pose a threat to the powerful figures that ruled this world at the present, but in the future... Well, that would be a different matter.

While Altair was considering this, he found himself gazing upward into the night sky filled with stars.

Now it's starting to grow dark outside. As he softly uttered these words, he wore an expression of despair that flickered across his eyes.

Some memories from his old life flashed fast before his eyes, causing a small tear to run from his eye. However, it was soon wiped away as if the tears had never left his eye, as if they had never left his eyes at all.

Altair caught a fleeting glimpse of his reflection as he was drawing away from the window he was leaning on at the moment, and he had to admit that he was impressed with what he saw.

He had a really alluring appearance.

Even though he was only seventeen years old, his appearance made him appear a little bit older. In addition, his body had become a great deal more defined, most likely as a result of the high STR attribute that he possessed.

Even though I've been working on increasing my STR score, that is not the reason why my physique has grown so defined. After that, Altair struck a few stances typical of those used by bodybuilders to showcase their physiques.

If I ever find myself in a financial bind, I plan to start lifting weights. Altair had already pictured himself mimicking some of JoJo's stage poses when he was performing.

Because of the length of his fringe, which were of a medium length, Altair's red hair reached his shoulders and was long enough to obscure his eyes. His hair was also red.

His golden eyes seemed to have a lot of history behind them and a tiny warmth that might bewitch people. His face and hair seemed to be the right match for his set of golden eyes. His face and hair seemed to be the perfect fit for his golden eyes.

With a face and figure like that, I could definitely get any lady I wanted. If Altair were to speak the truth, he might also be interested in having a harem, but it could not possibly be his top concern as long as he remained weak. Altair knew that his future with women would not be as bleak as Issei's.

Aside from that, he was terrified of being sucked into some sort of never-ending cycle in which he would get a girl, but then that girl would be kidnapped by a random villain, and then he would be forced to defeat the random villain, only to find out that the random villain actually had a sponsor, and then after he defeated the sponsor, his girl would once again be kidnapped, and this cycle would continue on indefinitely. This was his greatest fear.

''Anyway, system, demonstrate my skills.''

- Level One: The Gates of Babylon

- Player Body - Maximum Level

- The Mind of the Player - Level Maximum

- Sensor - LV. 05

- Killer Intent - LV. 01

"It appears that my 'Sensor' skill has advanced many levels; this is probably because it counts as a passive skill, which is constantly activated," you said. "It seems that my skill 'Sensor' has advanced many levels." Altair was pleased with this ability because it could be of assistance to him in a variety of circumstances, and the fact that it did not require the use of mana was the best aspect of the 'Sensor' skill.

''But... I still need to boost the level of Gate of Babylon, after all it's going to be my main skill, and there's also Killer Intent, although that last one is just for pure whim,'' said the character.

Altair was aware that GOB, at its maximum level, was an extraordinarily powerful ability. In addition, he couldn't wait to be able to utilise those two weapons that might easily destroy this world, and he was excited at the prospect of doing so.

It was at that moment that he realised he had neglected to inquire about something that was of the utmost significance to his system.

System, do you know of any dungeons that will allow me to level up and become more powerful? Altair had absolutely no recollection of the fact that this system needed to have a dungeon in order for him to advance in levels and gain strength.

[Yes! However, in order to access his first dungeon, the host will have to shell out 5,000 points.

''WHAT?! THIS Is a Robbery in Broad Daylight! When Altair found out the amount he would have to pay in order to utilise the very first Dungeon in the system, he became enraged. After all, ever since he arrived in this planet, he had only received a total of two hundred points, and nothing more.

Do not even entertain the possibility that he may simply obtain 5,000 points in such a manner.

"I have some concerns about my ability to participate in Dungeoneering at some point in the future."

[The host is able to complete quests that are automatically generated, and beginning right now, many quest-related items that occur on a daily basis will show up, so the host will not need to be concerned].

When Altair heard the new system message, he felt a little bit better, but this didn't make him very happy at all. After all, we were talking about 5,000 points, which is an amount that is impossible for him to earn at this time.

Since there isn't much to do, I guess I'll simply sit around and wait for those random quests the algorithm predicted... At least I have a new objective, which is to collect enough points to purchase my very own Dungeon. After making this statement to himself, Altair started getting some workout.

And at the same time that Altair was performing some exercises in his home, a gathering was taking place at this precise moment in Kuoh's school, more especially in the Occult Club. Rias and Sona, each with their own distinct peerage, were present in the club room.

"What you said is true," the other person responded, "but I still find it hard to believe that a regular human possesses so much magical power." As Rias glanced over the report that Koneko had sent her, she expressed her shock at what she saw. Rias is a stunning young woman who has reached her full potential.

At the age of eighteen, she was universally regarded as the most stunning female student in her high school. She is a relatively tall woman, standing 1.72 centimetres tall, and she has long red hair, eyes that have a light blue tint to them, enormous busts, and she also has large busts.