
DxD: The Reincarnated Gamer

So you believe in ghosts and other strange occurrences? That there are many different kinds of races, as well as beings such as angels, devils, and dragons? And that a good number of these entities live alongside humans and cohabit with them? In addition to that, one of these people in particular stood out; what was his name? Altair. This universe would become the arena for his rantings and his jokes if he had his way. Nothing should matter to someone like him, or at the very least, it shouldn't matter at all. _____ like the fanfic and want to read ahead or just want to support you can join my patreo_n to read ahead by 10 chapters patr-eon.com/Rias_gremory174

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97 Chs

Chapter 34

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''That's easy; the Longinus and the Balance Breakers were never intended to be there, and they are simply errors in the system. The Longinus class was given its name from the True Longinus, which was the very first piece of Sacred Gear to achieve that degree of strength. After making that statement and receiving a response of agreement from Jeanne, he continued by saying.

There are a total of 13 Longinus in the world. However, there is a chance for more Sacred Gear to develop into Longinus; whether or not this occurs will depend on the circumstances they are now facing.

After hearing what Altair had to say about the possibility of fresh Longinus appearing, the two females felt a little uneasy. You must be aware, after all, that the Longinus have the ability to slay gods; hence, if the Longinus start appearing in large numbers...

That would be a terrible outcome.

"In point of fact, that would be a catastrophe if it were to occur." Altair remarked that it was almost as if he could read the thoughts of the girls.

"Master, how were you able to read our minds in that instant? Jeanne inquired with an inquisitive tone.

But she quickly realised how stupid her query was as she recalled that she and her master had a mental link, which enables them to communicate mentally as well as read some of each other's thoughts and feelings. She also recalled that because of this connection, she and her master are able to read some of each other's body language.

Now Jeanne was beginning to feel silly.

"Master, you mentioned "Balance Breaker" and "True Longinus." Could you please explain what these are?" Artoria questioned, once more jolting Jeanne out of her thoughts with his inquiry.

"Balance Breaker" is the final and most powerful level of activation for Sacred Gears, and it is the manifestation of Sacred Gear that possesses the most power. He started talking, which prompted Artoria to nod her head as a signal for him to continue.

''Once this goal has been accomplished, inserting Balance Breaker a second time will be considerably simpler than the initial attempt. Self-sacrifice on the part of the user is required in order to accomplish the goal of obtaining an incomplete Balance Breaker. However, the Balance Breaker ability will not be properly activated if you choose to sacrifice yourself in this manner. The emotions of the person who possesses Balance Breaker have the potential to set off the achievement. After Altair had done, the two showed their comprehension by nodding their heads.

Artoria was curious about True Longinus, so she said, "What about him?"

The phrase "The True Longinus is a Sacred Gear that gave its name to all of the others that are capable of killing gods." refers to a piece of equipment that has the ability to kill gods.

When Altair noticed that they were paying close attention to what he was saying, he paused for a moment before continuing with a nod and then began speaking.

The True Longinus is considered to be one of the Holy Relics and is also referred to as the Holy Spear. Other Holy Relics include the Holy Cross, Holy Nails, the Holy Grail, and the Shroud of Turin. Because of the previous sentence, it was hard for the two of them not to be confused.

Placing oneself in close proximity to a nearly all-powerful wish-granting artefact.

What kind of a spear was that, exactly?

''According to the information that I have, it is a spear that would have pierced the side of the body of Christ while he was resting on the crucifixion. According to mythology, a centurion named Longinus was the one who wielded the spear and gave it its name. Because it was anointed with the blood of Jesus Christ, the spear is considered to be one of the holiest items in existence. As a result, it is an incredibly potent and effective weapon that may be used to fight demons and other things associated with the underworld. This spear, which is one of the thirteen Longinus created by God from the Bible, is known as True Longinus and is believed to be one of the most dangerous "bugs" in the Sacred Gear system. It possesses world-class powers that, if they were to fall into the wrong hands, might cause the destruction of the entire planet.

When the two young women heard what Altair had to say, they were taken aback because he stated that a force that was capable of destroying the globe was no laughing matter because it involved the lives of billions of people.

If they were to lose possession of this artefact, it would be the end of everything they had ever known.

Altair did nothing but sit there and wait for Artoria and Jeanne to compose themselves and process the information he had just shared with them.

It was too much information for the two of them to process at once, so to say that they were not surprised would be a lie.

"Master, I would like you to continue the explanation about Sacred Gear," the student asked. After Artoria and Jeanne had a moment to themselves, she said.

Altair turned his focus to Jeanne, who was also paying listening, and made the decision to continue talking. However, before he did so, he took a little sip of the wine, which he continued to find to be terribly terrible while also being really addictive.

Sacred Gears have the potential to have a variety of effects, such as Twilight Healing, which provides nearly instantaneous healing, and Twice Critical, which causes the user's power to be increased by 100%. For example, a Sacred Gear known as blade Birth has the ability to endow Demonic Swords with a variety of distinct properties. These include the ability to make a blade that consumes sacred energy, a sword that devours flames, and a sword that absorbs wind. They are also able to change and develop in response to the ideas, requirements, and emotions of the people who use them, gradually picking up new skills and capabilities along the way. This is the origin of the Balance Breaker ability, as well as the origin of the metamorphosis into a subspecies.''

Both of them inquired about the subject at the same time, "Subspecies?"

''A Subspecies is a piece of Sacred Gear that has developed its own distinctive quality as a direct result of the emotions and ideas of the person who carries it. They are more powerful than the conventional form of the same Sacred Gear, and sometimes they also get a new ability. Sacred Gear is a term that refers to any item that has been blessed by a deity. It is possible for the Sacred Gear in its normal state as well as the Balance Breaker to be of a different subspecies. On other occasions, though, the Balance Breaker is the lone member of its subspecies. Even with Longinus, it is possible to strike a healthy equilibrium between the many subspecies. He explained, prompting each of their faces to register a look of surprise.

These Longinus don't seem to have any boundaries, do they?

''Master...'' Jeanne developed a fear of asking questions because she was concerned about the response that she might get.

''Yes?'' Altair gave her words of encouragement while maintaining a cheerful demeanour.

"The True Longinus... does it also have a subspecies?" "The True Longinus..." Jeanne made the decision to inquire.

''Yes...'' While he was talking, he noticed that both of the young women were sweating because of their anxiety. He assumed that this was because they were nervous.

They underestimated the level of danger posed by True Longinus.

"This Sacred Gear appears to have no boundaries, does it?! What the actual fucking OP.'' After Jeanne's exclamation, everyone took a momentary pause and their heads dipped.

This woman has a terrible habit of using foul language.

Altair asked while smiling in an impolite manner. "May I now continue, or would you prefer that I stop here?"

"No way, now that you've begun, you need to see it through to the end. Jeanne insisted that he proceed because, after all, the new information that she was gaining from Altair was providing her with a great deal of entertainment.

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