
DxD: The Plunder System

Gods, Devils, Angel, Fallen, Dragon... Countless beings, countless skills. So, what does a human do in such a situation? He fucks and he steals. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me at: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Fallen and Dreams

To the far north of Kuoh, there was an abandoned Church that was damaged by a fire. The incident caused the location to be deemed ominous and thus no one went there since then.

The church being situated at the edge of the town, with no nearby houses or attractions was another reason that no one visited that place.

Making it a perfect hideout. 

And that was exactly what it was used as.

"How is the progress?" A seductive feminine voiced asked, as a group of individuals gathered. "Have you located her?"

"Not yet." The reply came from a man with a build much bigger than average. "But we did find a few clues. It won't be long before we locate her."

The woman frowned. "That is not good enough, dohnaseek. Find her as soon as possible or we will be in great trouble."

"Take it easy, Raynare." This time, the voice was sharp and sounded rather like a little girl's. "We have more than one issue at hand. Stressing too much will make you age even faster."

"Shut it, Mittlet."

The petite blonde stuck out her tongue at her superior's comment.

"But Mittlet is not wrong." 

The time, the voice belonged to a rather mature and seductive woman.

"We have more than one issue at hand." The blue haired woman, who also happened to be the tallest in the room said. "What about the boy that you have been monitoring?"

This made Raynare smile. "I will deal with him in two days, Kalawarner."

"But you said something about another boy, didn't you?" Dohnaseek rubbed his chin. "It will be a problem if he turns out to be the user of another sacred gear."

"I don't sense any magic from him, so Sacred Gear is a high possibility." Raynare sighed. "But I cannot deal with a missing report, a possible sacred gear user and now this kid."

"He is a kid." Mittlet said. "I don't play with kids."

And it was true, all of them had a type but Mittlet's type was the most concerning.

She preferred older, toxically masculine and turbulent men –types that both Raynare and Kalawarner despised. 

"Who is this kid?" Kalawarner asked, seemingly interested.

"He is a new kid in town, but he has no connections to any church or magician… Or even any supernatural." Raynare said. "I did a thorough background check."

Kalawarner leaned on the pillar next to Mittlet. "Since you are quite busy and my task is almost done, I can take this task."

This made Raynare's eyes widen, as she knew that young boys were not Kalawarner's type either. But, she also knew that her comrade was devoted to her work.

"I owe you one for this."

Kalawarner nodded. "What is his name?"

Raynare frowned. "Kento Yamazaki…"


"Are you okay, Kento?" Aika asked as the two walked back home from school. 

"Y-Yeah." He said rubbing his nose. "I guess some dust got into my nose."

Giggling at the scene, Aika took out her handkerchief before helping Kento.

"Thank you." The boy said. "And thank you for agreeing to walk home together."

Aika looked down. "Err… No, I should be thanking you. It is not often that I get to go home with someone."

Kento didn't say anything. He knew that most of the students avoided Aika but he was not certain why. Some just didn't care, like the girls of the archery club –but some did.

Especially his classmates. But he couldn't directly ask the girl why.

"Well worry not then." He announced. "Since our houses are in the same direction, we can always walk home together."

Aika was taken aback by this.

"Y-You mean it?"

In truth, she still couldn't understand why out of all the girls in the class, he asked her. It was a shock to her. At first, she thought it was because she sat next to him but soon ruled that reason out.

She also thought of the possibility that he was using her. But got rid of that thought when she realized that there was nothing to gain from her.

'Is he really just a nice guy?' She wondered.

Because if he was, that was the best thing that could have happened to her.

Because of her skill, she found it difficult to keep a straight face in front of men. And she tried never to talk about her skill but one day one of her classmates found out about it and since that day, her life has been living hell.

People marginalized her and called her names –Pervy Glasses being one of the most famous.

She never asked for this, She was just unfortunate to have this ability.

However, she knew that she couldn't always stay the sad and depressed girl. So, she decided to embrace the personality that others painted for her.

The perverted glasses girl.

But now…

Maybe she did not have to play that character.

Maybe she could be her.

Just an average, normal girl.

But this made her wonder something.

'Do I even have anything special? Anything noteworthy?'

She knew that without that skill, she was just your everyday high school girl with nothing to make her stand out.

Maybe she was below average given how few connections and friend circles she had.

"So, what is your plan for the future?" Kento asked, his hands above his head. "Like any dreams and stuff?"

Aika was once again taken aback.

"That… Is quite a loaded question." She said.

"Is it?" Kento raised an eyebrow before giving her a shrug. "Maybe."

But now that he asked, she was confused. 

"I-I… Never thought about it."

As a kid, she had a lot of dreams. But now…

She had none.

Kento paused for a while, amused at how a teenage girl was without any dreams or goals.

But then he shook his head and smiled. 

"We are the same then."

This confused Aika. 

"You don't have any dreams?"

Aika was certain that someone like Kento would have his dreams and goals sorted.

'Guess everyone can be confused.' She hummed. "Then what do you want to do?"

"I… Just want to enjoy life." Kento answered honestly. "Life is too short to worry about unnecessary things. You never know when you might be shot dead. So, I am trying to live without any regrets."

He gave her his signature smile. "Just enjoying life, ya'know?"

This was a rather interesting answer for Aika.

One that she did not dislike, instead loved.

"That is really nice." She nodded. 'I wish I could do the same.'

Shaking her head, she smiled. "How about stopping by the bakery for some cream buns?"

Kento grinned. "That sounds like a plan."

But as they laughed and talked, Kento looked back with a frown.

"Something wrong?" Aika asked.

Kento stared back for a while before shrugging and shaking his head. 

"I just felt like someone was behind us." He sighed. "Must be my imagination."

"Are you not getting enough sleep?" Aika asked at which he nodded.

"Might be."




Unknown to them, a shadow was actually looking at them.

A petite feminine shadow.

"He is not normal…" She mumbled. "I have to tell Rias about it."


[[A/N: Support me on Pat reon: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

Finally decided on the first faction/s (hehe) that I will be exploring. It will be around ch 20-21 when I start exploring as till ch 19-20 it will be about the fallens, Raynare... Kalawarner... Dohnaseek.

And remember that MC can get skills without plundering but they will not be race specific skills.

Like he cannot randomly get The Power of Destruction from a random quest.

But he can still get powerful skills, even S rank ones.

Finally, he cannot steal-steal skills. Imagine him randomly stealing the powers of an heir or heiress, let's take Rias for example. If he steals the power of Destruction and it vanishes from her arsenal... And he decides to use it in public –there will be a bounty on this head.

So, the plunder skill has a twist.

P.S. Note that even if MC has sex with someone, it won't mean that they will automatically be in the harem.]]