
DxD: The Plunder System (Paused)

Gods, Devils, Angel, Fallen, Dragon... Countless beings, countless skills. So, what does a human do in such a situation? He fucks and he steals. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me at: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Disciple vs Disciples (2/2)

<<Opponent Defeated!>> 

<<Plunder Activated!>> 

<<Plundered Opponent's Essence!>> 

<<Skill Plundered!>>

<<Scale Armour (A): Envelops the user in draconic scales that can help to reduce the intensity of elemental attacks by half.>> 

<<Opponent's plundered skill reduced by one grade.>>

Kento smiled at the audience. "So, who's next?"

All the onlookers, except the gods, were shocked at the display.

"W-Was that real?"

"He took down Ryu in one strike!"

"And Ryu was in his transformed state…"

"Can we win?"

After the display, everyone was stunned.

Seeing this, Kento got a little worried. As he knew that if they all chickened out, he wouldn't get the quest rewards. 

So, he decided to have a handicap.

"Since there seems to be a lot of opponents and not enough time." He showed them a cocky grin. "How about I give you the permission to attack me all at once?"

"Kento don't!" Inari said, worried about the safety of the boy.

However, Kento assured the goddess with a nod and a calm smile.

"He'll be alright." Tsukuyomi said. "He must have something planned."

"He is teaching them a lesson." Susanoo voiced.

'Something that I wanted.' The god smiled, not telling the others about his thoughts.

The disciples that were previously worried were now furious.

"Did he just challenge us all?"

"Does he think he is capable of taking on all of us?"

"Just because he took down one of us makes him think he can take down all of us." 

"The audacity!"

Kento already expected this but he was still surprised at how easy it was to provoke people.

'And people wonder how some humans are able to control the masses with just their words.' Kento felt disappointed. 'Most are just sheep.'

And they were.

As just his words were enough to make them surround him.

"Are you sure about this, Kento Yamazaki?" Tsukuyomi asked, giving him an opportunity if he wanted to change his mind.

"I am." Kento said confidently. "I should be enough to deal with them."

"Alright, that's enough." One of the disciples lost his cool. "Is it alright if we fight him as per his wish, Kami Susanoo?"

The Kami did not mind, instead he was rather happy with the question.

"Everyone should pay for their words." He grinned. "No matter who they are."

These words made the disciples believe that even Susanoo was displeased with Kento and he was giving them a chance to teach the boy a lesson.

However, Kento was aware that it was not the case.

"Very well then… We will entertain you." 

Saying this, the disciples entered the small arena, surrounding him without leaving a way to escape.

Kento's passives were active as he was surrounded by Youkai or even humans that were blessed by gods.

Which was enough for the system to register them as having an advantage over Kento.

There were exactly twelve opponents that Kento had to face which did surprise him a little.

'System… You already knew that there will be a total of thirteen opponents including Ryu, didn't you?'

It always surprised him how the system knew everything that was happening or was going to happen.

As if it had already seen things play out even before they happened.

But it did not matter. The system was his best hope of gaining strength and the system was doing just that.

Providing him with strength, not just physical but political as well.

"Get him!"

One of the disciples yelled as the bunch rushed at him.

{Flash Steps}

Kento had no intention of taking hits or even blindly attacking them without proper information.

Hence he scouted their skills first.


A lot of them had skills that did not matter to him at all. 

But there were also quite a few useful skills.

{Gigantification (A)}

He dodged the massive fist that rushed at him.

{Acid shot (B-)}

"Dammit! He dodged that!"

For now, Kento was just testing out their skills and hoping to get something good upon defeating them.

{Freeze Breath (A-)}

Kento frowned as he noticed a lot of them having some annoying powers.

'Some of them have brains…' He realized.

The user of the {Freeze Breath} did not attack him head on like the others. Instead, the disciple used his breath to freeze the ground which made it difficult to move around on. 

Sadly for the disciple, Kento had the counter to ice.

{Blue Flare}

Summoning the fire right under him, he was able to melt the ice.

And as his opponents had fire based skills, his {Blue Flare} was able to grow stronger as it consumed the other flames.


One of the disciples screamed in agony as the flame caught onto him and from there started a chain reaction that enveloped most into fire.

This was his chance and he took full advantage of it.


The martial art mixed with his special skill.

{Kama's Path}

Was a one shot killer for enemies that were a little weaker than him. As {Horo-Kanu} allowed Kento to attack his enemies in their weak spots and {Kama's Path} amplified the pain they felt from the attack –causing them to faint.

But that was not enough for Kento.

He also wanted to let the gods enjoy his showmanship.

And thus, he decided to be a bit flashy.

{Light Manipulation}

{Water Manipulation}

{Wind Manipulation}

He created multiple spears made entirely of elemental manipulation.


And used them to pierce through the defenses of his enemies.

It was not that difficult, instead he was having fun destroying the disciples.

The arena was a mess with fire, wind, light, water and many other elements flooding the area.


Some of the enemies were defeated with Kento's martial arts as they were not able to keep up with his clones.

As the numbers dropped to the last few, Kento decided to end the match with his strongest offensive skill.

"Thank you for entertaining me."

Saying this, he casted his skill.


And to ensure that it was enough, he casted {Kama's Path} to ensure that it was enough to knock them out.

The whirlwind swallowed all of the disciples into a massive swirl of wind and threw them far from him.

"And I hope you enjoyed the show."

<<Exclusive Quest Completed!>> 

<<Prove that you are better than the others!

Defeat the outer disciples 13/13>> 

<<Rewards Obtained: Points ×400, {Acupressure (A+)}>>

<<Acupressure (A+): Randomly increases two random stats by 75% upon casting.>> 

<<Bonus Condition Fulfilled: Opponents defeated without taking a single hit 13/13>> 

<<Bonus Reward Obtained: [Beast Ball (S)]>> 

<<Beast Ball (S): Can be used to capture creatures that can be classified as beasts.

100% success rate for beasts of High Class or lower. If the class of beasts exceeds the high class, the catch rate is reduced.

Catch rate is increased if the beasts are inflicted by debuffs or are influenced by a frenzy state.>> 

<<Opponent Defeated!>> 

<<Plunder Activated!>> 

With most of the opponents lying on the ground unconscious, while the others acted to be unconscious –Kento walked towards the gods.

"Excellent!" Susanoo said, his voice echoing the entire place. "As expected of MY disciple."

He made sure to emphasize his statement, causing the disciples who were unsatisfied with the decision to lower their heads.

"I believe this is enough to prove why he was chosen as a direct disciple." Tsukuyomi announced. "Does anyone still doubt my brother's choice?"

No one raised their heads, making the god of the moon nod. 

"Good." He said. "Remember that gods do not take decisions without a reason. Learn to respect."

Everyone was embarrassed by his words. 

"And as promised. The ones that fought with Kento and lost will lose the chance of becoming a direct disciple forever." He announced. "And that is not a decision that can be changed."

Inari felt a little sad that the kids forever lost the opportunity, but she knew that everyone had to bear the responsibilities for their own choices.

Saying this, the gods made their way out of the place –With Kento following behind them.

And as he followed, he could barely keep himself from cracking out a massive grin.

'This was one of the best harvests so far.'

<<Skill Obtained!>>

<<Freeze Breath (A-): Allows the user to freeze anything that their breath hits.>> 

<<Gigantification (A): Allows the host to increase the size of any part of his body.>> 

<<X-Ray Vision (B+): Allows host to see through anything as long as it is not protected by illusion magic.>> 

<<Shadow Claw (A-): Forms claws made of shadow. If an opponent is hit by the skill, there is a 50% chance of putting them in a terrified state.>> 

<<Water Manipulation (B)>> 

<<Host already possesses (Water Manipulation)>> 

<<Using opponent's plundered skill to strengthen host's skill!>> 

<<Water Manipulation (C) → Water Manipulation (B)>> 

<<Opponent's plundered skill reduced by one.>>

And that was not the only skill improvement.

<<Wind Manipulation (C) → Wind Manipulation (B)>> 

<<Enhanced Physique (C) → Enhanced Physique (A)>>

'That's around a sixty percent plunder rate.' Kento grinned. 'Not too bad.'

"Follow me, Kento." Inari smiled. "You should know what are the items you can gain by becoming a disciple of a Shinto Kami, shouldn't you?"

Hearing this, Kento could barely keep his excitement.

'You mean even after all those rewards and plunders, there is still more I can gain?' 


[[A/N: Read 25+ Chapters Ahead: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

Is the <content> angular bracket issue still there or is it fixed?

As for the story, for the next 23-24 chapters, we will be focusing on quests, trials and shinto a little. After that back to DxD crew (Peace Talks)

<Current skills: Inspect (D), Water Manipulation (B),  Kama's Path, Blindshot (D), Flight (A+), Light Manipulation (C), Horo Kanu (A+), Teleport (D), Master Swordsmanship (A+), Atlas's Will (A+), Herculean Strength (A+), Strategist (B-), Hermes' Celerity (A+), Athena's Insight (A+), Coeus' Perspicacity (A+), Adonis' Charm (A+), Hathor's Yearning, Cupid's Love, Expert Weapons Master (A-), Replicate (A+), Flash Steps (A), Whirlwind (S), Size Scouting (C), Blue Flare (B+), Wind Manipulation (B), Enhanced Physique (A), Immortality (S), Elemental Intangibility (SS), Power of Destruction (A+), Freeze Breath (A-), Gigantification (A), X-Ray Vision (B+), Shadow Claw (A-), Acupressure (A+), Scale Armor (A)>
