
DxD: The Plunder System (Paused)

Gods, Devils, Angel, Fallen, Dragon... Countless beings, countless skills. So, what does a human do in such a situation? He fucks and he steals. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me at: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

The Plunderer

A massive headache, an upset stomach and a dry mouth.

He wasn't sure how being shot related to all that, but he was suffering from it all.

It was dark at first, but soon the black turned into bright light as he saw the sun gawking at him.


As he woke up, he found himself in pain.

A lot of pain.

But just as the confusion was growing, he heard a voice that left him speechless.

<<Plunder System Activating>> 

A mechanical voice.

<<Fixing Host's Status>> 

The pain and the dizziness that he felt soon started to vanish. But once his eyes opened, he realized that he was not outside but inside a house.

The sunlight was not from being outside, but because of a massive skylight right above his head.

<<Host's Status Stabilized>> 

<<Bonding Rate With The Host: 100%>> 

<<Basic Features Unlocked>> 

<<Showing Current Status>> 

<Name: Kento Yamazaki>

<Age: 17> 

<Race: Human> 

<Class: Inferior> 

<Title: The Plunderer>

<STR: 10> 

<AGI: 10> 

<VIT: 10> 

<PER: 10>

<INT: 10> 

<WIS: 20> 

<CHA: 40*> 


<<*Bonus Active From Plunderer: +25 Charisma>> 

"What… the hell?"

Elijah was more than confused as to what had just happened. The game like translucent window and the mechanical voice made him certain that he had gone insane.

He remembered being shot and now he was in a bedroom which was clearly designed by an idiot as the skylight was right above his bed.

As he tried getting off the bed, he felt that his body was a bit lighter and even…


His eyes went wide as he rushed towards the mirror, wishing to god that it wasn't what he was thinking.

As he walked towards the mirror, which was ridiculously tiny, he saw a young face that was definitely not his.

"Young… and Asian."

His face went pale.

It was not him standing in front of the mirror, it was not Elijah Payne.

It was someone else.

But then he remembered what he had heard and seen.

The game like system never said anything about him being Elijah Payne.

Instead, it called him…

"Kento Yamazaki…"

He felt his head spinning, as the system sent him warning.

<<Host's mind is unstable. Host is advised to relax.>> 

"What the actual fuck…"

But just as the confusion was increasing, he heard someone calling him.

"Kento! Breakfast is ready. Come down or you will be late for your first day at school."

"So you are saying that you have a headache?" The woman that stood in front of him asked with worry in her eyes. "I told you not to stay up till late."

"Ahaha… I am sorry, mom."

He was surprised at how naturally the `mom` came out of his mouth.

"Can you go to school or do you want to stay at home for today?"

The woman, who was now his mother, had brown hair with a few gray strands. She was quite short, around five feet or five feet one by Kento's rough estimate.

But what surprised him above all else–

"I think I can go."

–Was the fact that he spoke perfect Japanese, despite never learning it in his previous life.

"Are you sure?" She asked, wondering if her son was truly alright.

But despite Kento's mind being a total mess, he wanted to get out. It wasn't a lie that he wasn't feeling too well.

He was feeling suffocated and while it was not a smart choice to go to school with such a feeling, he wanted to do anything to get out.

"Yeah, I am."

He smiled, which was seemingly harder than one would think.

He had to call the woman in front `mother`, despite never seeing her before in his life.

He wasn't even sure why he wasn't screaming at the top of his lungs. After all, he only remembered being shot, but nothing else.

Yet he knew that it would do him no good. 

It wasn't a dream, he felt emotions and pain which was proof that he wasn't in a dream.

The woman's face softened. "Then eat before you go, but do not stay under the sun for long if you are not feeling well. And if your condition seems to worsen, call me immediately."

He nodded. "Sure."

<<Congratulations! On successful linking with the system, the host has been rewarded!>> 

<<Rewards: {Inspect (F)}, Points ×10>>


Walking towards his school, Kento read the reward information.

<<Points can be allocated in stats according to the host's choice>>

<<More rewards can be achieved by completing quests and defeating opponents.>>

<<Race and Character specific skills and abilities can only be obtained through Plundering.>>

"That is interesting." He hummed. "And in games, an increase in stats means an increase in abilities. But I wonder how this plunder part plays out"

It was still too much for him to process, but he had realized that it was not a dream and whatever was happening to him was a reality.

It might be his brain being damaged and showing him random things, but in truth, it wasn't the worst.

If it was not a dream, it meant he had another chance in life. 

Looking at the flip phone in his hand, he chuckled.

He didn't even remember when was the last time he had seen a flip phone. But there he was, holding onto one 

And what interested him even more was the fact that the year that was displayed on the phone was 2008.

It was exactly fifteen years behind the time he was from.

Taking a deep breath, he followed the directions he got from his mother.

The school wasn't that far away, and from the information he gathered. He learnt that his family recently moved to this town after his father's death, which was named Kuoh. 

But he took a deep relaxing breath, when he learnt that the inheritance was quite big and they did not have to worry about money.

To be honest, he was surprised at how much information his mother was able to pack in that little conversation that they held.

"Well women are good at talking."

After a few minutes of walking, he was finally at his destination.

"Kuoh Academy, huh?"

It was a rather nice looking academy and from the uniform, he was wearing, he could tell it was quite a luxurious one.

'Apparently, it was an all girls school previously.'

He wondered what led to the sudden change of making it a co-ed.

'Not that it matters.'

Not bothering with the unnecessary details, he walked inside the campus, immediately spotting the massive disparity in male to female ratio. Not to mention, the number of feminine gazes on him. 

He found it weird at how easily he could tell that quite a lot of them were blushing as they looked him.

"Is that a new guy?"

He heard them whispering.

"He is quite handsome~"

He did not deny the claim. While he was handsome in his previous life, he was more of a pretty boy in this life.

Again, not that it mattered, but he did not hate his appearance.

While no one openly admitted, the good-looking people did have an advantage in life.

'Whatever makes life easy for me is good.'

As he walked inside, he asked one of the girls for directions.

"Excuse me." Putting on his best smile, which immediately made the girl blush, he asked. "Can you please tell me where class 2-B is?"

For a solid minute, the girl stared at him. This made Kento a bit awkward but he didn't say anything.

Nonetheless, as she realized what she had done, she blushed and nodded strongly.

"F-Follow me."

She said awkwardly.

Kento wondered why she decided to walk him to his class rather than simply giving him the directions, but as he saw the blush on her face, he understood immediately.

They walked for a while and Kento was amazed at how big the place was.

But then he remembered that the Academy had classes from primary to high school to college. And so it made sense that the Academy would be massive.

"T-There." The girl finally said. "Class 2-2 B!"

Kento found her stuttering cute.

"Thank you." He said. "I am Kento Yamazaki, a new student."

The girl shyly shook his hand, not being used to handshakes. "Momo… Momo Hanakai."

She introduced herself.

"Then I hope to see you again, Momo." Smiling, he placed his hand on the door.

This caused the girl to blush before shyly turning around.

"Y-Yes! I have to go to class as well!"

Saying this, she immediately rushed out of the place.

This made Kento chuckle.

"What an interesting girl."

Finding the entire scenario funny, he opened the door.

And as he did, he saw chaos.

A massive group of girls were gathered at the end corner of the room and from what he figured, were three boys with their faces swollen beyond recognition.

"Take this you filth of the earth!"

"Disgusting perverts!"


There were countless curses flying at the boys which made Kento's eyes twitch and wonder what the boys did to garner such wrath.

But as he was wondering about the situation, he heard his system speak.

<<Chain Quest Alert!>> 

<<Quest One: Figure out the names of the boys!>> 

<<Quest Two: Figure out the reason for their beat-up!>> 


Quest One: Points ×10 

Quest Two: {Water Manipulation (F)}>> 

These were quite tempting rewards.

'But how am I supposed to figure out their names?' Kento wondered. 'I cannot ask considering the situation they are in.'

But just as he was thinking of a way, he remembered something.

'Wait! I got an inspect skill!'

<<Inspect (F): Allows the host to see the name and special skills of a target>> 


<<Note: Level up the skill for additional options.>> 

Kento wasn't certain how to activate the skill, but he decided to take the name of the skill in his mind.


And it worked.


{Name: Issei Hyoudou 

Skills: Perverted Luck(A), Sacred Gear (sealed)}

'What the hell is perverted luck!' Kento was amazed. 'It just sounds wrong.'


What interested him more was his other skill.

'It says his Sacred Gear is sealed… But what is a Sacred Gear?'

The system did not give him any information, so he decided not to worry about it. Instead, he moved away from the ponytailed boy and looked at the bald boy.


{Name: Matsuda Kaminari 

Skill: Slippery Fingers(E), Athletic Physique(F)}

Kento could guess what the athletic physique meant, but he had no clue what slippery fingers did.

And considering the first boy's skill, he guessed that it was not a noble skill.

But finally, his eyes moved towards the guy with glasses.


{Name: Motohama Tanaka 

Skills: Three Size Scouting(E)}

'Okay, that's enough inspection…'

Kento felt a headache looking at their skills. He didn't even need to ask for the reason they were being beaten. He had a pretty good guess.

"They definitely did something perverted."

And as he said that, he immediately heard the voice of the system.

<<Chain Quest Completed!>> 

<<Rewards Obtained: 

Quest One: Points ×10 

Quest Two: {Water Manipulation (F)}>> 

But the voice of them system was not the only one that he heard.

"You are exactly right."

Hearing the voice, he immediately turned around and found a middle aged man sighing at the situation.

"That's enough girls! Class is starting!"

That man was none other than the homeroom teacher.



Read Ahead on Pat-reon: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

Currently posted till ch 10, will have around 25-30 advanced chapters in a week.




MC will get skills without plundering from the system but he cannot get skills like Destruction, Divine Dividing etc from it without plundering. 

The skills obtained from plundering will be on another level. 

As for his looks, everyone will see him as the anime equivalent of Kento Yamazaki (The Actor/Model).

Smut will be scattered around every 10-14 chapters other than the first few ones which will be kinda frequent.

Update Schedule: Daily

This will be applicable from next week.]]